I’m Really Not The Demon God’s Lackey

Chapter 106: addict



Vincent clearly heard his subtle saliva swallowing from his throat to his ears. At this moment, the surroundings were quiet and frightening.

He looked at the silver holy emblem handed in front of him, and the smiling face of the owner of the bookstore, he didn't dare to reach out to pick it up.

He was wrong! Big mistake!

The problem is the owner of the bookstore, not the bookstore or other extraordinary creatures!

Vincent has seen the common creation methods of dark wizards in the library of the church.

Among the gargoyles, at least hundreds of souls are imprisoned, and as its core driving force, it has a powerful power.

He could almost intuitively feel that as long as the gargoyle was "activated", he would definitely die!

In the "Eye of the Moon", each of these resentful spirits were superhumans during their lifetime, and they all died in extreme pain and resentment. The stone statue becomes the will of the stone statue.

This is a skill that only high-level dark wizards can do.

And the dark wizard who made this gargoyle must be extremely cruel and tyrannical, ruthless, and must be a murderous executioner.

But no matter who the maker of this gargoyle is, the owner of the bookstore who owns it today must be... at least a destructive superhuman!

And that creepy rose gave Vincent a feeling of facing the abyss. It was like a greedy mouth, eager to devour something... Once engulfed, nothing will come back. not coming.

Vincent's fear of this rose is far above the gargoyle.

"What's the matter, Father?"

Lin Jie looked at the blindfolded father who didn't move in surprise, wondering why the other party didn't answer, but then he thought that the other party was blind, so it was really not good to pass it in the air, so he put it on the table and deliberately made it out. With a soft voice, he said, "Then I'll put it here, you can take it yourself."

He turned and said casually: "Your face looks a little bad, are you alright?"

"… fine."

Vincent reluctantly showed a thin smile, took a breath, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and said with a slight trembling: "Maybe it's caused by lack of sleep, I came here recently, and I haven't slept a few times on the way. Good night."

His eyes fell on the holy emblem on the counter, and he swallowed the sorrow in his heart.

Now the only available spell-casting props are also in the hands of the opponent, and the phrase to take it by yourself is definitely a deterrent and provocation.

However, the sad thing is that, as a priest who is not good at fighting, without the holy emblem as a support, Vincent didn't even dare to try the holy emblem that was put there, and there was a hint of despair in his heart.

He couldn't help but think to himself, what exactly does this bookstore owner, an absolute high-level powerhouse, want

Lin Jie said: "Hey, this is a big problem. Colin has gone too far this time - I don't know how such a misunderstanding came about. It's really causing trouble for others."

He reluctantly said with hope: "But it's better now. Please tell him everything truthfully. I'm not an evil spirit. I hope this nonsense misunderstanding can be resolved quickly."

You may not be an evil spirit, but you must be more terrifying than an evil spirit!

Vincent shouted in his heart, his throat tightened, and his whole body was trembling subtly—not that he was so timid, but in the constant tension, the feeling of palpitations and panic suddenly surged again. come up.

It was hard for him to describe the feeling, but he could tell the difference from his own emotions at the moment.

It's a feeling that's more of a physical than a psychological one.

Accompanied by the sweat on his back and forehead, the heavy breathing that made the lungs twitch slightly, the racing heartbeat, the slight moistness at the tip of the nose, and the fear of itching and tingling the skin like an ant.

And the hallucinatory sparkling white light in front of him.

After being seduced and magnified by the present emotion, it becomes unpleasant, more violent than ever felt, making muscles tense and even showing signs of spasms.

Breathing, breathing... too short and too fast, heart and lungs hurt, thinking... smoking...

Vincent's fingers twitched involuntarily, coughed heavily, and quickly reached out and took out the crumpled cigarette case from his arms.

Then, like grabbing a life-saving straw, he pulled out one and wanted to set it on fire.

A strange and urgent desire made him even briefly forget the bookstore owner who was "seeing" in front of him, staring at the cigarette in his hand and nodding: "I will... I will explain it to Colin, I believe, he will definitely treat you There will be new ideas.”

When I saw the cigarette, I could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and my mind started to work again.

The owner of the bookstore should want to hide his identity from his neighbors. As long as he promises to help hide it, he won't be "silenced"... But with such an existence, will the Mystery Tower and the truth ignore it

Does he need to report to the church

"Chuck! Chuck!"

Vincent said while thinking, the match shivered twice and did not light up.

At this time, Lin Jie reminded in a low voice, "Father, smoking is prohibited in the bookstore."

Vincent was taken aback, because the tone was very stern, reminding him of the experience of being reprimanded by an old priest in a divine art class when he was a child.

"Sorry!" He put the cigarette back at a loss, and looked up to see the bookstore owner with a very ugly face looking at him.

At a loss, it suddenly turned into a panic.

Vincent's hands and feet were weak and his scalp was numb: "I'm so sorry! I don't know, I just... "

"You just can't control yourself, can you?"

Lin Jie crossed his hands against his chin, the smile on his face disappeared completely, and said word by word: "Have you been feeling uneasy recently, sweating in your sleep, emotional ups and downs, often shaking uncontrollably, and feeling your breath being blocked? Suppression, body twitching spasms, and, especially, longing for—"

Lin Jie pointed at the cigarette that was folded in his hand: "Smoking?"

The expression on his face changed from Vincent's unnatural trembling and panting to a dignified look, and his eyes re-examined the priest sitting opposite.

Since Vincent entered the bookstore, he has found that the other party's mental state is not very good, but he thought it was just a simple bad state, because of lack of sleep or work pressure.

However, as the conversation progressed, he frequently leaned in to observe the various subtle expressions of the other party, until now, when Vincent took out the cigarette, he was basically certain.

The priest in front of me is an addict!

But he didn't realize it himself, and he looked very dazed, which showed that he was probably framed by someone!

Vincent stared blankly at the cigarette in his hand.

Lin Jie's eyes were deep and he asked meaningfully, "Father, where did the smoke in your hand come from?"