I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 137


The friends were so happy that they came up one by one to kiss, "Why is our Lebao so smart?"

"Xiao Lebao will definitely love his wife in the future."

"Xiao Lebao is mother's little padded jacket, and also the little padded jacket of aunts."

"Father and son are natural enemies, Big Brother's good days are over."

"Don't be cowardly, Le Bao, your uncles will support you and trample your own father."

Ao Chengyi's eyes were dark, staring at a group of earth-shattering bastards, did he forget his true nature after watching him be a good husband and a good father for a long time

Le Bao slapped his hands together, drooling over the bowl, hey, there's no way to change it, the little thing pushed the bowl back to his father, "Eat, eat, papa eat."

Ao Chengyi

"Puff ha ha ha"

Friends have a stomachache, what to do, wait online.

Ruan Kui and other old men also joined in the fun, and the little milk boy was really smart.

If Lan Shi is not prepared to feel sorry for her man, it is not uncommon to eat her son's saliva. She ate a lot, kissed her little cheek, took out a biscuit from her bag, "Go and exchange it with grandpa."

Ruan Kui waved his hands again and again, "No, no, the little guy really likes it, just take it and eat it, no need to change it."

Lan Shiruo shook her head, "Children can't get into the habit of getting something for nothing, and they should get it for nothing. Lebao, you can decide how much you want to exchange."

Le Bao grabbed the biscuit and put it in Ruan Kui's hand, only took a piece of jerky, the jerky was so big that even a small hand couldn't hold it. Put it directly in the mouth, the two small deciduous teeth on the upper and lower sides cannot be chewed, and can only be sucked. It is not bad to use as a molar stick.

The little guy gnawed a couple of bites, and remembering that there was a little sister, he walked up to Niu Niu on his short legs, and stuffed the saliva-stained jerky into the little sister's mouth.

Niuniu didn't eat it, she took it and stuffed it into the little guy's mouth. Le Bao was happy and sucked loudly.

Ruan Kui couldn't find anything to refute, so he exchanged it with the little guy, and gave the rest to Lan Shiruo, "The child likes it, let him eat it, the meat is really clean."

If Lan Shi didn't refuse, "Cook meat porridge tomorrow morning, and a piece of Lebao can last for several days. If you don't need these, hurry up and eat noodles, uncle, it's getting cold."

The old men ate noodles with tears in their eyes, and finally had a mouthful of warm food. The poor family members were not as happy as them, so even if they sent them back now, it would be useless.

After the meal, there was no entertainment, Miao's father went to Ruan Kui to talk about the family, "After the end of the world, how did you all live, and now you are living in W City?"

Ruan Kui sighed, "On the night of the acid rain, I was shipping goods with a few old guys. The local specialties we received from the mountains had a good geographical environment. They were all natural fruits. They were big and sweet, and they were unforgettable. Time ran out, and it was dark when we went back, so we had to drive at night, just us fruit sellers who often work together, and three large trucks were fully loaded."

"I'm still happy on the way back. I'm sure I'll make a lot of money this time. I didn't think too much about it when I saw the rain. It wasn't until early in the morning when I got home that I found something wrong with the rain. Personally, four of them fainted suddenly. If it weren't for years of driving experience, even the car would have to be scrapped. The remaining two guys had no choice but to dare not get out of the car casually. They didn't find shelter from the rain until dawn. Get out of the car to see the situation and find someone to help."

"I didn't expect that everyone is similar, too busy to take care of themselves, and there is no way to help. In the end, the two of them had to abandon a car and take the four of us who were sleeping. Fortunately, the six of us are all in the same place. It's just that the family situation is different. Not very good, the people who were not asleep were in a hurry, and they finally settled down. Everyone always felt uneasy, so the several families discussed staying together and hiding everything. This is how they escaped. The two carts of fruit It saved the lives of six of us, and allowed us to settle down in City W. Although it was hard, compared to others, we were lucky, at least we were still alive, and our family was together neatly."

"It's just that the end of the world has come, and those who have no ability can only wait for death. There is a safe haven in W City, but it can't let us live comfortably. The six of us are old, young, young and strong. I was injured on the road, so I can only take care of it at home. It is up to us old fellows to choose the breadwinner. We are not too old, we are awkward, and our ability is not strong. Although we have awakened the ability, we are stupid. It’s all at the bottom now.”

"So, we can only take on some simple and easy tasks and rely on brute force to do the work. No, this time we came out to pick up the sweeping work. There are a small number of rotting corpses wandering around. Our task is to clean them up so that they don't accumulate more The more there are, the more corpses there will be. This kind of mission is also simple, as long as you are careful, you will be fine, and there are more missions every day, it is most suitable for us, just take the rotting corpse head back and hand in the mission."

Ruan Kui was very open-minded, talking and laughing, "Although we are a little dirty, we live a good life. We have food, housing and work. It's pretty good. How about you?"

Miao's father blushed and scratched his forehead in embarrassment, "You are so powerful, I can't do it anymore. After the accident, I stayed in a small mountain village and waited for these children to come to save me. I have lived until now. These children are all capable. , and kind and sensible, I must have burnt incense in my previous life."

Ruan Kui laughed, "These kids are really nice, really nice." Seeing them, they don't dislike them, and not many take the initiative to approach them. Whoever sees them smelly and dirty is not hiding far away, just like hiding from the plague. Afraid of being contaminated, they are envious. "Boss Miao is a lucky man. He has raised a good girl, okay."

Miao's father was honored, waved his hands modestly, good daughter and good life, but he had to keep a low profile, "What is your name, Boss Miao, I will call it by name from now on."

"That's right, it's called by name. We are old acquaintances. We have worked together for so many years. I didn't expect to see each other now. It is also fate."

The old man sighed, the little friend didn't disturb them, and they slept peacefully after late at night.

There were men keeping watch at night, and it was rare for the old men to have a good night's sleep and be refreshed in the morning.

Wang Pei was cleaned up last night, so he didn't dare to grab the job of being in charge in the morning, and curled up in a corner cursing, looking at no one pleasing to the eye. Looking at it this way, it really looks like a neuropathy.

The Fei family father and son didn't know whether it was forgetfulness or thick-skinned, they completely pretended nothing happened, greeted everyone with a smile, chatted with the men, and asked the old men about W City.

Knowing from the mouths of the old men how good W City is and how powerful the Rong family is, they suddenly had the idea of abandoning the big team and hugging their own thighs.

In this regard, the friends are happy to see the success, even if they have no idea, they can no longer stay.

Breakfast is the meat porridge that was agreed upon. The dried meat is burnt and the rice is thick. Drinking two bowls per person will make you feel comfortable. The old men searched and searched so hard that they couldn't bear to drink it, and wanted to put it in a plastic bag and take it home, but they felt embarrassed, and felt uncomfortable after drinking it, full of guilt.

The friends saw it and didn't say anything. After the meal, Lan Shiruo asked Miao Miao to bring out the big iron bucket, the kind used to cook big pots of rice and stew soup, the kind with a bucket of water weighing hundreds of catties, and it was filled with more than half of the bucket of thick porridge, "Uncle, this My sister specially left it for your family, are you finished with your mission? If you are finished, come back to City W with us, just in time for your family to drink."

(end of this chapter)