I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 45


Xiao Lebao giggled happily after being kissed, and took out the remaining little red fruit and stuffed it into his old father's mouth. "Ah," Papa ate.

Ao Chengyi didn't have time to stop it, how could he snatch the little baby's food like a beast, but then spit it out for the steamed stuffed bun to eat, it's even more inhumane, he's dirty and smelly, don't smoke the little guy.

Little Lebao didn't know about the old father's entanglement, he only knew that his old father liked to eat small red fruits, and he struggled to go to the field to get more for his old father.

Although the little guy has just learned to crawl, his speed is not slow at all. With the old father restrained for fear of hurting him, he slipped into the mist smoothly.

Ao Chengyi had no choice but to stand in front of the mist. With the previous experience, he was not in such a hurry, but he still felt a little uneasy. Fortunately, not long after, the little guy came back, and happily took out two saints from his pocket. fruit to him.

"Ah" I don't know what to say, and shrink back in a flash.

Ao Chengyi sat in front of the mist in a daze, looking at the two cherry tomatoes in his hand, his mood was very complicated, and he was also inexplicably relieved.

After going back and forth more than ten times, the little guy was so tired that he fell asleep in the arms of his old father.

Ao Chengyi was very distressed, but the little guy was stubborn and refused to let him do it, so he screamed.

There are more than 20 cherry tomatoes in my hand, half of which is reserved for the little guy, and the other half is taken out to share with the little friends.

The sudden appearance of the little buns surprised them for a while, and the sudden appearance of something to eat made them calm down a lot.

But I still couldn't help being curious, "Brother, where did you come from?"

"The little guy brought it."

The little friend turned his head and looked at the small ball in the arms of his boss who was sleeping, how can he take such a big one

"Okay, let's eat. I can't explain to you exactly what's going on. I'll talk about it later. It's cold outside. I'll take him inside."

The little friend watched the big brother leave, looked at the cherry tomato in his hand, tears filled his eyes, the last time he ate this thing felt like a previous life.

A few people didn't dare to be greedy, so they tasted one, and put away the rest, maybe it could save their lives.

After Xiao Lebao woke up, he was full of energy again. He ran over to fetch diapers and wet tissues, and asked his old father to serve him.

He likes this sport very much, bad Ma Ma always has no time to play with him, and finally finds smelly papa to accompany him, it must be fun.

Then the little guy started his career as a small expert in transporting, until three days later, Lan Shiruo woke up, rushed into the space at the first time, and saw the most conspicuous place, the cherry tomato she planted, bald.


Well, it's not important, the important thing is the little guy.

She felt that she had slept for a long time, and she didn't have time to see how long it was, and she was thinking about her son.

But after searching inside and out several times, there was no trace of Xiao Lebao. Except for the bald cherry tomatoes, nothing else had changed.

Lan Shiruo was so anxious that her face turned pale, she remembered that she put Xiao Lebao in, didn't she

He stepped out of the space and woke up Yunshui Yao.

Yunshui Yao was dizzy and his eyes were dull, "What's wrong?"

"Ask Vine for me, if you see Xiao Lebao, hurry up and ask for me."

Lan Shiruo's voice was urgent and high-pitched, everyone woke up, and a mastiff and a mouse came over.

"Woo hoo?" What's wrong

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll ask." Yun Shui Yao woke up instantly. "Xiao Teng Teng said that you put Le Bao into the space, in the space"

Without finishing talking, Lan Shiruo disappeared.

The little friends looked at each other, still a little confused, "How long have we slept?"

Yunshui Yao rubbed his face, "Three days."


The friends were all shocked.

In the space, Lan Shiruo rummaged around like crazy, but there was still nothing, nothing.

The whole person seemed to be pumped. Limp on the ground like dry, covered his face and cried loudly, "Le Bao, where are you, come out quickly, Le Bao, mother is wrong, mother will never drink again, Le Bao, come out, okay?"

"Le Bao, don't scare mom, where are you? Where are you?"

Where is Xiao Lebao

Sleeping soundly in the arms of smelly papa.

As if in a dream, I woke up suddenly.

Ao Chengyi hurriedly patted him, "Not afraid, not afraid."

If my friends see such a tender big brother, they might poke their eyes, isn't it too scary

Xiao Lebao woke up, ignored Smelly Papa's soft coaxing, tilted his head and listened, ah, he woke up badly.

Struggling to get off the ground, pedaling and crawling into the mist.

These few days Ao Chengyi has gotten used to it, he didn't think much about it, he just sat and waited by the mist, never thought that this waiting would be a whole night.

Xiao Lebao, who crawled through the mist, saw Bad Mama sitting on the ground crying, did bad people bully Bad Mama

The little short legs were pounding fast, "ahhh" calling the old mother. Don't be afraid, Mama, Lebao will protect you.

Lan Shiruo's crying stopped abruptly, she quickly raised her head, and saw the little baby she had been thinking about day and night.

"Le Bao, my Le Bao," ran over with hands and feet, hugged the little guy into his arms, kissed and touched, "Le Bao, I'm sorry, it's all mother's fault, never again, never again I will lose you, I'm sorry, can you forgive my mother? Le Bao, baby, I miss my mother to death, where have you been?"

Xiao Lebao was ravaged by his mother so much that he grinned, well, he has no teeth for the time being.

Humming and chirping expressed discomfort.

If Lan Shi found it again, she was extremely excited, and it took ten minutes to calm down a little, only to see her own Le Bao's face full of resistance.

Immediately feeling guilty, he hurriedly let go, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, is it a strangled pain? Mama, Lebao doesn't hurt."

"Ah," Hungry, Le Bao is hungry.

Lan Shiruo understood her son's meaning in seconds, so she quickly picked her up and fed him.

Seeing the little guy eat so loudly, his heart aches so badly, he must be starving, as expected, he can't drink wine, it's misleading others and himself.

The loss in the previous life shattered all her strength, and if she loses it again, she will definitely live a life worse than death.

"Le Bao, mom loves you."

"Ah?" What did Ma Ma say

Xiao Lebao took a break from his busy schedule and glanced at his old mother.

Lan Shiruo rubbed the little guy's head, "Good boy, eat quickly."

Xiao Lebao continued to eat.

Lan Shiruo looked at the little guy with peace of mind, she didn't know if she didn't look at it, she was startled when she saw it, what happened to the clean, white and tender little guy before? How did you become a little dirty boy? Especially the smell on the body, it's simply amazing.

I glanced at the time on my watch, I went, three days have passed

Her little Lebao has been hungry for three days

I started to feel distressed again, thinking of the bald cherry tomatoes, the little guy won't just rely on that to satisfy his hunger in the past three days, right

There are indeed some residues on Le Bao's clothes, but why is there no debris on the ground? Impossible to eat so clean, right? Xiao Lebao has no teeth, no matter how much he eats, and there are not many stains on his clothes.

What's important is that her little guy's diapers are dry. If she didn't pay attention just now, she will find that the diapers and wet tissues in the broken-down hut have been tampered with.

Did the little guy change it himself

Do you want to be so scary

Where are the replacements? Lan Shiruo doesn't remember that the space has a self-cleaning function.

(end of this chapter)