I’m Really Not The Demon God’s Lackey

Chapter 18: He had no choice


"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! How can this happen?!"

The black cat had a humanized look of panic and fear on his face, and his eyes were panic-stricken.

It ran in the rain, breaking through a misty rain curtain.

After running for an unknown amount of time, the exhausted black cat suddenly tripped over, flipped somersaults, got up again, and continued to run for a few steps in embarrassment, hiding in an alley.

"Whirring whirring… "

The black cat flicked the water droplets on his fur, looked out cautiously, and found that there was no one, so he was a little relieved.

It slumped and sat on the ground.

"Transfiguration - Release!"

The black cat's breathing gradually calmed down, opened his mouth, and the somewhat sharp juvenile voice in the period of voice change sounded.

A wave of ether made the black cat's body twisted and elongated, turning into a boy of fifteen or sixteen.

Short brown hair and freckled Morrison Gregg who can transform into a cat.

Investigator of the Mystery Tower Intelligence Section, currently serving for one year.

Although he is young, he is far superior to ordinary people in terms of transfiguration, so he has the qualifications to perform independent tasks.

But this time things are very different.

He was originally in the task interval, which was equivalent to a vacation, and did not take over the task.

But Greg heard that this time, the former Radiant Knight Joseph refused to follow all the staff because of Wilde's danger, and came to investigate alone.

As a star-chasing teenager who joined the Intelligence Department for Joseph, Greg knew all about the deeds between the glorious knight Joseph and the dark wizard Wilde.

Out of curiosity and concern for his idol, he cautiously followed Joseph to the bookstore.

Of course, he made the most of his talents.

Hanging from a safe distance all the way, never let yourself be exposed.

Until just now, not so long ago.

After waiting outside the bookstore for about ten minutes, Greg was just about to take a look at what was going on inside.

As a result, I saw a very terrifying picture!

Destruction-level glorious knight, undefeated holy flame, half-body steel humanoid monster—

In front of the counter, he curled up in pain as if he was injured, and then fell straight down!

Greg swears he can see clearly with those cat eyes.

A second ago, Joseph was still chatting and laughing with the seemingly friendly bookstore owner, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

The next second, Joseph fell to the ground as if he had been hit hard.

And the bookstore owner jumped out from behind the counter, then reached out to control the lifeline of the great knight, and made some strange movements - Greg dared to swear, this must be some evil witchcraft!

Immediately afterwards, the bookstore owner, without any mercy or pity, roughly dragged the knight, who did not know his life or death, into a narrow container, and gave him a cold sarcasm in a low voice.

"Jagged people also have fairy tale dreams"

Is he mocking the recklessness of Lord Joseph for going to the meeting alone, does he seem childish to him

Or is it just a vain fantasy that the Mystic Tower's great work of clearing all darkness

"Damn, he said 'sleep in peace', does he want the undefeated Shengyan to fall into eternal sleep?!"

Greg shuddered.


Even more frightening is that this has become half the truth...

"What the hell is going on here? Who is this bookstore owner? How could Lord Joseph just fall down without resisting at all?"

Greg was distraught, pale, trembling, and felt like he had escaped death.

No, not like, he just came back from the brink of death.

He could not forget the feeling of cardiac arrest when he accidentally knocked down some debris outside the door because of his anger.

The owner of the bookstore could have grabbed him directly, but he just stopped at the door of the bookstore.

But he knew that the owner of the bookstore had seen through his disguise.

"Is it dangerous

Yes, the real danger is at hand.

There is only one path to "safety" - "going home".

The bookstore owner deliberately let him go, and wanted him to go back and report!

Maybe a warning, maybe a provocation, maybe a mockery.

But he has no choice now...

Joseph has fallen!

Now, only he can tell the news to the Mystic Tower.

Morrison Gregg.

Investigator of the Mystery Tower Intelligence Section, currently serving for one year.

The heaviest mission to date.

He resisted the fear in his heart, clenched his teeth and clenched his fists, turned into a black cat again, and rushed to the direction of the Secret Ritual Tower.

Joseph fell into a hallucination again.

In front of you is an endless starry sky and nothingness, large and small stars are dotted with the dark sky, flickering indefinitely.

Billions of light-years away, stars cycle back and forth between birth and destruction.

The concept of time is disappearing.

In this sea of stars, countless behemoths are cruising in it.

Many times, these huge shadows will flow from here to reality. In Joseph's eyes, the spaces on both sides overlap, forming a strange and beautiful picture.

It's as shocking as a blue whale shuttles between cities.

But this shock, most of the time, is painful.

Because it would destroy his cognition and plunge him into a fear of the unknown.

The magic sword, Candela, will travel through tens of thousands of years and send out a painful and twisted roar to this starry sky.

Joseph occasionally felt that it was like a baby thinking of its mother.

To be honest, the guardian magic sword Candela, to him, is like taking care of a disobedient child.

It was difficult for him to grasp the child's emotions, and because of age, he became increasingly unable to discipline it.

But this time is different.

There was a book in Joseph's hand, a book that didn't look thick or big.


The pages of the book were quickly opened, and the indescribable taboo words flashed in front of him one by one.

"Those who stare at the abyss will also be watched by the abyss, and will be recognized by the abyss..."

"Wait... wait... Damn! Trap! Ugh!"

Joseph woke up instantly because of the severe pain in his brain, and felt his head swell because he received too much information.

Among the violent emotions of the Demon Sword, there was a hint of joy and joy, and Joseph's pain quickly subsided and slowed down.

Why is it happy because of this book

Fairy tales… really for kids!

Joseph opened his eyes sharply.

He stared blankly at the unfamiliar ceiling, trying to move only to find himself restrained.

He lowered his head a little, and sure enough he was holding the "fairy tale" in his hand.

Is it a fairy tale...

"Hey, sir, are you awake?"

A familiar young voice came from beside him.

Joseph turned his head and saw the familiar smiling face.

He shook his head, feeling the headache gone, and reached out to prop himself up.

Joseph turned to look at Lin Jie, sat up, and said in a low voice, "Thank you."