I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 104: Fourth painting


"Go to your village and bring me a basin of water, and I'll teach you," Xu Zimo said with a smile.

The child gave Xu Zimo a ignorant look, and then ran into the village in a hurry.

Seeing the back of the child leaving, Xu Zimo smiled and shook his head.

Although he had seen it once in his previous life, when he saw it again, he still couldn't help feeling that the spiritual intelligence of the children in these paintings was so high.

Not long after, I saw the child running over panting with a small basin of water.

Xu Zimo put the water basin under the sun, aimed at the angle, and saw a reflection of the sun in the water.

"You shoot arrows at this reflection, so that you can hit the sun," Xu Zimo said, pointing to the water basin.

This test of bending the bow and shooting the sun is a bit like a monkey fishing for the moon in the sea, but the meaning is different. The monkey failed to find the moon, but it can shoot the sun.

Several children looked at Xu Zimo suspiciously, then bent their bows and set up arrows, and shot down fiercely at the reflection of the sun in the water.

When the bow and arrow hit the reflection, the reflection in the water was not disturbed, and a little ripple appeared.

Instead, a muffled thunder rumbled in the sky, and then the sun hanging high in the sky was visible to the naked eye, falling from the sky like a ball of fire.

"The sun went down, we hit it," several children jumped up and down and cheered.

Xu Zimo smiled at the side, and as the sun fell from the sky, the space Xu Zimo was in twisted and shook again.

The space in front of him changed, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself back on the plain again.

Another painting appeared in front of my eyes, which showed a scene of several children bending their bows and shooting the sun.

Xu Zimo put away the painting and continued heading north.

Originally, after shooting down the sun, the surrounding temperature had returned to normal, but as Xu Zimo walked further, he felt that the temperature seemed to be getting colder and colder.

The sun was covered by dark clouds, and snowflakes fell from the sky.

The snowflakes fell bigger and bigger, and the snow under their feet became thicker and thicker, and even the surrounding temperature began to become colder.

Xu Zimo is now at the peak of the True Pulse Realm, but he can still feel the cold.

It's not just a physical cold, but a cold that penetrates deep into the bone marrow.

He sat cross-legged and let the snowflakes fall on him.

In less than a while, his whole body was completely buried by the drifting snow, and he turned into a snowman.

Xu Zimo only felt that his whole body was numb from the cold, without any consciousness.

Even the organs of the whole body were frozen, and the heartbeat seemed to be getting slower and slower.

"I'm going to die," Xu Zimo grinned and wanted to smile, but found that his muscles were frozen.

With his eyes closed, his consciousness has become increasingly blurred, and there seems to be a voice in the dark that has been admonishing him.

"Go to sleep, everything will be over after you fall asleep."

Obviously his body was in shock and his consciousness tended to fall asleep, but the obsession in Xu Zimo's heart still didn't want to end like this.

This kind of race against time and the competition with death is the most tormented.

Xu Zimo didn't know how long it had passed, but he felt his whole body was frozen, and he seemed to be numb to the cold, he couldn't even hear his heartbeat.

Suddenly, a wave of warmth began to beat in his chest, and he realized the heart of Taoism in death, and then aroused the flames of the prairie fire in the frozen sky.

Just like the phrase that a single spark can start a prairie fire.

Xu Zimo only felt that the warmth was very weak, but the coldness in his body was instantly dispelled.

The snowflakes all over the sky seemed to have stopped falling, Xu Zimo slowly opened his eyes, and found that the scene of ice and snow in front of him had disappeared.

He appeared on the plain again, and a painting fell in front of him.

Ice and snow covered the entire world, and everything was frozen, but under the snow and ice, there was a person sitting cross-legged on the ground like a pine and cypress.

He remained motionless, as if even if ice and snow buried the whole world, he would not be destroyed.

This is the scene on the painting. Xu Zimo put the painting away and continued to move forward.

The third test is actually the heart, no matter how difficult you encounter, even before you die, you can't give up a glimmer of hope.

... ...

Xu Zimo continued to move forward. After walking for a while, his eyes were attracted by the scene directly in front of him.

The high mountains in the distance are close at hand, but they are hidden in the mist, and the white clouds in the sky seem to have just reached the top of the head.

It seems as if you can grasp the white clouds with your hand, and the blue sky is clearly shining with stars in the daytime.

Right in front is the endless sea, in the middle of the sea there are huge waves rolling, and the huge waves roll up the seawater but refuse to fall down.

Between the waves on either side, a cobbled path leads to the Path.

The pebbles are floating on the blue water, which reflects the starry sky and white clouds above, and the mountain mist behind you.

In the middle of the cobblestone path, there was an inkstone and a table. At this time, a middle-aged man in a green robe was standing in front of the table, painting to his heart's content.

Xu Zimo stepped on the cobblestone step by step, and then walked in front of the middle-aged man.

He watched the middle-aged man painting, but there was no paper on the table. The middle-aged man was holding a wolf hair brush, as if drawing in the air.

After a long time, the middle-aged man put down his brush, only to see the aura around him suddenly fluctuate.

A fish jumped out of the space in front of it, and the fish leaped into the sea, followed by a series of goldfish jumping out of the space.

"See what?" the middle-aged man asked with a smile.

"I don't understand," Xu Zimo shook his head.

"You are honest," the middle-aged man said with a smile, "You are the first inheritor to come here.

According to the regulations, as long as you can draw a picture with artistic conception, you can get my magic pen. "

"I don't know how to draw," Xu Zimo shook his head and said, "And I'm not here to accept your magic brush inheritance."

Hearing Xu Zimo's words, the middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Then you are here to find the World Orb, I'm sorry, the World Orb is not in the inheritance of the Painting Palace."

"I have paintings," Xu Zi also smiled, and took out the three paintings he had obtained before.

"These paintings can only be inherited from the magic brush, I will not give the World Pearl to others," said the middle-aged man.

"You should look at this painting first," Xu Zimo said with a smile.

Then I saw him take out the fourth painting from the ring, which was exactly what he got from Nie Xingqing before.

On it is a self-portrait of Feng Zu.

"Why is this painting in your hands?" The middle-aged man's expression changed slightly, and he asked, "Are you her descendant?"

"It doesn't matter. When you drew this painting back then, you promised Feng Zu that as long as someone comes to you with this painting, you will satisfy any request." Xu Zimo said with a smile: "Right, Senior Ruthless .”