I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 156


Most of the people who came here to hunt for treasure have already left, and there are still some who don't give up and continue to wander around the mountain. With an unrealistic guess, wolves live in packs. If there is one mutant wolf, can there be two or three? This trip they don't want to go in vain.

The big team was delayed because of Han Qingquan's lethargy and teaching the kids, and planned to stay another night.

Ao Chengyi comforted the little guy, and when he entered the space, he saw his little daughter-in-law feeding the sheep, and the grass was stuffed in the sheep's nose. Sighing softly, he hugged the little daughter-in-law to comfort him, "It's okay, I'm here, I'm not good this time, I didn't take good care of the little guy, I won't do it in the future, I will slowly teach him to be sensible, be good, don't be sad."

Lan Shiruo shook her head, "I'm not sad, I'm just scared, I'm afraid I won't be a good mother, I don't know what to do is the best for Le Bao, whether to let him develop freely, or restrain him from being cautious, I'm afraid A wrong decision of his own will cause him to embark on a road of no return in the future."

"Don't be afraid, and me. Although we are both parents for the first time, we have a lot to learn, but we can improve while learning. Lebao is very smart. If we do something wrong, he will tell us. In When he does something wrong, we can also tell him that he understands."

Lan Shiruo nodded, "Well, take your time, I'm not in a hurry. Where's Lu Zhang? Have you dealt with it?"

Ao Chengyi frowned, and shook his head lightly, "Let Ding Yibing and Xia Xun deal with it. I originally wanted to exercise their courage, but I didn't expect that when they had courage, their IQ was not good enough. They were deceived by Lu Zhang's fraudulent death. After realizing it, they ran away." Now, Lu Zhang will be invisible, I don’t know where he went, and he didn’t catch up.”

Lan Shiruo pursed her lips, "It can be regarded as teaching them a lesson, be more vigilant at ordinary times, keep away from the children, they should be fine."

Ao Chengyi nodded, and made a note of Lu Zhang, the scourge would not be eradicated, he could not sleep well, he never underestimated any ants.

Lan Shiruo looked at the serious expression of the dog man, pinched his handsome face, "Don't think too much, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. Anyway, I came in, harvested all the mature crops, and planted another crop, so I can catch lunch when I go out. "

Ao Chengyi kissed the corner of the young daughter-in-law's mouth, and the young couple began to face the loess and their backs to the sky.

Having lunch at noon, Xiao Lebao was held in Papa's arms, bulging with tears, looking pitifully at him.

Lan Shiruo didn't change her face, and fed him porridge with minced meat.

The little guy is so obedient, he opens his mouth obediently, chews obediently, swallows obediently, and sometimes he chokes, feeling very sad. During the lunch break, I didn't make trouble with the smart guys, and went to take a nap obediently.

Lan Shiruo was both sad and funny, taking a nap in the car with her eyes closed.

The little guy poked secretly, took advantage of Mama's falling asleep, climbed onto Mama's legs, the chubby body nestled into Mama's arms, opened his mouth and smiled, revealing four small deciduous teeth, and fell asleep peacefully.

Lan Shiruo opened her eyes, saw the little ball in her arms, her heart melted, she lowered her head and kissed the little head, and continued to take a nap.

When Xiao Lebao woke up, he found himself sleeping on the blanket alone, with his mouth pursed and wanting to cry again.

Thinking of Ma Ma's displeasure, Xiaopang wiped away the tears that hadn't had time to fall, and walked to Ma Ma with his short legs.

Seeing his little face begging for favor, the uncles and aunts sniggered unkindly.

Lan Shiruo turned her head, pretending not to see it.

Rarely had time, the girls accompanied Han Qingquan to the mountains to try out new skills, and the men helped Guo Zi to get more modified goods for emergencies.

The hillside was not big, and those who did not give up went back and forth several times, and finally left most of them disheartened. Now there are only a few people, and when they saw the girls, they just waved casually and left separately.

The spider sister of Han Qingquan's family spits out silk that is tougher than vine branches, but the length and quantity are limited, no more than three silks at a time, two or three meters. It is enough for Han Qingquan, it can easily strangle the head of the rotting corpse, the venom on it and her dark attribute black energy, others will have to finish it as soon as they touch it, it is more poisonous than the rotting corpse poison.

"Is there an antidote?" The girls shivered together, keeping away from Han Qingquan.

Han Qingquan remained expressionless, expressing shame for having such a little friend, "Yes, Sister Spider's saliva can detoxify."

The girls were relieved, but they still tried to keep a distant view of Sister Spider.

After fighting and going back, the middle-aged old people made a meal, rested after eating, and spent the night safely.

He set off early the next morning, and was very calm for several days. Xiao Lebao counted his fat fingers every day. Papa said, count one finger when it is dark and light, and count two little fingers after counting one little hand , so that Ma Ma can hug and kiss.

The little guy can't wait for it to be bright and dark in the blink of an eye, and he blames himself for eating too much, and the little chubby has too many little fingers on his hands, and he can't count them all.

Looking up at her innocent little face, she asked Papa, "Papa, huh?" Can I save a few little fingers

Papa said with a cold face, "I can't." I can't even understand it.

The little guy is depressed.

The big guy quietly watched him tangled up, Baozi's face curled into a ball, which was very interesting.

On the day when the sentence ended, Xiao Lebao flew into Ma Ma's arms, hugged Ma Ma's neck and refused to let go, pouted and smeared saliva on Ma Ma's face.

Lan Shiruo also wanted to have a soft and fleshy little body, so she hugged the little butt and patted it, and then gnawed on the little cheek, the mother and son were so affectionate that the father was jealous.

The little friends sighed, punishing a child is not punishing a mother.

Almost half a month later, I saw the gate of City Y.

It's just that it was not the right time, the sky was dark, the gate was closed, and many people like them could only sleep outside the gate.

Sleeping in the open at all times along the way, the big team is very used to it, and they divide their work, and they have already started cooking.

There are not many people who are as leisurely and carefree as the little friend, most of them dragged their families and traveled for ten days and a half months to come to Y City to seek refuge, and each of them was hungry and ate some dry bread and biscuits. Smelling the aroma of rice, my eyes are straightened, I can't wait to rush to grab it.

It's just that the safety zone stipulates that fighting is not allowed outside the city. If the smell of blood attracts some mutant species or rotting corpses, who will be responsible.

Therefore, even though he was so greedy, he didn't dare to be violent.

A young couple came here with their five or six-year-old son. The three members of the family were all unkempt and dirty, and there was a sour smell from a long distance away.

All three of them are fine, much better than the Ruan family back then, they are not skinny from hunger, and there is still some blood on their dark faces. Seeing something to eat, his eyes glowed green.


The sound of swallowing saliva is especially clear in the quiet dusk, and they don't see any embarrassment, grinning with big yellow teeth. In the last days, many people are like this. Without water or substances, and their stomachs can’t be filled, who can maintain personal hygiene at all times.

"My son hasn't eaten for several days. I want to ask you for some food. It doesn't need too much, as long as it can fill the child's stomach. You can't suffer for the child, right? We are not capable as parents, so we can only Please everyone."

I have no skills, and I came here to ask for alms, and I actually expressed a sense of pride, can I be so proud that I can bear to lose face

(end of this chapter)