I’m Raking in Billions in the Aristocracy

Chapter 122: Prepare


Originally, this rough stone supplier planned to ask a brother of his own family for help. After all, he entered the emerald circle because of this brother, but inexplicably, when he thought of Yun Zheng's sentence, be careful of people who are related to you, Can't help but hang up the phone. At the same time, I contacted another hair boy of mine.

"Can you find a way to help me check the batch of rough stones in my hand?" The tone of the rough stone supplier was also a little hesitant. Although it was a friendship from childhood to adulthood, it is still hard to talk about this kind of breaking the rules.

But Fa Xiao on the opposite side agreed very happily. In the words of Fa Xiao, "When you wet the bed when you were young, I can help you carry it around. It's just a rough stone. What's more, what Xiaoyun said is probably not fake. At worst, you will eat the rough stone yourself after the test, and you will be short of money. , brother to help you find it."

It has to be said that the rough stone supplier is out of righteousness. It didn't take long to arrange everything, and calmly found a way for him to inspect the batch of rough stones.

It is precisely because of such an experience that the truth is completely revealed. Sure enough, just like what Yun Zheng said, 90% of the batch of rough stones in the hands of the rough stone supplier are genuine stones at a fair price.

As for what came out of the old pit in Myanmar, buy a batch, and lose a batch, now this sentence sounds like a cold joke that is not funny, there is no difference.

"..." The raw stone supplier's cold sweat broke down instantly. At the same time, the retrograde water that Yun Zheng mentioned also naturally appeared in front of his eyes. The rough stone supplier felt that something was really wrong with someone close to him, who was related by blood.

Otherwise, how could such an obviously fake rough stone be sold to him so easily. As for who this person is, Yun Zheng's hint is actually very obvious.

It is related to this batch of rough stones, and has some blood relationship with him. Undoubtedly, it was the cousin who helped him connect. As for the other broker, by coincidence, his surname is Wang.

Hehe, in the circle, the character of the Wang family has long been known to everyone. It's not a question of whether he thinks too much or not. As long as there is such a string, the truth of the matter can basically be restored.

This rough stone supplier was a well-known Second Lord of the Hunshi Demon King in his family a few years ago, but he couldn't stand the nagging and was about to come out to start a career.

But the career is not so easy to break through, otherwise, if you search the circle of Sijiu City, there will not be only one Yun Zheng and one Gu Yan.

Therefore, in just a few years, the capital given by the family has basically been lost. He would go into this batch of rough stones with the idea of putting all his eggs in one basket, but he never expected that he would be tricked in the end.

This rough stone supplier still has some energy when he is young. After hearing that his brother suffered a big loss, he naturally went to help investigate. As a result, after checking, I was also stupid.

Who would have thought that this cousin who usually took care of the rough stone supplier was the real culprit. As for the reason, without exception, it is naturally the He family's idea.

"I just said, you treat him like a family, but he treats you like a family!"

"Don't talk about it, I'm blind. I have to thank Yunzheng when I look back. If he hadn't mentioned something, I guess I would really have a big fall. Go to Burma and escape? I'm afraid it's the one who can't wait to want me. I'm dead. How dare you join forces with the Wang family."

"What are your plans? Go back and talk to your dad?"

"What else? I'm incompetent." The rough stone supplier sighed, also very depressed.

On the contrary, he couldn't help laughing after listening to Xiaoyun: "You go to Xiaoyun! I heard you said that he has a bad attitude before. I guess he is going to set up some kind of bureau. Or he doesn't usually behave like this."

"... Dare I be a pawn?"

"Is it a chess piece? Isn't it stupid to ask you to make money and you don't make money? We have a good relationship, so I told you this. You also know that he has a good reputation in the circle. It's not just a lie. He has real skills. I know Ling Xiang! In order to pave the way for him, Ling Hui sent him there when Yunzheng was in Xingcheng. At that time, it was said in the circle that Ling Hui even sold his own brother in order to stand in line for banquets. Now When they were talking about this passage, those who complained about Ling Hui wanted to swallow their tongues back. You know that Ling Xiang hangs out with Yun Zheng and only takes the share, how much do you pay for a year? You want this amount!"

