I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 105


Take out the emergency lights, choose a few clean houses to live in, and choose another one to make a fire for cooking. After a day of high energy and hunger, the big guys work together and cook a hearty meal. Two people in one room, each went to sleep.

The vines left branches in each room, and the men took turns keeping vigil, and the general, Goshawk, also joined the vigil.

The darkest time before dawn is also the easiest time to relax.

Ao Chengyi and Duan Jianghe guarded the last section, goshawks nested on the roof, guarded each other in the corridor, vines clung to each window, several rooms were guarded like iron bars, ensuring that no water leaked.

In the basement of the hotel, the door was opened silently, the general and the goshawk opened their eyes at the same time, the vines trembled and returned to their original state.

Ao Chengyi raised his eyebrows, "Keep it safe and wait and see what happens."

Duan Jianghe nodded.

The door to the basement was quickly and silently closed again. The black figure bent over, shuttled through the hotel familiarly, and climbed the window to the second floor with ease.

Covered by the night, he didn't notice the vines next to him, and got in through the window, which happened to be the room where the big team cooked. The inside was cleaned up very clean, only the lingering fragrance lingered.

Hei Ying was disappointed, looked at the next room, clenched his fists, and fought hard.

I didn't think about it, but before I took any action, the room was brightly lit.

The black shadow was shocked and was about to climb the window to escape immediately.

As soon as he turned around, vines swarmed in, blocking the entire window, and the door was suddenly knocked open, and a huge creature rushed in, and was stepped on in an instant, with sharp claws on his neck, and the flowing pulse could feel sharp. The coldness of the claws spread throughout the body, reaching directly to the heart.

Sombra knew that he was finished.

The big team walked into the room and looked down at Sombra.

This is a thin middle-aged man with a haggard face. When he saw them, apart from the shock at the beginning, he only had a dead air, a dead air in his heart. He simply closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and did not speak, and beat and killed.

Ao Chengyi sneered, "Guo Zi, some of you go and bring the people from the basement up."

Hei Ying suddenly opened his eyes, ignored the sharp claws on his neck, and struggled to get up, "You are angry at me, don't touch them, I just want to steal something to eat, I didn't want to hurt anyone, let them go, please let them go!" pass them."

Blood was rushing down his neck, and Hei Ying didn't seem to feel any pain. The little friend ignored him and struggled harder and harder.

No matter how hard he tried, the five people in the basement were still brought out. Two elderly people, a middle-aged woman, and two children. This should be a family of six. They were so dirty that they couldn't see their original appearance, and they were skinny and skinny. They were comparable to African refugees.

The two old people supported each other and walked tremblingly, while the three or four-year-old girl dragged the middle-aged woman's clothes to follow suit. The middle-aged woman was carrying a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy on her back, panting like a cow.

The boy was asleep, his face darkened.

The black shadow's face was ashes, and his eyes were blood red, "I beg you, let them go, I just take my life, please."

Seeing her father, the little girl let go of the woman's hand, staggered and ran over, kneeling in front of the man without any fear, "Dad, it's bleeding, it hurts, it's not painful, it's not painful. "He raised his head, opened his skinny face, and stared at the general with unusually large eyes, "Dog dog, my father is a good man, don't hurt him, okay?" Little hands like chicken paws went to break the general. paws.

The family of four reacted pale with shock, "Tongtong, come back, Tongtong."

The black shadow man pushed the little girl away. He was too anxious to control his strength. The little girl was thin and weak, so she was thrown directly into the air.

"Tongtong" two old people staggered towards them, how could their speed catch up, the woman could only worry about the child on her back.

Lan Shiruo frowned slightly, and moved to the side, the little girl just fell on her leg.

Ao Chengyi's handsome face was condensed, and he hugged the little daughter-in-law for inspection.

Lan Shiruo shook her head lightly, "It's okay." The little girl's strength could not hurt her.

"Tongtong, how are you? I'm sorry. Dad didn't do it on purpose. I'm sorry." The man choked up.

Tongtong is a strong little girl, she got up by herself and wiped away her tears, "Tongtong doesn't hurt, Tongtong doesn't cry, father doesn't cry, Tongtong doesn't hurt at all."

The two old men rushed over, hugged the little girl and shouted heartily.

Lan Shiruo subconsciously hugged Xiao Lebao tightly in her arms, after becoming a mother, she would never see her child suffer.

The woman put down the boy on her back and also ran over. The whole family hugged each other and cried.

Ao Chengyi hugged the mother and son and backed away a little, the smell on these people was really ecstasy.

Xiao Lebao woke up from crying, twisted in her mother's arms, opened her eyes and looked around.

Lan Shiruo put the mixed milk powder into the little guy's mouth, he would not refuse the little things, he could eat anything, nestled in his mother's arms, his eyes rolled around, and the food was incomparably sweet.

The family cried enough, and began to pray again, "Good man, good man, our old couple know that we are wrong to steal things, and you should be angry. I beg you, let my son, daughter-in-law and two children go. I give you my life, I beg you, they are still young and have a future, we are old, we can't help, we are still dragged down, they can relax when they die. Good people, please, give us our lives Take it to calm down, please."

The old couple kept kowtow on the ground, blood was seen in the blink of an eye.

The woman has to protect the two children, and she can't hold her back, so the man can only scream at the general's feet, "Parents, don't do this, I am the one who stole things, and I should take my life, you live well, live well alive."

The whole family cried again, Xiao Lebao stopped eating, and tilted his head to watch.

If Lan Shi can't stop it, she can only let Le Bao's father speak out.

Ao Chengyi raised his brows, his stern face carried a chill, "Shut up, General, let him go."

Jiang Xiang squinted at the man with his purple eyes, let go of his paws, and lay down beside Lan Shiruo's legs.

Regardless of his injury, the man rushed over to help his old parents up, and looked at the big team, "I'm sorry, I'm not defending myself, but I just want to ask you, don't hurt my family, they deserve my life and you take it , Without me, they can't live for long, so as not to dirty your hands, let them destroy themselves, please."

Ao Chengyi's expression remained unchanged, "Tell me who you are."

The man froze for a moment, and said truthfully, "My name is Fang You. They are my parents, wife and children. My father is a retired teacher, and my mother is a rural woman. My wife and I run this small hotel, and we have two lovely children." After the end of the world came, our family wanted to seek a safe place outside. Unexpectedly, we were robbed not long after we went out. Finally, the family saved their lives and came back here, but they were poor and had nothing. In order to survive, let the old man The child stays in the basement. I go out during the day to find something to eat nearby, and hide in the basement together at night. In order to prevent monsters from finding out, I can only make myself dirty and smelly. This place is relatively remote, and there is nothing around. In the end, there is really no way , hit the idea on the person who came here to spend the night." Speaking of this, the man's thin face had a suspicious blush.

"It's just that not many people come here to stay overnight, and we don't get many things, and we have to be careful, even less, but we have never hurt anyone, and we don't want to hurt anyone, just want something to eat And medicine. My son was sick a few days ago, and I finally came out after looking forward to someone coming. I wanted to find some medicine and food from you. I really didn’t dare to think about anything else. I’m telling the truth.”

(end of this chapter)