I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 108: The beginning of the world


The world at this time is like a prehistoric world, no creatures are born, and it is not suitable for the survival of species at all.

Xu Zimo let out a breath slowly, he knew that this was the limit of the world pearl's transformation.

The metamorphosis of the pseudo-world is not complete, and his ability to mobilize the world is limited.

But even if it's just this fake world, he has already won at the starting line of many people.

In the future, when the true life of the emperor's veins appears, and he directly sacrifices a fake world during the battle, he can imagine the desperate expression of his opponent.

At this time, his fourth meridian door was also completely opened, and with the advancement of the energy of the divine meridian, his realm was also rising step by step.

One layer of empty veins,

The second floor of the air vein,


Nine layers of air veins.

The realm stopped at the peak of the Kongmai realm, and Xu Zimo let out a deep breath.

He thought this transformation was coming to an end, but when he was about to stand up, something trembled inside his body.

His heart suddenly beat faster, Xu Zimo's mind went blank, and his whole body froze in place.

I saw that in his body, the mysterious ball that had been motionless had started to spin.

This mysterious ball has always been the biggest secret of Xu Zimo's rebirth, but Xu Zimo only knows that this ball can tear the space more easily besides storing cultivation.

He didn't know about other functions at all. Since he was reborn, the ball had been motionless, but now it turned for the first time.

Xu Zimo felt that his body was out of control, and the mysterious ball flew into the world of his life that he had just condensed.

He felt that his consciousness seemed to be separated from his body, and he was brought into an inexplicable world by the mysterious ball.

When Xu Zimo regained consciousness, he found himself in darkness.

At this dark end, there is a magnificent long river flowing slowly.

The river water was sparkling and had an inexplicable rhythm. Although the river water seemed to be flowing smoothly, Xu Zimo felt that every flow had the ability to change the world.

Because Xu Zimo's practice "Only My Great Freedom" is to focus on the past, present, and future.

So when he saw this river, he felt a sense of familiarity in his heart.

"Time is long," Xu Zimo murmured tremblingly.

The long river of time is also called the long river of fate, which is one of the cores of a world.

From the moment everyone is born, their life, destiny and everything they experience will be branded and recorded in the long river of fate.

Legend has it that only by opening up the twelve channels and transcending the evolution of the self can one jump out of the long river of fate and truly control one's own destiny.

In fact, not only human beings, as small as a piece of grass, as large as the origin of a world, will be recorded in the long river of fate.

Nothing can escape the shackles of fate.

Xu Zimo looked at the long river in front of him, and his body trembled slightly. What he once dreamed of and wanted to comprehend was now in front of him.

But now he just came here with a wisp of consciousness, and he couldn't control it at all.

The mysterious round bead carried Xu Zimo's consciousness upstream towards the long river of time, heading towards the end of time.

During this period, Xu Zimo's eyes were shrouded in a cloud of white mist. He could hardly see the outside world clearly, and his consciousness became a little muddled.

Xu Zimo fell into a deep sleep, and he didn't know how long it had passed, maybe it was a moment, or it might be thousands of years.

When the mysterious ball stopped, he woke up slowly.

... ... ...

And the scene before his eyes completely shocked his heart.

I saw that he was under a starry sky at this moment, and the stars were shining brightly, reflecting the sky.

A Milky Way seemed to come across from the Nine Heavens, enveloping the entire starry sky. In that Milky Way, there were countless nebulae flowing quietly like a thick liquid, traveling far and wide, rushing thousands of miles away.

But at the other end of the starry sky, time flows endlessly, and the past history is like a movie at this moment, evolving little by little in front of Xu Zimo's eyes.

From the day of the long river of time, from the moment of the beginning of this world, all historical records are evolving in the long river of time at this moment, watched by Xu Zimo.

... ... ...

The general trend of the world, the long-term division must be united, and the long-term unity must be divided.

Just like these heavens and myriad worlds, there is a day when they will go from new life to destruction.

Everything in the world is relative. From a small perspective, a life goes from birth to death, and at the same time a new life is born, which is the reproduction of a species.

Death and life are relative.

From a large perspective, from the beginning to the end of a world, a new world will be opened again, which is the cycle of all things in the universe.

To put it simply, whether it is as small as human beings or as large as the world, everything will go from new life to destruction one day.

A world goes from birth to destruction, and then opens up a new world in the destruction.

Afterwards, this newborn world went to destruction again, and then opened up a new world in the destruction.

In this way, the cycle continues, which is the history of the development of a world.

None of the worlds can truly survive from the origin of the universe to the present, they are all cycled in the cycle of new birth and destruction.

We call each newborn world an "epoch."

From the destruction of the previous era to the beginning of this new era, the river of fate was also formed at this moment, and then the fate of everything in the world was recorded.

Every era has its own river of fate, and when an era is destroyed, its river of fate will also be destroyed.

Therefore, in the long river of fate before Xu Zimo's eyes, everything recorded in it started from the beginning of this new era.

A certain place in this new era we call it Yuanyang Continent.

The wheel of history is slowly rolling, and Yuanyang Continent has opened its first chapter.

We call this the age of mythology.

For the people of the Yuanyang Continent, the age of mythology is too long ago. Apart from exploring and discovering some ancient ruins, human beings can no longer find any traces of the age of mythology.

If it weren't for the existence of these ancient ruins from the age of mythology, many people would even doubt the existence of the age of mythology.

After the Age of Mythology, Yuanyang Continent opened its second chapter.

We call this the wild age.

After that, a man named Zhenwu was located on the top of the sky, carrying the destiny.

He opened the third chapter of Yuanyang Continent, the Age of Emperors.

Since the age of mythology, those secrets that have long been forgotten in time have been unfolded in front of Xu Zimo little by little under the long river of time.

In fact, not only Yuanyang Continent, Yuanyang Continent is only a part of this era.

Regarding the world outside the Yuanyang Continent, all the origins and secrets are in front of Xu Zimo's eyes, and a brand new and majestic new world has unfolded. You must not talk about this chapter of water. This chapter is very important about the origin of the world.

I’m afraid you won’t understand, so let me explain briefly, any world will go from birth to destruction, and then a new world will be born in the destruction, and this goes on and on. We call each new world an era.

I checked a lot of information about the origin of the world before, and I also wrote three dense pages in my small notebook.

But when I looked at it later, it was too complicated, and I couldn’t just throw it all out for you.

So I simplified many things, added some settings of my own, and formed a new world.

This chapter does not finish the origin of the world. After you read the next chapter tomorrow, you should be able to understand it, and you will also have a simple understanding of the worldview of this book.

Don't call me stupid, worldview is very important.

I dare not tell you all at once. I will put a simplified version of the world view first, and then improve it bit by bit in the following stories.

That's it for the time being, for this world view, it killed a lot of my brain cells.

In addition, let me say that some people often say that I update less. In fact, the new book issue is updated twice a day, which is really a normal update.

I also said that starting from the 1st of next month, I will explode the update, and the third update every day is guaranteed, and the fourth and fifth updates are also possible.

Some people say that you need to raise books. I am not against you raising books, but when you are raising books, don’t stop recommending votes.

This book is like a child. During the stocking period, can you feed it some recommendation tickets and some food.

Don't care about everything at that time, and then starve the child to death.

You ran over again and said, why is the Dogecoin author an eunuch, and how he raised him to death.

In a word, a thousand words can be summed up in one sentence,

"I need you," are the voices of one of the most handsome authors ever.

Beep (_)