I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 69


No matter what Lu Chaoyang said, he was a spiritual mentor, so he had to be reserved, even if he was anxious, he walked to the end without haste. Seeing this group of bastards attacking up and down, causing more than half of the damage in the blink of an eye, they couldn't care less about elegance, and rushed over in one stride.

Ao Chengyi frowned, such a brother, how could he have the nerve to take him to see his wife

"Brother, sister-in-law is the best, don't worry, I will be filial to you and sister-in-law in the future." Ding Jiajia's mouth was full of meat, and he didn't forget to say something stupid.

Ao Chengyi's face was full of disgust, they had a son, and it was not their turn to be such a stupid brother.

"Brother, in the future, my sister-in-law will say that I will go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of fire. I don't need money or position, hehe, just give it to the stutterer." Feng Tao expressed his loyalty and never forgot to kick Ding Jiajia who was snatching food in front of him.

Ding Jiajia grinned in pain, but didn't move half a step.

The other three little friends stayed away from these two goods silently, and it was enough to eat well, what a disgusting thing.

Guo Zi was an honest child, and grabbed a bowl for Ao Chengyi, "Brother, come and eat, it's so delicious, I will obey your and sister-in-law's orders from now on, and I will do whatever it takes to kill me."

Ao Chengyi rolled his eyes at him, "We don't care about your life, let's keep it for ourselves."

Guo Zi chuckled and didn't argue, anyway, his life belonged to his eldest brother and sister-in-law.

Lu Chaoyang was quite gentle, and poured a glass of wine for Ao Chengyi, "This wine is good, I know a few wineries, I will go back later, go and see, does sister-in-law like to drink?"

Thinking of the past, Ao Chengyi curled his lips and smiled, "I like it." When he was two or three years old, he was urged to steal wine to drink. The little girl was an alcoholic when she was a child.

"That's good. Those wineries are all good. The superficial things may have been searched almost, but in the secret room, except for the owner himself, it is difficult for others to find out. We should gain something by going there."

"Why don't we go directly to the winery after we go out? We can just use wine as a gift for my sister-in-law." Duan Jianghe suggested, and the other friends agreed.

Ao Chengyi shook his head, "I want to go back first, and I can collect things slowly later. I don't worry about her being with a few women. It's too chaotic outside. It's over here, so I'll go back directly."

Friends, think about it, no matter how powerful my sister-in-law is, she is still a woman with a child, even if there is space and a few partners, it is still difficult, they should go back and protect her.

"Then let's finish eating and find the entrance, collect it and leave immediately."

The friends speeded up, packed up after eating, and looked for the entrance of the castle under the command of Lu Chaoyang.

I always thought it was underground, but I didn't expect it to be above.

When they fell with the quicksand, they fell asleep, so they don't know how long they fell and how deep it was. Now, if they calculate it, it must be at least a thousand meters deep.

The entrance is on the top of the emergency light they hung, and when I knocked it, it was found to be empty, so I found it.

The top position is a mechanism, which is opened from above. Therefore, if the people below want to go up, the person above must open the mechanism and lower the ladder.

For the little friends who are against the sky, no need, just break open directly with violence.

After repeatedly confirming that there was no foreign object on it, Ding Jiajia made a small shell and blasted it at a fixed point.

The blasting sound is very small, which is Ding Jiajia's special skill. He can explode however he wants, accurate to the millimeter, and the sound can naturally be controlled.

After the explosion, the sky was full of rubble, and the little friend hid directly in the carriage and drove into the passage.

After half an hour, the dust calmed down.

Ao Chengyi went up first, followed by his friends, who were extremely shocked.

This is a minaret full of Buddha statues. Layers of Buddha statues go up along the minaret until it reaches the top. At the top is a huge Buddha head. I don’t know any Buddha buddies. None of the Buddhas here know. Perhaps it is the unique spiritual pillar of the ancient royal family of country Q. Apart from these, the construction technology here is really good, the scene is also macro enough, and the construction cost is definitely not low.

"Can the things here be taken away? It looks like it should be very valuable." After careful observation, Ding Jiajia confirmed that it was made of gold, and it was solid.

Lu Chaoyang took out his dagger and scraped off the yellow sand covering the tower, revealing its own golden color, "Brother, the tower is also made of gold."


This is a model of arrogance. The tower is 100 meters high and covers an area of nearly 1,000 square meters. There are tens of thousands of Buddha statues on each floor. Forgive them for being poor. I can't imagine how much gold was spent here.

Ao Chengyi glanced, but did not respond, "Let's go, I can't take these away."

The little friend showed regret, "I still want to take it back as a gift for my sister-in-law, it's a pity."

Ao Chengyi frowned, would his girl like it

Out of the tower, there is a wide square with many sentry posts. In the middle of the square is a huge golden statue, dressed as a king, maybe it is the ancient Q royal family, the king who first built this place.

In addition to being made of pure gold, the statue is also inlaid with many precious stones, the largest one is comparable to a goose egg.

The little friends' eyes were so hot that the big brother didn't speak, and they didn't dare to move, so they could only enjoy their eyes.

On the opposite side of the square is the entrance of the castle. Many vehicles were parked around and placed neatly. The small team did not move. They took out their cars and drove into the castle.

The inside of the castle and the outside of the castle are full of yellow sand ratios, which are completely different, and the place is actually full of greenery.

Even if there is no light and water source, the flowers, plants and trees here are all fresh and green, and the friends are dumbfounded. "New genetically modified species?"

Duan Jianghe shook his head, "Not like that."

"It's weird here, be careful." Ao Chengyi took out more emergency lights and tried to illuminate the surroundings as much as possible. The darkness can always facilitate the activities of dark things.

This is underground, the acid rain has not damaged it, everything is still the same as before, the only weird thing is that there is no one, but everything is neat, there is no gap, no chaos, it is puzzling.

Passing through the front yard of the castle and entering the gate, Ao Chengyi put away the car.

The gate was not closed, and the entrance was a hall that could accommodate thousands of people, with stairs going up on all sides.

Up the stairs is the corridor. Standing in the corridor, you can overlook the entire hall. There are ten floors all the way up, and each floor is nearly ten meters high. Except for the dim yellow sand, there is no other color. The friends suspected that the whole castle was either piled up with yellow sand, or it was all cast with gold. After a long time, the outside was covered with a layer of yellow sand.

What kind of material is it? I didn’t explore it. I just went to the room to check carefully. There are hundreds of rooms on each floor. Looking at them one by one, they are all neat dormitories. The dormitories are very spacious and equipped with separate bathrooms. , the lower five floors are four-person rooms, the middle three floors are two-person rooms, and the upper two floors are one-person rooms.

There is nothing special inside except the bed and personal items.

Ao Chengyi didn't intend to collect them, so he went downstairs and went back through the hall.

Behind the link is a beach-like swimming pool, a large swimming pool that can accommodate thousands of people at the same time. It appeared in the desert, and it was really bold. Even Lan Shiruo, who thinks he is very rich now, would not dare to do it. It can be seen that there is a difference between the nouveau riche and the real family.

(end of this chapter)