I’m Really Not The Demon God’s Lackey

Chapter 119: Destiny Coin (Part 1)


The brave Colin, who went to the devil's cave to prove himself in anger, just stepped out of the store and hurried back.

Of course, it was definitely not because of sudden fear.

It was because he suddenly remembered that he forgot to carry the demon-removing props, so he was not a fool.

Even if you want to die generously, you must first expose the true face of that demon!

- Boss Lin still doesn't know that in just half a month, he has changed from "honest person" to "evil spirit" in the eyes of his neighbors, and then upgraded to "devil", and his rank has risen steadily.

Colin twisted his fat body, pouted his butt, and rummaged through boxes and cabinets, while muttering:

"Where's the holy water? Where did my holy water come from? I remember a little left over..."

After Father Vincent left, Colin was angry and scared. In order to vent his emotions, he almost smashed all his beloved TV sets. As for other things, they were naturally unavoidable, and they all became "garbage heaps" on the ground at the moment.

The holy water given by the priest was the first to bear the brunt. If it weren't for Colin's prudence, the glass bottle used to hold the holy water was still strong, and now he would have to reconfigure the holy water... or lick the holy water on the floor and make himself a holy water. of exorcism tools.

"Ah! Found it!"

He raised the bottle in his hand, and there was still about one-fifth of the holy water in the transparent glass bottle.

The owner of the audio-visual store has a stable personality. He sprinkles holy water around the room and the door three times a day, and the consumption of holy water is naturally very large.

Colin hesitated: "There's only so much left... Will it work? Even if you want to provoke this demon, you have to do damage to him, right?"

It was really embarrassing to ask him to use his usual resting brain to think about problems.

At this moment, he suddenly saw something shining on the ground beside his feet.

Colin bent down and picked it up to take a look.

It is a thin coin, about two knuckles wide.

He seemed to remember that he kicked the sofa against the wall in anger before, as if he heard the sound of metal falling to the ground.

This coin may have been stuck in the gap between the sofa and the wall before, and it fell off because of this foot and rolled into some debris pile.

Now because of his messy rummaging, he slipped out of the junk pile again.

No matter how troubled Colin is, he is also a businessman and recognizes that the coin in his hand is not a coin issued by the Central Bank of Nuojin.

The normal coins of Nuojin have a thumbnail sketch of the whole city engraved on the obverse, and several denominations ranging from 1 cent to 1 yuan on the reverse, with a thickness of about one millimeter.

The banknotes are also complete sets and have unique anti-counterfeiting measures.

The coin in Colin's hand is thinner and very light, and three simple concentric circles are drawn on it, with a vertical spindle-shaped spindle pattern in the center, which looks ancient and has a mysterious atmosphere.

"This coin seems familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere, it feels really strange..."

Colin muttered to himself, looking suspiciously at the coin in his hand.

Soon, he remembered where he had seen it.

This coin is a family heirloom…

When he was young, his father Colin Sr. was the former owner of the store before he died. He often showed him this coin and told him stories about it.

Colin's memory has been blurred, and he only remembers the lucky coin with magic power, and their ancestors made a fortune on it.

But because he was naughty and got the coin somewhere, old Colin also beat him.

But at that time, their family was reduced to opening a video store. The symbol of this coin is more symbolic, at least it proves that their Colin family was once brilliant.

As for what kind of lucky magic... If it's useful, will Colin still live in a video store in such a crappy place? !

"And became a neighbor with a demon!"

At the end of the memory, Colin angrily took the coin in his hand, holy water in one hand, and coin in the other.

Although I don't know if the legend of this coin is true or not - Colin of course thinks that most of it is false.

But talk is better than nothing... Bring it on! I hope the ancestors of the Colin family can bless his descendants!

"Anyway, no matter if I go today or not, this devil will definitely not let me go, it's better to just end it! I've had enough of this anxious day!"

"I don't want to wait at all, continue to be neighbors with the devil, and when the devil wants to eat meat, he will attack me. This feels terrible! It can't be worse!"

Colin cursed to add to his anger.

He mustered up his courage, walked out of his store again, rushed straight to the next door, held holy water and coins high, and kicked open the half-closed door of the bookstore.

At this moment, in Colin's imagination, he seemed to be the most powerful warrior in the world.

He straightened his chest and even thought about his lines.

- "Devil, don't underestimate humans!!!"

But the picture after kicking the door was different from what he imagined.

The bookstore actually has customers at the moment, and there are quite a few, all of them together. About five or six people are standing in front of the counter, seeming to be chatting with the bookstore owner.

Because Colin kicked the door with a "bang", the group and the bookstore owner turned their heads to look at him.

"Gah?" Colin, who died heroically, was stunned, and recognized the identities of these people wearing dark green coats with giant tree patterns.

Nuojin's largest commodity transit agency - Ash Tree Chamber of Commerce.

Edmund pushed the gold wire glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked up at the dilapidated bookstore without a signboard in front of him, turned around and said, "This is Mr. Lin's residence, you must be careful, don't touch it, and don't Looking around, our mission is to meet Mr. Lin's requirements as much as possible and help to prepare the identity documents, which is also the master's will."

The five people who followed behind were Qili's subordinates in the Ash Tree Chamber of Commerce, and said in unison, "Yes, Lord Steward."

That's right, the leader of this team is Qili's housekeeper, an absolute confidant like Bella, the head maid.

He looked about fifty years old, with gray temples, a beard above his lips, a well-dressed suit, white gloves on his hands, and a very dependable appearance.

Edmund walked into the bookstore first and closed the door.

The bookstore just opened for business today. The owner of the bookstore sat leisurely behind the counter reading a book, and a delicate and small girl was holding a brass box in contemplation.

Hearing the movement, Lin Jie put down the book and raised his head. He saw the prints on the clothes of these people and said, "People from the Ash Tree Chamber of Commerce? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Edmund stroked his chest and saluted: "Hello, I'm Edmund Chapman, Miss Qili's housekeeper, and I'm glad to serve you."