"..." The rough stone supplier was stunned after hearing this. After thinking for a long time, he said gruffly, "Thanks, brother! I'll go find Yunzheng right now."

"Hurry up, I have a hunch, if you cooperate with him, you probably won't lose money with the batch of rough stones in your hand. You will also make a lot of money."

"Okay!" After the raw stone supplier finished speaking, he put down the phone and asked someone to contact Yunzheng's subordinates. One was to apologize for the last time he was rude, and by the way, see if he could make an appointment for the next meeting.

As expected, it went well. And Yun Zheng's subordinates, as if they had calculated that they would call, immediately told the time and location of the next invitation.

It is a relatively quiet private club. As for the meeting time, it was the same as last time, around ten o'clock in the morning.

The next few days will be a bit difficult for rough stone suppliers. At the same time, the never-ending rumors in the circle reassured him a lot.

On the night before the meeting, almost everyone felt that he and Yun Zheng were about to start working together.

This undoubtedly gave a signal to the rough stone supplier that Yunzheng did intend to cooperate with him. Otherwise, there is no need to make such rumors with great fanfare. And then, the phone call from the cousin who helped him contact the broker also made the rough stone supplier gnash his teeth even more.

Originally betrayed by his cousin who had always been more trustworthy, he felt very uncomfortable. But that cousin still called, and told him in a tone that I was thinking of you, these batches of rough stones were all from old pits in Burma, if you buy one batch, you can get a few batches, Yunzheng is not short of money, so He must raise the price, so that no one can take advantage of it.

With a basket of stones, he dared to say that no one would take advantage of it, so I'm afraid he was teasing him!

Suppressing his anger and dealing with this cousin, after the rough stone supplier ended the call, he was so angry that he couldn't help but drop his phone. He secretly decided in his heart that the following things must not satisfy this grandson!

One night passed quickly. On the way to the clubhouse, the raw stone supplier's heart was pounding, and he was always a little uneasy. The last time I met Yun Zheng, at first it was the anger of being underestimated, then the unwillingness to be suppressed by the aura, and in the end, it all turned into unspeakable happiness. Therefore, regarding this meeting, he always had a feeling of uncertainty about his life and death.

However, after seeing Yun Zheng in the clubhouse, all the uneasiness and hesitation disappeared.

There is always a kind of person who makes you feel comfortable just sitting face to face and talking. And Yun Zheng is a typical example.

Without deliberately suppressing him, Yun Zheng's unique calmness and gentleness can easily make rough stone suppliers feel the comfort of spring breeze.

In addition, Yun Zheng is really talented and well-informed. Not only those things in the circle and work, but also some of the hobbies of the so-called second princes, he also dabbled in it, and he didn't have any airs of preaching, and he could joke a few words together.

"So, it's better to be a good boy like you. You see, you go to Las Vegas to play for a while, just to relax. If we go, we will be complained about as good money boys."

"If not, it's all for fun, there is no difference in essence." Yun Zheng smiled and agreed with the sentence, but it seemed as if he was thinking of some beautiful picture, the smile in his eyes was full of pampering, so beautiful People can't move their eyes. He just wished that he was the one he missed.

The rough stone supplier sitting opposite Yun Zheng was stunned. There was no answer for a long while. It's not that he has shallow eyelids and has never seen a beauty before, it's that Yun Zheng's smile is so eye-catching. All he can think about now is how this person can look so good.

However, in just a few seconds, the sudden figure in front of him blocked his gaze from staring at Yun Zheng. It was Gu Yan.

"How's the talk going?" Simply nodding to the rough stone supplier as a greeting, Gu Yan sat on the chair next to Yun Zheng and talked to him. By the way, he looked at Yun Zheng accusingly with eyes like a puppy. Almost even on every eyelash, it is written that I am unhappy, I am jealous, and I am going to make a fuss.

