I’m Really Not The Demon God’s Lackey

Chapter 14: your uncle


The track of the rain is clearly visible, and the fine rain feet are elongated into white lines, and finally become decomposed water droplets in the field of vision.

The frantic wind blew through everything, and countless chaotic voices were wrapped in the wind and fell on the ears.

The eddies of clouds that are gradually gathering in the sky, the rustling and flying leaves, the swaying wires, the running people, the rushing water, the breath, the heartbeat, the blood, the soul, the ether...

Ji Zhixu felt that his soul was pulled out, but it was not completely separated from his body.

The soul is no longer what the soul looks like, it begins to stretch and relax, like a huge octopus rising into the void, gradually extending its countless tentacles around.

Ji Zhixu was at a loss for a while, and then realized the current situation.

She instinctively looked towards the bookstore, but she seemed to see a cloud of fog, and she seemed to see nothing.

Through the glass window on the door of the bookstore, Lin Jie could be seen picking books on the bookshelf, still looking unremarkable.

She moved her gaze to the gargoyle.

Seeing nearly a thousand souls condensed on the pitch-black little stone statue, densely packed skeletons with different degrees of decay crowded together, wailing and roaring, reaching out their hands to grab something.

Among them, the most conspicuous one is the most complete soul screaming in pain.

It was the "rat" Ryan who died not long ago.

Ji Zhixu did not see the "loyalty" rune on his soul.

Heywood's brand has really been lifted!

As soon as Ji Zhixu thought about it, those tentacles floating in the air quickly rushed towards the distance, entangled in Ryan's soul that was about to be assimilated by the gargoyle.

A ripped apart.

Ji Zhixu suddenly felt a sharp pain in his mind as if being beaten and stirred by a heavy hammer.

"Well… "

Ji Zhixu groaned, took a half step back as if he had been hit hard, and stabilized his body.

She opened her eyes suddenly, looked at the page in her hand, and gasped for breath.

"Ho-so so..."

The hunter felt his mutated soul—the octopus-like huge invisible soul still floated behind her like a ghost, but it was temporarily unable to leave her surroundings.

And the countless tentacles of the octopus are entwining a soul with a fearful expression.

That was Ryan.

He seemed to want to speak, his eyes widened, but his mouth was tightly covered by the tentacles.

"The indelible iron will, the power that acts directly on the soul... As expected of Mr. Lin, he transformed my soul structure with ease, instilling a huge amount of ether, and now I can be called a veritable panic-level hunter. Now, in the state of beastization, it may not be impossible to fight against the destruction level."

Ji Zhixu muttered to himself, wiped off the nosebleed with the back of his hand, but his iron-grey eyes were extra bright, and he smiled: "This feeling of being full is not bad."

All this was given to her by Mr. Lin.

Even, if the bookstore hadn't opened its doors for her at that time, she might have died in pursuit and there would be no follow-up.

Ah, it's not an exaggeration to say that Mr. Lin gave her a second life.

Ji Zhixu's emotions were up and down, and he finally stood in the rain, touching his chest and bowing in the direction of the bookstore, silently expressing his surrender and allegiance.

This is respect for the strong, and it is also the etiquette of being willing to be affiliated.

In Ji Zhixu's view, since the other party has put so much effort into her, he has improved his strength and eliminated the traitors.

But so far, there has been no initiative to ask for a return.

Then most likely, you want to cultivate your own power and gradually change the class ecology of hunters.

Her active allegiance must be something the other party likes to hear.

So why not be more obedient and obedient

However, having said that... Mr. Lin really has unfathomable strength.

She felt that in the state just now, she might even be able to see some flaws in the destruction-level aether disguise, but there was nothing unusual about the disguise on Mr. Lin's body.

He looks like a normal and ordinary person who observes the state with the naked eye!

It's amazing!

Lin Jie reached out and took down a picture book, sorted out the order of the books, and put them back.

When he turned around and was about to go back, Yu Guang glanced outside. Ji Zhixu seemed to wipe his nosebleed first, and then bowed apologetically.

Lin Jie twitched the corners of his mouth, arranging the bookshelf for a while, and slowly watched the other party go away, feeling a little bad.


This guy... doesn't have the attributes of a slut, right

If you come to his bookstore so frequently, it must be... no, no, no, it's better not to make such a rude assumption.

Not good for both parties.

Lin Jie shook his head and wiped out all those thoughts.

He sat back on his fixed seat, picked up a book, and continued to read to pass the time.

What happened to be drawn was the very healing and heartwarming "The Little Prince".

This fairy tale is full of philosophy. The stories and truths told are really gentle and lovely. It is a good book that Lin Jie has read many times and never gets tired of it.

Lin Jie was satisfied and decided that this is the bedtime reading for today.



After Lin Jie subconsciously finished speaking, he was stunned for a moment and realized that there was another guest.

Um? What's a good day today

That eldest lady is indeed a koi!

He straightened a little and looked at the door, his eyes lit up even more, this time it was a new guest who was completely unfamiliar.

But... it doesn't seem very friendly.


The door closed and the shoes fell to the ground.

A heavy voice sounded.

I saw an old man casually wearing a suit with a tired expression walking in from outside the door. His sturdy body completely blocked the glass window on the door.

In an instant, most of the light in the bookstore, which was not bright, was blocked again.

Lin Jie had to reach out to turn on the warm light, and then said with a business smile: "Hello, may I help you with anything, you can read, borrow or buy books."

Under the light, the strong body like a mountain reminded people of Schwarzenegger, and the white hair on his head did not make people think of him as an old man. His tired and sharp eyes were like a resting lion.

He walked in, his eyes wandering, as if he was patrolling his own territory.

It was difficult for Lin Jie to judge the age of the guest for a while.

Then... Uncle, it's always right to be called Uncle.

The uncle looked around, and finally landed on the gargoyle on the counter, his eyes narrowed, he knocked on the counter, raised his eyes and said, "You are the owner of this bookstore?"

Lin Jie nodded: "Hey, uncle, that's right."

"..." Joseph was silent for a while, and squeezed out a sentence from his teeth: "Master?"

you sir!

If another knight came to talk like this, Joseph swears, he is sure to smash that guy's hollow head!

His chest rose and fell a few times, but he swallowed his breath when he thought that there was only an ordinary person in front of him.

"Clap" with his hands on the counter, staring at Lin Jie, he said solemnly, "That gargoyle is yours?"