I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 66


The general came over and quickly hugged the little master in his arms. The old master was too bad to bully such a small doll.

Lan Shiruo rubbed the general's head, "Just protect me, I will definitely bully you to death in the future."

The general shook his hair and pointed his butt at the old master.

The two were tired from playing together, Lan Shiruo ordered the little guy to see if his father was back.

It turned out to be disappointing.

Lan Shiruo sighed slightly, handed Le Bao to the general, and went to bed by herself, no matter what happened, she would only be able to deal with it when she was full of sleep.


Ao Chengyi's black eyes gradually glowed in the darkness, and with the last of his strength, he released a truck, dragged his little partner in, and hid in the carriage.

The little friend passed out, and he himself exerted too much force, struggled for three seconds, and finally lay down.

The truck sank with the quicksand, and its speed was getting faster and faster. The truck that was supposed to be crushed and turned into scrap iron was smashed into the deep black hole half an hour later, intact.

The heavy humming didn't wake up the little friend, and the huge shock didn't make the little friend react.

In the silent deep cave, there was only the sound of sand flowing, and the truck was submerged bit by bit. The sand didn't stop falling until the deep cave with no end was filled to half.

When Ao Chengyi and his friends woke up, it was already two days later, they were awakened by hunger and depression.

When I opened my eyes, it was dark all around, and my friends were very confused.

"This is hell?" Guo Zi sighed hoarsely.

Then I didn't know who kicked me, and I heard Feng Tao's voice, "It may also be heaven."

Ding Jiajia sneered, "Just like you, hell may not accept you, and you still want to go to heaven?"

"I'm stupid, what kind of father is he? I eliminate demons and guard the way, eliminate violence and protect the good. I'm a good man. I'm really an abandoned son, otherwise how could I stay with the sissy after death?" After roaring twice, he began to pant Rough, what a mess.

"It's alright, alright, save your energy, you're not dead." Duan Jianghe went through it, and he had a body temperature and pulse, and he was alive and well.

"He didn't die like this?" Feng Tao felt that his life was too hard, "Where is this? Will he not be imprisoned?"

"It should be the compartment," Lu Chaoyang said, "Where's Big Brother?"

"That's right, where's the big brother?" Ding Jiajia was in a hurry, and touched the whole car, touched something indescribable, and got a fat beating.

"Damn sissy, dare to take advantage of me."

Ding Jiajia had no time to talk to him, the big brother who was full of eyes. "Brother, dear brother, don't worry about it."

Ao Chengyi came out of the space with a face full of black lines, and brought an emergency light, "Stop howling, there is not much oxygen."

The little friends hurried over, seeing that the big brother was intact, the eyes of the men were red, "Big brother, it's great that you're fine."

Ao Chengyi glanced at them in disgust, "Don't be ashamed, let's all eat something. We are in the truck, with the quicksand falling, we don't know where it landed, please be quiet, don't run out of oxygen , I will go to your sister-in-law and ask if there is any oxygen tank or something."

"Okay, okay, big brother, go, we will be quiet." The little friend has already started to gobble up, and has no time to talk to big brother.

The corners of Ao Chengyi's mouth twitched and he entered the space.

In the space, Lan Shiruo just woke up and beckoned Xiao Lebao.

The little guy was on the general's stomach, drooling from sleep, and woke up with his butt pouted when he heard Ma Ma's call.

He was about to crawl towards Ma Ma's embrace, but when he heard Papa's greeting, he quickly changed direction, and his little butt twisted round and round.

Lan Shiruo with open arms

Immediately realized, is this his dad back

One step jumped to the side of the fog and waited.

Ao Chengyi was writing down his own situation, when he raised his eyes, he saw his own son rushing towards him, quickly put down the things in his hand, hugged his son and kissed, "Is Le Bao obedient? Did you take good care of him?" Mom? Did you miss Dad?"

The little guy doesn't dislike the stinky papa, he has an unshaven beard, is covered in sand, and hasn't washed his face or brushed his teeth for several days, so he put his arms around the stinky papa and kissed him, "Ahhh," be good, Le Bao is good, take care of Mama, and miss the stinky papa.

Ao Chengyi was amused by his own son, and couldn't help biting his little paw, "Be good, daddy has finished writing, you can help daddy send it there, is mommy in the space?"

"Ah," here, Bad Mama always asks Le Bao to find smelly papa, always there.

Ao Chengyi couldn't understand what the little guy was talking about, so he happily wrote with the little bun in his arms.

I didn't write much, I wrote about the general situation to see if she had any suitable equipment.

Xiao Lebao started his career as a messenger again, crawling smoothly.

When Lan Shiruo read the letter, her eyebrows twitched fiercely. No wonder she had nightmares. In her last life, it took Ao Chengyi six years to find herself. Apart from leaving City B, another half of the reason might be that she was trapped in Desert it.

I didn't have my help in the last life, and I don't know how they survived, so I feel distressed when I think about it.

He slapped Xiao Lebao's butt, and turned around to prepare something.

They are hypoxic. They have oxygen tanks and bags. They have collected some of them. Underground lighting tools, shovels, insect repellents, and safety protection tools may be poisonous. They have to have gas masks, and get more water and food. Qibaba collected a large cart, wrote some words of concern, mentioned Xiaolebao's mental strength and the situation here, and asked him to come back as soon as possible.

When it comes to collecting supplies, Lan Shiruo finally decides that it's better to act together in the future, it's too uncomfortable to be so worried.

Ao Chengyi looked at the exchange of words like an old husband and wife, laughed like a fool, put his arms around his son and kissed him, and sent him back, "Dad is busy here, you obediently help Dad take care of Mom, Dad will go soon Looking for you, you know?"

Xiao Lebao said "Ah," twice, hugged the stinky papa and kissed him, and crawled back to Ma Ma's embrace with his short legs.

When Lan Shiruo got the news from Ao Chengyi, she felt relieved and thought about taking care of the space.

Harvest the crops of vegetables, grains and fruits that have grown, and plant another crop, roughly clean up the supplies, and store food, clothing, housing and other items on different concrete floors without much tidying up.

I mainly checked the food area. Raw food and cooked food are opened separately, snacks are opened separately, and the collected vegetables, grains and fruits are opened separately. Looking at it this way, there are quite a few types. It's just that the meat is too simple. Except for the high-end ingredients found on the cruise ship, it is almost all bulk goods received in various restaurants. There is a bit of everything, but not much. After eating for so long, it is almost bottoming out.

Chicken, duck, fish, cattle, sheep and pigs are used as cooked food, but they were received in the factory area in the northern suburbs at that time, and not many were fresh.

The only poultry in the space, the dying old hen has now started to lay eggs, one a day, not many, and everyone can eat a meal in a few days without being greedy, after all, there are other meats to eat.

It's just that it won't work for a long time, so live poultry is still in urgent need. However, it is difficult to find these now.

She wants to get some fresh milk and goat's milk for her little guy, but Xiao Lebao is already half a year old, and he adds milk powder to eat with breast milk. something fresh.

With a sigh, these can only be done slowly in the future.

(end of this chapter)