I’m Raking in Billions in the Aristocracy

Chapter 83: not available


Due to the unbearable ratings of the TV version of the documentary, it is announced that it will be removed from the shelves starting today, and the original broadcast time will be replaced with another ancient costume TV series that has just wrapped up.

As soon as the news came out, the film and television sections of the major forums burst into laughter.

"Fuck! Hahahaha, it's off the shelf, it's really off the shelf!"

"My mother, how low is this, the national channel, there are still people who died in the middle."

"Is this considered a complete eunuch? I don't know why, but I don't feel any regrets. Hahahaha, I'm so afraid that I will die of laughter."

This group of regulars in the film and television area, one counts as one, and if they make complaints, they will throw them out every minute. In the blink of an eye, several posts that took the lead in mocking were immediately popularized.

On the other side, the people in the industry were also shocked by this. But what shocked them was far different from the shock of these melon-eating people, but that the national channel would actually remove Yunrong's documentary from the shelves.

You know, a drama, no matter what subject you are, as long as it can be starred, it itself represents quality. And among the star dramas that can be broadcast on various satellite TV channels, the requirements and review of the national channel are the strictest.

The national channel has been established for more than 100 years, and has undergone many reforms and changes, but no matter what period it is, there has never been a case where a star drama has been aborted halfway. But now, Yun Rong's documentary has been cut down. This kind of shame can no longer be described simply in words. And the most ironic thing is that Yunrong's drama is actually cooperating with the national channel.

But even so, the national channel had to make this self-defeating choice. Why

There is no other reason, only because the ratings of Yunrong's documentary reached the lowest in history on the fifth day of its broadcast. This lowest is not the lowest in the national channel, but the lowest in the history of television.

0.008 percent.

With such data, let alone counting foreign countries, not to mention domestic, there is no group of data that can be lower than this. Even in the end, even the ratings of the national channel itself were affected by Yun Rong's documentary and became much worse than before. From the original number one in the ratings all the year round, it became the fifth.

This is a national channel, which is equivalent to the facade of various David TVs. It was poisoned like this by a cooperative documentary. If it is not removed from the shelves, if the word of mouth is really damaged and the ranking drops even lower, then it is completely a liar Lost face together.

Therefore, in order to stop the loss in time, National Channel finally decided to remove the film. It's just that these details have not been announced to the public, but these people in the circle are all aware of it.

"My mother, this person lost it. If I were the National Channel group, I really wish I could get into the well and never come out in my life."

"0.008%, this is really laughable. The point is that this film is really too poisonous, and even the overall traffic of the channel can be brought along with it. The cliff is unprecedented. .”

"Isn't it! I guess the national channel is really stupid this time. I'm waiting to see when the online version will be taken off the shelves, and it seems to be too soon."

"Up to three days! The national channels can't handle it, let alone those online broadcasting platforms."

"No, at least a week."

"Impossible! Let me tell you, it will probably be taken off the shelves tomorrow. Who would want to keep it if the poison is like that."

However, not long after they finished speaking, the major online broadcasting platforms used various excuses to remove the documentary filmed by Yun Rong from their shelves. The reason is of course very simple, there is no playback volume, and it also takes up storage resources.

The storage space of each network broadcasting channel is limited, and more and more attractive films can be introduced. Why do they still keep Yun Rong's useless documentary to disgust themselves. Originally, it was a forced sale from the beginning, and they all signed the contract with Yun Zheng, and many people in charge of the webcast knew the quality after seeing the samples. As a result, I was forced to change the film because of the finishing touch.

If the amount of broadcasts is okay, they will swallow this dark loss. It happens to be particularly bad. In this way, the feeling of imbalance is even more profound. Coupled with the fact that the national channel has slapped themselves in the face, of course they won't save face.

Damn it, a good chance to make money has been cut off abruptly, whoever would be angry? Those with a straight temper directly posted meager and secretly satirized, saying that some production crews have no ability at all except spending money to do things. As long as there is a little bit of focus on acting, it will not be a complete failure like it is now.

On the other side of Yanjing, Yun Rong didn't even dare to leave the door for the past two days, and his mouth was full of froth. The middle-aged man can't help him at all, not only can't help him, but the middle-aged man himself may face the danger of taking the blame and resigning.

After all, just relying on the abuse of power alone is enough to make him unable to get through, not to mention that there is Gu Qian watching over him. But even so, the middle-aged man still has the support of his family. Even if he is demoted because of this, as long as the family can stand, there is still hope for a comeback. But he is completely cold here.

