I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 42


"It's just an imitation of Dongshi. Painting a tiger is not an anti-dog, it has become a joke." Yun Shuiyao mocked. In fact, it is true that it is not so easy to be the boss. You have to be capable, intelligent, able to control subordinates, able to buy people's hearts, speak and do things, and be able to resonate. Blind power will only reap the consequences. I still want to be an emperor, I really dare to think about it.

"No wonder we see that the people on the periphery are living like beggars, while the people in the center of the city are living well, well-clothed and well-fed." He Lian said.

Lan Shiruo pondered for a moment, then asked, "Who is the person who reached an agreement with them?"

Zhang Yun shook her head, "I don't know, but I have photos."

photo? In the last days, this is a new word.

Zhang Yun smiled, it was indeed fresh, took the backpack behind her, and took out the camera, "There is the person I accidentally photographed inside, not very clear, only half of his face." Turned it out and handed it to the small team.

The small team has a weird face, this is still an acquaintance.

"Wouldn't the deal of this dog be our lives?" Yun Shui Yao said.

The little friend nodded, "Very likely."

Zhang Yun blinked, "You know each other?"

"I know," Miao Miao said, "this bitch used to be in a gang, called Long Zhan, and gathered a lot of scumbags in the villa in the southern suburbs to bully men and women, and even wanted to take action against us, but we took it all away. The bitch has a long life He didn't die, but he found a like-minded bitch again, who has been a scourge for thousands of years."

"I know," Zhang Yun said excitedly, "I heard at the time that there were not many people alive in the battle at the Nanwei Building in the southern suburbs, but everyone was terrified. They watched their companions being devoured by countless mutated creatures. There are hordes of rotting corpses again, and the battle is very fierce. I heard that it was plotted by a few women, but I didn't expect it to be you, you are my idol. I have heard about Long Zhan, and he is indeed a beast. Later, I heard It’s all thanks to you for saying that the end was miserable, and I regret not being able to watch it live, I’m so lucky to have met my idol.”

My friends are not very used to the sudden enthusiasm.

He Lian asked, "You took pictures of this, there are a lot of them, why are you taking pictures of these?"

Zhang Yun grabbed a handful of handsome short hair, "It's nothing, but a lot of things have been destroyed. It hurts to look at it, but I can't treasure it properly, so I took some photos. There is also human nature in the last days, as long as you meet, Regardless of the good or the bad, I took pictures of them. Although I don’t know if there will be peace and prosperity, I just do what I can. Xu Qiang and his gang chased me because I took pictures of many of his evil deeds. I am not afraid that these things will spread, but I feel that I have offended his majesty."

"You went to the museum today to take pictures? Why didn't you take pictures later?"

"I went to take pictures. Didn't I see you later? Knowing that you have space, and being able to collect some useless things on purpose, it means that you are also the ones who cherish them. In your hands, it is much better than me taking some pictures. Yes. My memory card is almost used up, so I will save some if I can.”

Yunshui Yao clenched his lips against He Lian, "You see, I already said she is a boring person."

He Lian sneered, "It's not boring, it's a good thing."

"Yes, yes, it's a good thing. My sister is doing good deeds, and like you, I think these things are a pity, so we deliberately put them away, and we can collect as much as possible." Miao Miao really loves her sister.

Lan Shiruo shook her head and laughed, "It's not a good thing, I just look for some entertainment after taking care of myself. Where does your electricity come from?" asked Zhang Yun.

"I have a solar charging panel, the one I've been using all the time, but I'm still worried because it's snowing all the time, and the stored batteries are about to run out."

"You've been alone? What do you eat?"

"There were a few small teams before, but they all felt that I was too different and didn't want to be with me, so I did it by myself. In fact, it was pretty good. I was free, and I could find something to fill my stomach. "

Miao Miao gave a thumbs up, "It doesn't look very miserable for you to have survived alone, it's amazing."

Zhang Yun smiled and accepted, "It's actually okay. I used to be alone. I'm a field explorer. I usually like to take pictures. I often go to deep mountains, old forests, and inaccessible places alone. I like the sense of accomplishment of conquering difficulties. Therefore, adapting to It's not hard to get up."

"Niu," the friends admired.

People like Zhang Yun, in the eyes of ordinary people before the end of the world, are purely of the type of death, but now, they have advantages and abilities that others do not have.

"What are your plans for the future?" Lan Shiruo asked.

Zhang Yun shrugged, "I don't know, one day is one day, right now, I really can't see the future at all, but the woman who ran away today is a scourge, you have to be careful."

"Don't worry, woman. Since she escaped from Xu Qiang, she will definitely not take the initiative to run back to seek death. She is a little smart, and she will not be caught so easily. Before that, we are all safe. Even if we are caught, It's not that easy to find us."

"Actually, with your abilities, it's no problem to leave City B. Isn't it better to go to other safe areas?"

Lan Shiruo shook her head, "I have to wait for someone, and going to the safe zone is not so smooth. There are many people in the safe zone, and the smell is heavy. After the snow melts, rotting corpses and various mutant species will advance, and their flexibility and attack ability will be enhanced. They can look for targets, and population centers bear the brunt of it."

"Will advance?" The news was really sudden, and Zhang Yun gradually felt that there was no hope.

"Well, so, are you willing to be with us? It happens that we are doing the same thing. Although there are scruples if you have companions, it will be easier to survive in the future if you have companions."

Zhang Yun was stunned, "Can I be with you? Really? But they all talk about me"

"I said, we are doing the same thing, so naturally we won't dislike you for being bored, you just need to consider whether you are willing or not, our small team is not very strong, as you can see, there are also endless enemies, but, we We advance and retreat together, share weal and woe, as long as we become partners, we will never give up betrayal, think slowly, don't worry."

"No, no, don't think about it, I am willing, I know it is difficult to survive alone, but I don't want to give up what I want to do, so I have been alone all the time, and I don't intend to trouble others, but now you want me, I am naturally happy. Don’t worry, I will definitely be a qualified little partner.” Can you not be excited, she almost died several times and was looking forward to it, it would be great if someone could come to help her, but no, It has never been. After a long time, I no longer want to expect extravagantly. The taste of disappointment is too uncomfortable.

Yun Shui Yao put his arms around Zhang Yun's shoulders, "Girl, don't be too happy, my sister has a problem, so I don't want to see other people's virgins. If you pick up poor little ones on the road in the future, my sister will be angry."

"Hey, don't worry, I'm really not a saint, I'm just extending my hand to those who want to work hard and do everything to survive, but owe others a hand."

"The world is chaotic, and there are all kinds of people. It doesn't matter if someone is worth reaching out to help," Lan Shiruo said. When she was running alone on the road of revenge, she received a lot of help. Even in the cold pool, It also warms the heart and lungs. There are still good people in the world. "Welcome to the small team, my name is Lan Shiruo."

(end of this chapter)