I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 161


The head of the guard frowned, citing his years of obedience.

According to military experience, this man walked out of the dead, and the blood and evil spirit had penetrated into his bones. He said he couldn't leave, but he really couldn't.

But I'm a fool no matter what I say, I can't be cowardly, "It's like this, in the past two days, several children in the city have disappeared, and the children of this couple are among them. , You took the child away, so let's come and ask."

"Evidence, show it."

Opening his mouth, his scalp felt a little numb, "It's just a suspicion stage now, and the evidence will be found slowly."

Ao Chengyi's eyes were as cold as knives, "There is no evidence, but you forced your way in and wantonly damaged your personal belongings, how do you want to compensate?"

The boss frowned fiercely, "We didn't break the door and things, we just came in together and waited for you."

The little friend laughed, what a ridiculous explanation.

Lan Shiruo asked with a smile, "Who are you? What do you do?"

The head straightened his back, "We are the guards of City Y, responsible for the safety and order maintenance in City Y." There was a sense of superiority in his tone.

Lan Shiruo sneered, "So, in the name of guards, are you doing things like guarding yourself and stealing yourself? We are not people from City Y, but customers who gave supplies and paid rent, and are former taxpayers who support you. People, shouldn’t you have your guards? You just watched these people enter the hall and wantonly damage, not only did not stop, but also followed behind to watch the fun?”

After being exposed, the boss glared, "They are the ones who suffer, and they are a little emotional. It is understandable. You also raise children. You understand the feelings of being parents, so why can't you be more generous?"

"I don't care about your mother's generosity," Feng Tao couldn't bear his violent temper, and kicked him over, "They don't want to die, they are doing my shit, and they want to be magnanimous when they go to my house to make trouble, what the hell? You must be sick."

The leader was kicked until he spat out old blood, and he didn't get up for a long time. The little guard hurried forward and surrounded the big team, "Do you want to rebel? Don't forget, this is City Y, not a place for you to run wild, or Captured without a fight, executed on the spot."

"I" Feng Tao went up to do it again, but was grabbed by Lu Chaoyang.

Lu Chaoyang raised his glasses and stepped forward, "We are all gentle people. Don't move your hands when you can speak. Don't be impulsive. It's easy to hurt yourself. Ming people don't say dark words. It's impossible for you to come to the door with great fanfare just because of a word from these two idiots. If Communicate well, you can discuss anything, and if you want to be tough, you can accompany me, but don't regret it if you lose your life when the time comes."

The boss wiped the corners of his mouth vigorously, and wiped off the bloody froth on the corners of his mouth, "Hmph, hurting a patrol guard with your hand is a more serious crime. Don't try to run away today. Someone, take it down for me, take it back for a proper interrogation, and find Find out where the child is."

"Yes." A nest of subordinates rushed forward, and the melon-eaters backed away in exclamation.

The men directly protected the girls in the middle, each carrying a gun, "Come here and try."

The younger brothers of the subordinates are like cassettes, and they stop for a while. The boss didn't say that these people have hard goods in their hands. Hard goods are also available in City Y, but they are scarce. Except for the city guards on duty and the patrol guards on duty, there is nothing else.

The head squinted his eyes. There are indeed many good things on these people. He pushed away his younger brother who was holding him, and his whole body turned into gold, "I have a second-level gold ability. Just relying on your stuff, don't even think about hurting me. Disarm and surrender. Forgive you not to die."

The little friend laughed, saying that no one seems to have supernatural powers.

Ao Chengyi pursed his lips, "Huo conquers gold, let's see who is stubborn."

A fire chain sprang out, like a fire snake, quickly wrapped around the head.

I was shocked, what kind of fire attribute is this? Is it different from what you have seen

The fire chain is like a real iron chain, and it can't break free.

The metal on his body melted little by little, causing his whole body to ache.

The head couldn't support the supernatural power, the gold faded away, and it was actually burned on the flesh, rolling all over the ground in pain, screaming.

Everything happened so fast that the younger brothers didn't realize it for a long time. When they came back to their senses, the leader was only half breathed.

Ao Chengyi withdrew the chain of fire, but did not kill him for the time being, "Tell me who ordered you to come here, and I can spare your life."

The heart that was raised high on the head fell hard, and he struggled to breathe. He suffered extensive burns on his body. Even a superhuman would need a long time to recover. But the eyes are still cold, "You, don't forget, this is City Y, if I die, don't even think about it, it's better."

Ao Chengyi was condescending, "I heard that the leaders of City Y are very reasonable. I don't know if we will be grateful for helping them clean up the house."

The boss secretly hated him, he didn't take this matter seriously, if he really wanted to find out, the superiors would not help him in order to make an example of others, the important thing is that the four old foxes are waiting to catch his boss's tail. Sure enough, people can't be greedy. How can these people be mediocre if they can live glamorously in the last days.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the man could bend and stretch, "Let me die, I say."

"Whether I let you go or not, I have the final say."

The leader was silent, and lowered his eyes, "It's my cousin. The night before you entered the city, he took turns guarding the city gate. He saw that you had a lot of supplies, and you were in a poor area. Everyone knows that you have a lot of supplies, so , I just, just wanted to come"

"Are you only here to use power for personal gain? Hah," Ao Chengyi sneered, "It's a pity that the person I'm looking for is not good enough, and the person I'm looking for is stupid."

The little friend was very disappointed, thinking it was a big fish, but unexpectedly it was a little shrimp jumping up and down, jealousy makes people ugly, he counted himself unlucky, and was disgusted once.

I still have to bear with my territory, and I will figure out how to charge interest after finishing the work, "Get lost."

The boss was ashamed and angry, and asked his subordinates to carry him away. The howling woman sitting in the middle of the room suddenly went berserk and rushed towards Le Bao.

Le Bao was in Ma Ma's arms, watching the excitement with his eyes wide open, not afraid at all. Lan Shiruo backed away in shock.

The scariest thing in this world is madmen, who knows what they will do.

The woman rushed forward regardless, but was kicked out by Ao Chengyi and smashed against the wall. She wailed in pain, and did not forget to stare at Le Bao, "It's you, it's you, you took my son away!" , you want revenge on us because of a bowl of noodles, you have to die, return my son, return it. The little bastard grows so well, he must have eaten my son and all the children to grow up like this, It must be. Whose child will grow up like him, he is a monster, a monster, a monster that eats people, spit out my son, spit it out quickly."

The woman cried and yelled, her face was ferocious and terrifying, much more real than the fake crying outside the city. It seems that she really loves her son.

However, pointing at Le Bao and yelling and cursing could not bear it.

Ao Chengyi walked over with a dark face, stepped directly on the woman's neck, and gradually increased the force, his black eyes seemed to spew fire. "If you want to die, I will fulfill you."

The woman's eyes were full of horror, and she desperately tried to break Ao Chengyi's feet, her throat made a gurgling sound, and there was unwillingness and hatred on her face.

No one helped the women, they were dubious about what the women said that the child was taken away by Lan Shiruo and a group of people, and they didn't believe in the fact that the chubby baby cannibalized people at all, but Le Bao's good looks are obvious to all, so it can be seen that this group of people The supplies are really rich, so rich that they want to grab them.

(end of this chapter)