However, the smile on the corners of Yun Zheng's lips didn't hold back because of this, instead it added a touch of connivance. He spoke slowly to Gu Yan: "I just talked about Las Vegas with Young Master He, and I thought that trip was very interesting."

Yun Zheng spoke these words very slowly, and when they fell into Gu Yan's ears, they were full of ridicule and teasing. Gu Yan's ears suddenly turned red, and even his face was stained a little brightly. The originally handsome facial features became more and more vivid as the coldness faded away.

Yun Zheng squinted his eyes, subconsciously poured a cup of tea for Gu Yan, and immediately felt a little annoyed.

He forgot that there was an outsider here. He can tease Gu Yan, but he doesn't want the beauty of his little milk dog to be coveted by others. Even a glance made Yun Zheng feel uncomfortable.

And Gu Yan also saw Yun Zheng's hint, so he calmed down while drinking tea.

It's really not that Gu Yan reacted too much, it's that Yun Zheng made a lot of trouble that day in Las Vegas. Especially when he was playing blackjack later, he said those tiresome little love words, and the actions full of teasing meaning. Almost every detail, recalling it, made Gu Yan blush and heartbeat.

As for now, Yun Zheng's obvious possessiveness made Gu Yan's heart very ironic. It wasn't that he was trembling, but that Gu Yan understood that the thoughtfulness in Yun Zheng's character had already penetrated into his bones. Only those who treat people with true love will show their differences. And this seemingly strong order is the best embodiment of Yun Zheng's declaration of sovereignty.

Gu Yan was very happy, and Yun Zheng was willing to brand his exclusive label on him.

However, these seemingly ordinary actions of the two of them were basically equivalent to a dog food crit to the rough stone supplier on the opposite side.

Originally, Yun Zheng and Gu Yan were both good-looking, but if they deliberately spoiled others, it would be too much for Su Su. Obviously there is no close contact with too intimate hot eyes, but the strong sweetness between them always brings out pink love bubbles easily.

In the end, the rough stone supplier didn't even know what he ate for lunch, his mind was full of dog food, dog food, and dog food.

"How's the discussion going?" Fa Xiao on the other end of the phone asked him about the result of his discussion with Yun Zheng, but he got a rather sad answer.

"I also forgot what I said in detail. The main reason is that when Gu Yan came later, my mind was completely empty. This relationship is too good."

"Hahaha, you were also fed dog food? It's normal and normal. Anyone who has eaten with the two of them can't stand it. Gu Yu said two days ago that he must find a wife quickly, or he won't be able to handle Tian Tian's family. The crit."

"Don't talk about it, looking at them, I want to find a wife. Hey, hey, this person really needs a suitable one before we can live together."

"Come on, it's all settled!" Fa Xiao changed the topic back to the original topic.

"Of course!" The rough stone supplier also laughed: "Yun Zheng really deserves his reputation, this time, those few people are going to be unlucky."

"How many? There are others?"

"Of course there is!" Thinking of Yun Zheng's plan, the rough stone supplier's eyes became more meaningful: "Let me tell you, we brothers must not offend Yun Zheng in the future, this man looks gentle, In fact, it is much more ruthless than Gu Yan."

"You mean..." Fa Xiao felt cold, and suddenly had an idea, but then felt it was impossible: "It shouldn't be, he has no evidence. After all, it has been so many years, and those few and Gu Yu Gu Qian and the others also..."

"So what? After touching Gu Yan, how do you think Yun Zheng could let it go? Did everyone in the circle say that he lost his memory? I guess, it's probably because he remembered it."

"Those old fellows from the Gu family are definitely going to end this time."

"It's about to end. Going bankrupt to buy stones is not about to end, what can it be? Even with the Wang family, it is estimated that something will happen this time."

"What's the meaning?"

"It's nothing, Yunzheng said, invite me to go to Myanmar for a visit in two days."