I’m Really Not The Demon God’s Lackey

Chapter 12: Hey, what about others?


"Rat" Ryan, that's what they called him.

In the hunter organization "White Wolf", most of the people's filthy blood comes from the dream beast known for its ferocity and brutality - "Wolf of the Empty Court".

His nickname is mixed among the wolves, as if it is a great irony.

But he was proud.

What's so bad about being a timid mouse

Insidious, cunning, greedy, slick and blah blah blah…

For him, it's all compliments.

Only such a person can live a long life.

Oh yes, and a keen sense of smell and clear insight.

Judging the situation is his life-saving magic weapon.

From the very beginning as a street gangster, he spent so many years, I don't know how many organizations he went through and how many times he became a traitor.

No one can kill him, no one is willing to kill him.

The intelligence network in Ryan's hands, only he knows how deep it is.

And this time, he took refuge in a woman.

When the miraculous wolf-shaped beast-like posture brought destruction and blood like annihilation, and gracefully changed back to human beings, Ryan knew that the night of the hunters might be changed to another owner.

This woman will bring an unprecedented revolution!

But it doesn't matter, even if she fails, "Rat" Ryan will be fine.

A wizard's brand of loyalty

Ha, sorry, he has already secretly got a way to crack it.

Relying on false surrender, he didn't know how dashing his life was all these years, but the masters who had been betrayed by him had already turned into a handful of loess.

And those idiots who can't see the situation and hang themselves from a tree, such as the third leader Kaji... have proved with their own lives how cheap and dangerous trust is.

When serving for Harris, he also relied on this trick to convince the big leader of the white wolf that he was such a bad intelligence dealer.

Now, it's even easier to deceive such a little girl and eldest lady...

Rats - have their own ambitions too!

If he can get a way to control the beastization, he will no longer have to rely on others and be a mouse only worthy of running rampant in the sewers.

Ah, incomparable power, coupled with the intelligence network he controls, he can be his own emperor under the sun!

At that time, everyone will surrender to him...

Ryan looked back from the surroundings and fell on the owner of the bookstore. He carefully used all his 40 years of experience to judge and observe.

Finally came to the conclusion that this young man was just an ordinary person.

Although there is a gargoyle on the table, but this gargoyle has no ether fluctuations, just like... No, this is a small object that an ordinary person will use as a decoration at home.


His eyes moved to Ji Zhixu again.

The hunter's expression was respectful and his posture was humble, as if the other party was a god-level powerhouse.

Ryan was confused for the first time.

Is he old? Is it that the mouse's eyes are not sharp enough, and the sense of smell is not sensitive enough

No, it won't.

He has always been confident in his own judgment. Not long ago, he accurately judged that Harris would make a big move, and this guy had a wrong look to their subordinates recently, so he turned to take refuge here early, A murder was avoided.

As it turns out, he was right.

And this time, he chose to believe in himself.

But out of respect for the new owner and natural caution, he decided to see what this guy would say before he could get this kind of treatment.

Lin Jie's idea is very simple, as long as she appease the other party's anxiety, let her understand that this scumbag is indeed inferior to her, and now the other party is afraid of her, and she has won the victory, the rest just needs to wait.

He said: "You don't have to worry too much, things are easier than you think, your enemy is not him now, but something else, what you fear is only fear itself, so... just wait for a while, there will be The news came."

That's it

That's it? !

Don't do anything, just wait to solve the problem, what do you want the Mystery Tower and the hunter to do

Ryan frowned tightly, his face expressionless, but his facial muscles were slightly twisted. Big words, empty words, and ambiguous words were all tricks used by liars. He was very familiar with this!

After years of struggling, he was so familiar with this rhetoric that he couldn't be more familiar.

He judged without hesitation that this was a complete liar!

But what surprised him was that Ji Zhixu looked humbly and taught, nodded and whispered: "Thank you for your teaching, I benefited a lot from the last book, but this time the situation is extraordinary, I hope… "

"Huh..." Ryan tried to calm himself down, but the pride of being a mouse was now like being thrown on the ground and stepped on.

He is indeed old, otherwise how could he choose such a stupid master

What is it, a little girl who is not deep in the world

Damn, how can you not even see such an obvious liar!

Lin Jie suddenly put down the teacup with a subtle expression, and said, "Sorry, wait a moment, I have some things to deal with, about five minutes."

Hiss... It's really bad, waiting for the guests to read a book as usual, and drinking a little too much tea.

Just when it was time to go to the toilet, I chatted with this eldest lady.

Although it is not impossible to endure it, it is not good for the body after all.

And there is no need, presumably this kind of physiological needs, the other party will understand him.

Ji Zhixu was stunned for a while, then nodded and said obediently: "Okay, please do it."

Lin Jie stood up, walked towards the stairs on the second floor, and disappeared at the corner of the stairs under the watch of the two of them.

Ji Zhixu was about to ponder what the owner of the bookstore said, when Ryan, who was beside him, suddenly leaned down and gritted his teeth: "Boss, what are you doing?!"

Ji Zhixu frowned and said coldly, "I brought you here only because the information you have may be useful, not because I trust you or value you. What is your tone?"

"Don't forget the brand on your neck, you are now my retainer, not a wild rat scurrying around, maybe you need to know some rules."

Ryan's face distorted instantly: "He is a liar, an out-and-out liar! Yes, I don't know the rules, but I understand this, I understand it too well, although his tricks are superb, I can find out the minimum Three people on the same level as him!"

An idiot who has been fooled around, looks at him with such high-level eyes, like watching a mouse in the gutter...

Ji Zhixu's face sank, and he scolded in a low voice: "Shut up! I shouldn't have brought you here. Sure enough, there are only humble and narrow things in the eyes of vulgar and narrow people. If it weren't for you, I would kill you now with one sword. about you!"

"I'm loyal to you, you'll know right away..."

A poisoned arrow slipped out from behind Ryan's back, covering up the killing intent in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "I'll prove it to you when he comes down."


It was like a neigh from the abyss suddenly resounding in the bookstore.

Ryan and Ji Zhixu were stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the counter at the same time.

The pitch-black statue twisted and expanded at a very fast speed, swung its long tail, and spread its huge bat wings, like a huge shadow from hell, shrouding the figures of the two.

It has a long mouth and whistles silently, and the evil blood-red light in its eyes is blazing, staring at the person who showed murderous intent - Ryan.

Then he swooped, grabbed Ryan's head with his claws, ignoring his struggle with all his might and the terrified look of extreme disbelief, bit off his head and swallowed it, then ate his torso, and finally stretched out The long tongue licked the blood from the floor and cabinets.

This process only took less than a minute, and Ryan couldn't even make a scream.

The gargoyle turns back into a statue.

"Beep, beep."

Lin Jie came down the stairs and saw Ji Zhixu standing blankly in front of the counter, staring at the floor in a daze.

He said strangely: "Hey, your subordinate, what about others?"

Ji Zhixu snapped back to his senses, looked at Lin Jie with a pale face, and smiled with difficulty: "He... he's in a hurry."