I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 159


The rent here is the cheapest, and everything else is okay, but the staff is too complicated, noisy is one thing, and there are a lot of petty thefts.

Fortunately, the big guys don't have anything, and the Fang family takes all the things that can catch others' eyes with them, and the house is just some junk that others don't want.

Fang Tongtong took Lan Shiruo's fingers and brought them into the room, "Auntie, come quickly, sit in the room, the room is warmer than outside, I wiped the stools clean."

The stools in the room are all made of broken bricks. They are neatly stacked and wiped clean. They have been made around the room, and even a large team can sit down. The place by the window is piled up with broken bricks. Stove, some burnt ashes.

In the hole in the wall, the little girl pulled out a firewood, a small iron pot, a small bottle of mineral water, and then took out a lighter from her precious body, lit the firewood and prepared to boil the water.

The little friends didn't stop the little girl's enthusiasm, looking at this small room.

The single apartment of 20 to 30 square meters has no doors and windows because it is unfinished, there are many construction debris on the ground, and the walls are also potholes. The safety frame outside was removed and he used it. Fang's family went to the trash to find some cloth. The strips were put together to make curtains and curtains to keep out the wind.

This piece of unfinished building is very large. Looking around, there are hundreds of such buildings, all of which are thirty or forty floors.

"Tongtong, where do you sleep at night?"

The little girl wiped a pot of ashes on her little face, which made her face even whiter. "It's in the middle of the room, spread the pile of debris at the bottom, and hide the quilt under the debris, and you can sleep on it without any problems at all." It’s not cold. Auntie, you can sleep here at night, you can sleep many, many people.”

Lan Shiruo smiled, and wiped her little face clean, "Are your parents, grandparents and elder brother coming back at noon?"

"I will be back. My father and brother have been away for three days, and they said they would be able to return today. I was going to pick them up. I didn't expect to be so lucky that I met my aunt. Grandpa, grandma and mother will come back at noon every day." The little girl jumped It's really fun to jump around.

"Hey, the water is ready. Uncles and aunts drink it by themselves. Go and play with your brothers, sisters and brothers."

"Okay," children are always children, and playing is what they like best.

Lan Shiruo took out a soft cushion, asked them to sit on it and play, and took out snack toys. The little guys were laughing and making trouble, and the mature guys were still making trouble in the middle, and Le Bao was drooling. Thanks to his older brothers, sisters and the elite guys who didn't dislike him.

Having kids is fun.

Lan Shiruo took out the food pots and pans and asked her friends to prepare lunch.

Seeing how enthusiastic his little daughter-in-law is, Ao Chengyi must be planning to kidnap someone again.

Lan Shiruo rolled her eyes, she was originally a passionate person, okay

Ao Chengyi hehe, don't refute, everything my wife said is right.

The smell of food wafted out, and the whole unfinished building area went crazy, can I grab it

The black-faced patrol team looked downstairs, swallowed and swallowed their saliva, and turned around to patrol honestly.

Well, the patrol team didn't grab it, so they should rest their minds.

When the Fang family came back, it was a coincidence that they met on the road, but they didn't see Fang Tongtong who had agreed to pick them up at the door. They couldn't help worrying. She did everything she said, but she didn't expect this time. The most important thing is, how much she looks forward to her brother and father coming home, everyone knows that it is impossible to be absent.

The whole family was in a hurry, worried about the little girl's accident, and rushed home in a hurry.

When I arrived at the door, I found that there were many people guarding my house downstairs, openly and secretly, and the fragrance in the air could kill me.

But the family was worried about Fang Tongtong, so they didn't care too much, and ran upstairs.

Unexpectedly, the corridor was also full of people. They squeezed up and suffered a lot of blank stares. Even if they said that their home was up there, no one would believe it. It can be seen that people who want to squeeze forward say so.

The Fang family wiped off their cold sweat, but fortunately they didn't squeeze in vain and went upstairs.

I thought I could breathe a sigh of relief, but I didn't expect that there were more people in front of my house.

Could it be that something happened to their family

"Rang Rang, trouble Rang Rang, Tongtong, what's the matter with you, Tongtong?"

The Fang family was in a hurry, but the people in front just refused to let go. They were pushed back when they were too crowded, and they were in a panic for a while.

Fang Tongtong was helping to set the dishes, when she heard the shout, she ran to lift the curtain.

A dilapidated door curtain does not block the smell at all. For those who haven't touched meat in almost a year, it is simply Tang's raw meat, which will kill them.

Green eyes were shining fiercely, ready to rush in, and the frightened and cheerful little girl sat down on the ground.

The men carried cannons, pointed at the door, and came in if they had the ability.

The crowd backed away in fright, crushing many people, and one after another, they went all the way to the ground floor.

Miao Miao pulled Fang Tongtong up, and stood in front of the door boldly, "Get out of the way."

A group of people dispersed quickly, revealing the Fang family who were squeezed into a daze in the crowd, and then watched them enter the house with envy and hatred, and lowered the curtain to block their sight.

The Fang family also felt like they were stepping on clouds, light and airy.

Fang Tongtong grabbed her brother's hand and led it to Lan Shiruo, "Brother, this is the aunt who saved you. Auntie is so beautiful and gentle."

The young boy blushed with excitement, he dragged his clothes and dared not look at Lan Shiruo.

Lan Shiruo is funny, she is not bad looking, but it is not enough for a young boy to fall in love at first sight.

Ao Chengyi glanced at her lightly, didn't he think a little too much

Grandpa Wolf put his hand around the little white rabbit's waist, "Hey, don't dream."

Lan Shiruo gritted her teeth, glared at the dog man, and looked up at Fang Dengwen. The little boy is only fifteen years old, but he is half a head taller than her, tsk tsk, there is nothing he can do about it.

"Hello, I didn't see his face clearly when we met for the first time, but I didn't expect him to be a handsome young man."

Fang Dengwen Xiaojun blushed even more, "Hi Aunt Lan, thank you and all the uncles and aunts for saving me and our family, thank you." Calling a girl who is only five or six years older than himself as an aunt, the little handsome guy is very stressed .

Lan Shiruo felt pressured when she heard it, she is still young. "You're welcome, because your father said that you are very smart, your sister is very sensible, and they are good children, so I am willing to help you. Don't forget your original intention and grow up well."

"I will, and I will not disappoint everyone."

The other four members of the Fang family finally came back to their senses, and they were once again grateful to the big team.

The big guys sat around and ate happily.

In the afternoon, the old couple of Fang's family and Fang's mother asked for leave and didn't go out. Everyone sat together to talk about the current situation.

Kong Fenglin took Xia Xun and Ding Yibing to find a suitable place to live. There were dozens of them, and it was impossible for them to live here.

Lan Shiruo asked, "Do you know Master Hao?"

The Fang family thought about it seriously, then shook their heads, "I don't know, I've never heard of such a person."

"What about the one with the word Hao in the name?"

"No, could it be that this person is not famous? Or can we ask someone tomorrow?"

Lan Shi is right if she thinks about it, "Then I will trouble you, tell us about the situation in City Y first."

(end of this chapter)