I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 144


A large area of the rotting corpses was burned. Rong Deju's expression did not relax but became tighter. Something was wrong, something was wrong. There was no unreasonable attack. It would not be possible to gather so many rotten corpses in a short time. What caused them? So sudden and silent

There are also the last two lines of defense. Once they are breached, soldiers will come to the city, and they cannot sit still and wait for death. "The supernatural beings are divided into three groups, and they take turns to go down and attack melee, and cut down all the rotting corpses that rushed out of the river, while the others continue to attack from a distance to cover the supernatural beings."


The big team stood behind the crowd, and Lan Shiruo turned around, "Uncle and aunt, take Niuniu and auntie back, stay in the basement, don't come out until we go back, bring more food and drink, and bring self-defense weapons, we have a case , you look for a chance to survive."

The four middle-aged old people opened their mouths, but they couldn't say anything. They knew in the current situation that staying would only be a burden. "Okay, you must come back safely."

The little friend nodded with a smile, and watched the six people leave. After not noticing that they had disappeared into the crowd, the old lady left alone. The four middle-aged old people thought about it, but they didn't look for it after all. People are sometimes selfish, very selfish, and they can't make the children worry about an outsider.

On the tower, Lan Shiruo looked at Ao Chengyi.

Ao Chengyi nodded, and waved Goshawk to leave.

When I was about to wait and see what happened, the thick fog spread instantly, my friends were shocked, and the fog was thicker than ever.

Feng Tao retracted the dense fog and said in a deep voice, "Mutated birds are coming."


The goshawk returned, bringing the same news, and there were five miles around, full of densely packed rotting corpses.

"Tell Rong Deju." Lan Shiruo said.

Ding Jiajia nodded, and a gust of wind swept away.

After Rong Deju heard this, he was terrified, but his face was calm, "Everyone is ready, there is an air strike."

Everyone froze for a moment and reacted quickly.

Rong Deju took the initiative to come to the big team, "Please help me." He has a lot of capable people under his command, finding Lan Shiruo and his party is not only affirming the other party's ability, but also finding beneficial teammates for himself. A no-loss deal.

Lan Shiruo saw through Rong Deju's intentions, but didn't let it go, saying, "We are in the same boat now." Of course, it's not impossible to pat their ass and leave, but I'm afraid that no one will be willing to make friends with them in the future.

Humans are social animals, no matter how tough they are, they must act together with them.

"Thank you."

Lan Shiruo pursed her lips and asked Ao Chengyi, "How much weight can the goshawk bear?"

"three hundred."

Lan Shiruo murmured, "Master Rong prepares more oil so that Goshawk can cut off the carrion's back. Leave the air strikes to you and the ground to us."

"Okay." Rong Deju asked people to prepare without hesitation.

Thousands of catties of oil were delivered in a few minutes. Lan Shiruo let the vines hang on the goshawk, and the branches carried the oil barrels and threw them in the air.

After the contract between Goshawk and Ao Chengyi, he assimilated supernatural powers and could breathe fire. Now that he doesn't spray much, it is still possible to ignite fuel.

Goshawk Vine leads the order, and Rong Deju leads people to exterminate the mutated birds.

When the densely packed mutated birds moved from far to near, the sky instantly darkened, like dark clouds overwhelming the top, making people breathless.

"Archers, guns, bullets, lightning abilities, ready to release."

The goshawk and the vines had already flown in a circle, and a mouthful of fire spewed down, burning the ground for a mile.

Another round flew out, the mutated bird was also beaten down like rain, and the attacking team changed round.

Lan Shiruo swept around the first round of melee attacking the supernatural beings by the moat, almost exhausted, "The second batch of supernatural beings, come on."

Everyone could see Rong Deju's attitude, so even if he had doubts about the new commander, he rushed down and replaced the first batch without hesitation.

"Healing abilities and medical staff rush to treat them, take away serious injuries, treat minor injuries on the spot, and recover as soon as possible."

More and more rotting corpses climbed ashore by the moat, and the second group of people didn't last long. Ao Chengyi put the fake Le Bao into Lan Shiruo's arms, "I'll take people down, you are upstairs, be careful."

"You too, be careful."

Ao Chengyi nodded, took the men and the third group down, and replaced them with the second group. The moat was densely packed with carrion heads, layer upon layer, almost filling up the river, and the oil on the river could no longer support it. To burn all the rotting corpses.

More and more rotting corpses washed up on the shore, and the men were all equipped as standard, with a short knife in one hand and a pistol in both hands.

They didn't give up on using abilities. They remembered Lan Shiruo's words very well. The improvement of abilities must be placed every hour and every second. Now hot weapons can take advantage, but in the future, they won't be considered tasteless.

Lu Chaoyang tried his best to give birth to small seedlings, restraining the rotting corpse that had rushed to him before he could deal with it in time, and bought a second before he freed his hands to decapitate him.

Feng Tao is an irritable man, his fog is useless at this time, and he is very aggrieved. His sister-in-law said that the uselessness of the ability is not because it itself is useless, but because the person who uses the ability is too weak. The irritable man yelled, he is not weak, he stabbed down and smashed the carrion's head through.

Guo Zi has a simple and honest temper, but he is not soft-hearted when fighting monsters. After blasting the heads of the rotting corpses not far away, he covered the dagger with Lei Yi, threw it out, and flew back after blowing up a head. You can also harvest one by the way.

Duan Jianghe can be regarded as the worst fighter among men, but no one can match him when it comes to using knives. He knows where the human body is weakest and how to cut off heads more easily, even if a person turns into a rotting corpse In addition, so, the gun is not very useful, the knife is extremely easy to use, and can always accurately find the most suitable angle to cut off the head, which is inexplicably beautiful.

Ding Jiajia's fight against monsters is just like his temperament, jumping around the world, using wind blades instead of short knives, playing tricks, and also accompanied by a violent Feng Tao. Look, how powerful he is.

Feng Tao yelled again, and directly punched his head, brain, and sprayed the faces of the people around him.

The people lying on their guns walked away silently.

The river channel is tens of meters wide and hundreds of meters deep. After using all kinds of abilities, it didn't stir up any splashes, which seemed very tasteless.

Ao Chengyi frowned, a column of fire overturned a row of people, and shouted, "Prepare hay balls."

The hay balls are the stored grain and grass, and they are ready to be fed to some useful animals in the future. Ao Chengyi gave an order, and all of them were pushed out, "Pour oil and light the fire, and the wind can push them forward."

The huge ball of fireweed rolled forward like a snowball, forming a path of fire wherever it went.

Goshawk has already made several trips back and forth, the outskirts of the city are full of flames, and all the scorched forests have been completely swallowed up by the raging fire.

Everyone was lucky, they were in the upper wind, and the cold wind was howling, which gave them a lot of convenience.

Most of the mutated birds were killed or injured, and a lot of humans were also injured. Fortunately, the losses were not particularly serious.

The dawn of the battle gradually became clear, and a scream that pierced the eardrum instantly broke the situation.

The mutated birds scattered, some of them went to the residential buildings in the city. Their sharp claws could scratch through reinforced concrete and bulletproof glass, screaming everywhere.

Some shot at the people at the obstacle, guerrilla all the way, preventing them from doing it.

Some attacked the goshawks and fought with wheels, consuming the goshawks' stamina.

(end of this chapter)