I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 114: Zhong Xin, dead


The horn he blew just now came from his father. Xu Qingshan accepted the inheritance of Emperor Zhenwu, and this horn was left by Emperor Zhenwu.

As for the sound of the horn, it was not played indiscriminately, it was an ancient war song.

Back then, after Emperor Zhenwu carried the mandate of heaven, the Yaozu, led by the ten great beasts, launched a world-shattering war against the human race.

When the war song is played, the Yaozu will revive the past glory, and they will shine like the scorching sun for eternity.

They are demons,

He is the master of the wild age.

The monsters will never back down,

The Yaozu will never give in.

When the shocking war song sounded, the Yaozu would welcome the light and brilliance, sprinkle their blood and abandon their lives.

They will rejuvenate their own ethnic group, just like the glory of the wild era.

It's a pity that the man named Zhenwu is too strong, he just glanced down from the sky, and at a glance, it is the perdition of all generations, pushing everything horizontally.

Emperor Zhenwu used the horn of the ice-armored horned dragon, one of the nine war-destroyed beasts, to make this horn.

He took it as a memento of his battle.

So when Xu Zimo took the horns of the divine beasts and blew the battle songs of their previous expeditions, the remnants of the nine-headed divine beasts that were sleeping underground finally woke up.

After Emperor Zhenwu killed the nine divine beasts, most of their remnant souls were destroyed, and the rest were not worth mentioning.

But after tens of thousands of years of recovery, these remnants are now conscious.

A single remnant soul may not be very powerful, but when the nine remnants are fused together, their power is almost equivalent to that of the emperor's veins.


"I know you are the son of the deputy suzerain, and you have many treasures on you. Do you think I'm not prepared?" Zhong Xin looked at Xu Zimo and snorted coldly, and took out a talisman from the ring.

This talisman was dark black, and when the talisman appeared, the surrounding sword energy that was originally attacking Zhong Xin slowed down instantly.

As wisps of spiritual energy emanated from the talisman, the entire formation trembled and was on the verge of falling.

"Breaking the formation talisman," Xiao Guizi called out in surprise as he looked at the talisman.

"This talisman can break any formations below level seven," Zhong Xin hummed back.

Xu Zimo squinted his eyes slightly, but he never thought that Zhong Xin would have such a treasure.

The formation-breaking talisman is a very rare item, why is it said to be rare.

In the Yuanyang Continent, every warrior wants to step out of his own martial way after reaching the Zunmai Realm.

And the formation master also wants to blaze his own path. The ultimate goal of every formation master is to one day be able to research a formation without weaknesses.

The profession of formation mage is almost as old as that of warrior. As we all know, no matter it is any formation.

Whether it is a god-level formation or a mortal formation, they all have formation eyes. Generally, formation breakers only need to find the formation eyes of the formation to destroy a formation.

And most formations are not just a weakness.

After tens of millions of years of hard work, the formation master has gradually reduced the shortcomings of the formation.

The most powerful formation known today is the six-element indestructible formation left by the Great Dao Formation back then.

This formation has reduced the shortcomings to the extreme, and those who are trapped in the formation cannot break the formation internally.

Unless someone can forcibly destroy the formation outside.

All the formation masters in the Yuanyang Continent regard the six-element indestructible formation as the pinnacle of the formation.

The problem that the formation cannot be broken inside has been solved, and now many people are studying how to prevent the formation from being broken outside.

Strive to create an unsolvable formation, an formation that cannot be broken inside or outside.

From the perspective of the law of the development of all things, this theory is actually absurd.

There will be no absolute incomprehension in the world, and the long river of fate will leave a glimmer of life for everything.

But no matter what, this idea is the goal that many formation masters strive for all their lives.

So such a weird phenomenon appeared in Yuanyang Continent.

Low-level formation masters don't have that much sense of belonging to the formation. They want to refine the formation-breaking talisman but they have to give up because they are not strong enough.

Although the high-level formation masters can refine the formation-breaking talisman, they feel that the formation-breaking talisman is an insult to the formation and an insult to the formation mage.

Every formation master should strive to create unsolvable formations, rather than cracking other people's formations.

This runs counter to the ultimate goal of the formation and does not conform to the vision in their hearts.

So this weird phenomenon is that the low-cost formation mage wants to practice breaking the formation talisman, but because of insufficient strength.

High-level array mages can refine formation-breaking talismans, but they are unwilling to refine them.

This also led to the lack of formation breakers.

Just like the elder Wanzhen, the seventh elder of Zhenwu Shengzong, he is a seventh-level formation mage. It stands to reason that with his existence, Zhenwu Shengzong should not lack formation-breaking talismans.

But the elder Wanzhen has never refined a formation-breaking talisman.

Ordinary formation mages would not refine the formation breaking talisman unless they owed others a big favor or were desperate.

A formation mage who helps others refine formation breaking talismans will not be recognized by this circle, and he will even be cast aside by formation mages all over the world.

... ...

At this time, Xu Zimo looked at the formation breaking talisman in Zhong Xin's hand, and was slightly surprised.

As the formation-breaking talismans spread out in the formation, cracks appeared in the already crumbling formation.

Finally, it exploded and shattered completely.

At this time, the monster condensed by the nine beast shadows had been completely fused. It looked at Zhong Xin with its fist-sized eyes, and stepped on it directly.

Now that there is no restriction of the formation, Zhong Xin does not intend to fight, and is ready to run away and report the situation here to the sect.

Seeing that Zhong Xin was about to escape, Xu Zimo directly pulled out Ba Ying and killed him.

Seeing Xu Zimo killing him, Zhong Xin smiled contemptuously. He is a strong man in the Vein Respecting Realm, and Xu Zimo has only practiced for a long time, so he dared to challenge him beyond his capabilities.

"Ask the sixth form of the nineteenth form, the knife of killing," when the boundless blood energy permeated the blade, killing Zhong Xin.

Zhong Xin was surrounded by this vast sea of blood, and his heart was a little shocked.

When the scimitar hit the sharp sword, Zhong Xin only felt a strong force, and the long sword in his hand almost fell from his grip.

However, Xu Zimo didn't give him time to rest. Xu Zimo slowly raised the tip of the knife, and the machete drew a large circle in mid-air along the trajectory.

A mysterious and mysterious aura emanated from the knife.

"Ask the seventh form of the nineteenth form, wind and cloud transform into a dragon."

As the whispered words sounded in Zhong Xin's ears, the world was silent.

It was like the cold wind coming from the northern part of the Great Wall mixed with the warm wind rushing towards the Bleed Demon's Secret Realm and the scorching sun.

The sky is full of wind and clouds, and it seems that an ancient dragon is roaring.

At that moment, all beings were lost in the wind and cloud, trembling in the roar of the dragon.

All Zhong Xin had left in front of him was that knife.

"Fengyun transforms into a dragon!"