I’m Really a Villain

Chapter 86: Fairy School


The blue sky looked exceptionally clear, with white clouds floating above.

The speed of the holy ship was extremely fast, and the airflow on both sides was quickly separated. After the holy ship flew into the sky and stabilized, the Seventh Elder stabilized the speed.

The holy ship was advancing towards the Holy Spring Sect at a constant speed, and several people stood on the edge of the holy ship, quite a bit like the top of the mountain, looking at the momentum of the mountains.

The blue sky is unbelievably blue, and the white clouds seem to be within reach.

The scenery is beautiful, but it is somewhat static. After watching it for a long time, it will gradually become a little boring.

"Fei'er, it's windy outside, you can sit here and take a rest," Lu Ang pointed to the rest area in the center of the holy ship, and said to Cai Yufei with a smile.

"Thank you Senior Brother Lu," Cai Yufei nodded coldly.

The four of them sat in the resting area, while the Seventh Elder returned to his room.

"Fei'er, are you busy recently? Last time there was a market in the town below the Zongmen, but you didn't even go when I asked you to," Lu Ang looked at Cai Yufei and said attentively.

"I usually want to practice, and I'm not very interested in things that have nothing to do with cultivation." Cai Yufei shook his head and said, "In addition, Brother Lu, I hope you can call me Junior Sister Cai next time."

Seeing Cai Yufei's cold answer, Lu Ang smiled politely but still embarrassed.

He glanced at Xu Zimo at the side, as if wanting to alleviate the embarrassment, he said with a smile: "Junior Brother Xu, I heard that you have only recently started to practice.

If there is anything you don’t understand about cultivation, you can always ask your senior brother. "

Xu Zimo originally leaned on the chair and squinted slightly, wanting to sleep for a while.

Hearing Lu Ang's words at this moment, he nodded and said: "Brother, I just have a question here and I want to ask you."

"What's the problem?" Lu Ang asked suspiciously.

"You said, if the girl you like doesn't like you, should you just give up? Or should you surround others like a licking dog."

After Xu Zimo finished speaking, he secretly glanced at Cai Yufei.

"Well," Lu Ang coughed a few times, then sighed and said, "Junior Brother, I can tell you haven't liked anyone else.

When you have someone you like, you will naturally understand. If you don't really like someone, who would want to be a licking dog

Besides, it's not that no one wants a senior brother. There are a lot of junior sisters and senior sisters in the sect chasing me, but I am a dedicated person, and I only love Fei'er. "

Cai Yufei on the side rolled his eyes, "This man is really shameless sometimes."

"I don't quite agree with senior brother's point of view. Even if I have someone I like in the future, I will never be a dog licker," Xu Zimo said shaking his head.

"If you don't fight for it, are you going to let the person you like miss it for nothing?" Lu Ang asked suspiciously.

Cai Yufei on the side also looked at Xu Zimo curiously.

"No, I quite agree with Ruhu's point of view," Xu Zimo shook his head and said, "If the person I like doesn't like me, I will fight hard.

If you can't do it once, you can do it ten times, and if you can't do it ten times, you can do it a hundred times. The twisted melon is not sweet but it can quench your thirst. "

"Although this sentence sounds weird, it seems that the words are not rough." Lu Ang looked at Xu Zimo and said excitedly: "Junior brother, listening to Jun's words is better than reading ten years of books. Senior brother seems to have realized something. .”

"Shameless," Cai Yufei snorted coldly, and then walked directly into the holy ship, unwilling to stay with a few people.

... ...

Then Lu Ang pulled Xu Zimo and insisted on discussing some shy topics. Xu Zimo only now realized that although this guy looked serious on the surface, he was actually extremely sullen in his heart.

Just as the two were discussing enthusiastically, a slight bird song came to their ears.

Xu Zimo raised his head and saw a huge Cang Luan flying beside the holy ship.

This Cang Luan is pure white in color, half the size of the Holy Ship, and when it spreads its wings, it has the aura of covering the sky and the sun.

Its feathers are extremely sharp, and the tail feathers have blue-red markings.

The neck is slender and proud, and the head is crowned with a golden crown.

On the back of this Cang Luan, there is a group of people standing at the moment.

There were five people in total, all dressed in fluttering white clothes. Standing on the Cang Luan at this moment, they looked like fairies.


"Is this holy ship a Taoist friend of the Zhenwu Sacred Sect?" A woman asked in front of Cangluan.

She is the leader of this group of people. She looks older than the girls next to her, but she is well maintained.

If you don't look carefully, you will even take her as a young girl.

"I am the Seventh Elder of Zhenwu Sacred Sect. Elder Fanyun can come down for a gathering," at this time the Seventh Elder also came out of the holy ship and said aloud.

"It turns out to be the elder of the Tianzheng," a voice came from above Cang Luan, and then the huge Cang Luan slowly landed.

"Who are these people?" Xiao Guizi asked curiously.

"It should be people from the Immortal Spirit Sect. It seems that they have also been invited to the Inner Sect Grand Competition of the Holy Spring Sect," Lu Ang said in a low voice.

The Immortal Sect can also be regarded as a first-class force in the Far West, and her founder is Feng Zu.

It is said that Fengzu is the wife of Emperor Wuchen. Although the Immortal Sect does not belong to Emperor Wuchen's power, there are also rumors that there is a real weapon of the emperor left by Emperor Wuchen in the sect.

Whether it's true or not, no one knows.

The difference between Xianlingzong and other sects is that this sect only recruits female disciples.

They never recruit male disciples, and every generation of saintesses in the sect cannot marry men.


Cang Luan descended from the sky, and five people from the Immortal Spirit Sect came this time.

Except for Elder Fanyun, the other four women were all dressed in white shirts with light blue gauze on the outside.

After a few people introduced, Xu Zimo also knew that one of the four female disciples was actually a saint of the generation of Xianlingzong.

This incident was beyond his expectation. He remembered that when he went to the Holy Spring Sect in his last life, the saint from the Immortal Spirit Sect did not come.

It seems that some things have indeed had a butterfly effect, no matter what, you have to be careful.

Becoming a saint means that the Immortal Sect will do its best to cultivate this woman in this life and help her fight for the destiny.

Even if the battle for destiny fails, she still has the opportunity to run for the suzerain of the fairy sect.

The woman's name was "Nie Xingqing". Xu Zimo had heard of this name in his previous life, but he had never met her.


The space above the holy ship is very wide, and the Seventh Elder and the opposing Elder Fanyun sat aside and chatted happily.

Lu Ang at the side looked at the four women from the Immortal Spirit Sect, sighed sullenly to Xu Zimo and said, "They all look good, but it's a pity that they joined the Immortal Spirit Sect."

"What's the matter, I remember their rule that only saintesses can't get married, other female disciples are allowed," Xu Zimo said with a smile.

"But the key problem is that they only need to come to the door, and the disciples are not allowed to marry outsiders," Lu Ang replied regretfully, shaking his head. Simply put, adding a change, the rudder master adds a change, and so on. Now I owe one change to Sui Feng, two changes to Si Se, one change to Qiu Mingshan Chariot God Pai Daxing, one change to Nan Mo, and one change to Liu Yu. When it is on the shelves, I will give you a unified update. As for the rewards of other brothers, I will add them up when they are on the shelves, and add them together at that time.