Five minutes ago, the woodcarving master he had worked so hard to worship expelled him from the school on the grounds that his skills were not good and his character was worrying. And the phone calls of the other elders couldn't get through at all. And the only face-saving friends who could be contacted also told him in a half-smile tone that the best way for him now was to clean up the Yun family's property, and hand it over to Yun Zheng himself when he returned to Yanjing. In this way, he can still be a rich and idle person, otherwise, Yun Zheng will not be afraid of continuing to hate, but his future is not easy to say.

Flat out.

Leaning decadently on the chair, Yun Rong felt as if he had lost all his strength. As for the Yun Family, which he had always wanted to hold in his hands, this time, it was about to leave him completely.

Yun Rong closed her eyes, feeling like she was an extremely embarrassing joke.

With the removal of the TV documentary, Yun Rong and the middle-aged man also conceded defeat and were eliminated in this game without gunpowder. On the other side, Yun Zheng was just the opposite. An online version of the documentary has achieved his supreme status in the circle of film and television investors.

Because the system is different, no matter how big the jokes on the TV version are, the number of broadcasts of Yunzheng on the education website has never been counted. And when the film reached the last episode, the numbers released by the education network shocked everyone.

Ninety-eight million, a difference of two million, can reach one hundred million.

Ninety-eight million, what kind of concept is this? The population of China is only 1.6 billion, that is to say, on average, nine out of every one hundred and sixty people have watched Yun Zheng's documentary. And this is still under the condition that the promotion of the education network is not enough. If it is changed to a national channel, what will the ratings explode? I'm afraid it's even scarier than some hit dramas. As for the national channel, it is even more regretful, wishing to turn back time.

After all, at the very beginning, no one could have imagined that Yun Zheng, a fifteen-year-old boy, could hide such a skill that could make a documentary such a subject matter come alive again.

The film and television sections of the major forums once again aroused an upsurge of discussion, but this time, Yun Zheng, as the protagonist, received admiration and praise.

"Terrible, this number is simply too scary!"

"I really took the poisonous carp, and I feel that there is nothing he can't do. I guess the people on the National Channel must have regretted their intestines. They mistaken pearls for fish eyes and stepped on them hard , now it’s all right. The higher-ups require a film, and they cut the TV version in half, so it’s probably difficult to get an online version.”

"It's not just difficult, it's true if Zhang doesn't open his mouth. With Yun Xiaozheng's temper, even if they really cooperate again, they won't let them go unless they bleed hard once."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and everyone was waiting for the final follow-up. On the other side of Xingcheng, Yun Zheng and Gu Yan were discussing the trip back to Yanjing together.

The cause was the copyright of the TV version of the documentary.

After Yunzheng broke up with the national channel, he considered whether to sell the TV rights to David TV. However, at that time, it failed because of a middle-aged man's horizontal thrust. But now, "Looking for the Lost" became popular, and the middle-aged man lost his job because of Yun Rong's involvement. Therefore, these satellite TV channels have paid high prices one after another, wanting to contact Yun Zheng to talk about working together.

"I heard from Brother Qian that the national channel will eventually buy the TV rights. And I guess, the quarrel was so tense before, this time it must be to play the emotional card. Maybe come to talk to us in two days, It’s not someone else, but Brother Qian.” Gu Qian led the way for the premiere of Education Network before, so now Yun Zheng and him are already very familiar.

"What are your plans?" Gu Yan didn't care, "Even if it's him, you don't have to see him if you don't want to."

"Don't make trouble." Yun Zheng helplessly knocked Gu Yan's head, and then expressed his opinion in detail, "I plan to donate the entire copyright of this film to the World Heritage Application Association."

Regarding this point, Yun Zheng has his own considerations. Things have gotten so big up to now. If he is really asked to sell the film to the national channel, Yun Zheng is afraid that the other side of the national channel will not be able to afford to lose this person, and the dispute between the two parties will be completely settled. But if it is donated to the Inscription Association, it will be different. If the national channel wants the copyright of the TV version, it can be negotiated directly with the people from the World Heritage Application Association. If you don't go through him, you can leave the rest of your dignity.

As for Yunzheng, there is an extra layer of relaxation, they think they owe Yunzheng a favor, and it will be easy to handle things when they meet in the future.

After listening, Gu Yan nodded in agreement.

But what never expected, Yun Zheng originally planned to make things less complicated, so he wanted to give the full copyright of the film to the World Heritage Application Association, but the big gift given by the World Heritage Application Association was so heavy that Yun Zheng had never expected Not yet.