I’m Really Not The Demon God’s Lackey

Chapter 43: Do good deeds without leaving your name


"You know what to do. With your wisdom, Old Wang, I believe you can handle this matter well."

Lin Jie sighed and said, "I know, this may be a little uncomfortable, after all, he is your child, but if you don't do this, I think you will regret it even more in the future."

Alas, it may be very painful to face the truth, but it is a great good thing for Lao Wang and the society to expose the real face of this guy who came to cheat the elderly and the elderly.

He, Lin Jie, is such an enthusiastic person who does good deeds anonymously.

It is normal for Lao Wang to be deceived when he is old and lacks love, but at this time, as his friend, he must stand up to wake him up and supervise him.

Beneficiaries are three friends, you are straight, you are understanding, and you are more informed.

Lin Jie felt that although he could not do all of them, he must give correct guidance in the face of this situation.

"You have chosen to be weak and indulgent now. In fact, you are not only putting yourself in a disadvantageous situation, but also the greatest disrespect to the Charles in your heart. You are doing this, but you are making mistakes again and again. You really want him to be completely Destroy it? Rather than waiting until the end to regret it, it is better to leave the last bit of beauty."

Yes, the returned Charles... is just an empty shell after all.

The real Charles is already dead.

How could he try to deceive himself and take the rotten corpse in front of him as Charles? !

This is simply insulting his disciple!

Wilde's eyes behind the mask were very ashamed, and he suddenly felt a trace of coldness that finally settled down. After a long time, he said in a low voice: "You are right, I am confused this time, and I will deal with this matter as soon as possible."

Those who really used his feelings and used Charles were the ones who needed to be "handled".

It's not that he doesn't know the truth, it's just that he misses his disciple, so he finally chose to take the initiative to be deceived and deceive himself in the hope that he can relive the old days of his disciple...

By the time the replay is over, the damn thing is still going to die.

His actions did, however, lead to an even greater risk, and immersed in one of these trances, one might not be able to tell what was true and what was false.

If he hadn't come to the bookstore because of confusion, he might have continued to teach the rest of the spell to "Charles" out of guilt, and after the people behind them had squeezed the last benefit, they could do what they wanted to do. It's obvious.

It was an outright assassination attempt.

And it's almost a success.

But fortunately, Mr. Lin's words were like what those northern warrior monks said, and he woke up instantly.

Lin Jie nodded, and then instructed: "You must be decisive, you must not be sloppy, and you must be firm and ruthless in dealing with such people, otherwise it will be easy to reignite."

This kind of social youth is a bastard and a scumbag. If you don't fully express your attitude, you will definitely be confused.

Wilde smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't give him a second chance."

Cutting grass and rooting, he is very familiar with this set.

Now, those behind must be smiling smugly.

Before they can react, let's do it directly.

It just so happened that from Mr. Lin's writings, he learned a lot of language related to corpses and death. He has made great progress in incantation, and is very willing to do an experiment.

Lin Jie took another sip of tea and said happily: "This is the old king I know, and the look of despair just now seemed to be back to two years ago. To be honest, I feel a little disappointed, I am even more disappointed. I hope you can read more books and come out of the past."

An empty-nest old man like Lao Wang has a very poor spiritual life and a great need for affection.

But the reality does not meet his needs.

Therefore, occasionally using the aggressive method to make him have some fighting spirit, be more enthusiastic about the current affairs, and live a fuller life may be the best way to solve the problem.

"disappointment"? not good!

Wilde's expression froze. Mr. Lin originally handed the "Cetition of Corpse Food" to him, definitely hoping that he could help spread the content, and then... Maybe restore the glory of this sect, or maybe establish a new religion.

In short, handing this book to him for research is tantamount to giving him an invisible task.

But not only has he not done it now, but he also has one more troublesome thing, and I have to say that it is really not good.

So now the words are knocking and reminding - it's time for him to help spread the doctrine!

Don't dwell on the past, you are working for me now!

Wilde warned: "I have seen your help and expectations from your book. Please forgive me for this mistake. After the matter is resolved, I will not let you down again."

Lin Jie waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't be so serious, you usually come to borrow a few books, buy a few books, and promote it more. For me, that is the biggest expectation."

The selfless and generous bookstore owner really hopes that he can spread the teachings.

"Okay, I see, there will be a party shortly, and I will bring your voice."

"Oh? Then I'll have to look forward to it."

Wilde sat in the bookstore until he finished his tea, and then said goodbye in a harmonious atmosphere of laughter and laughter.

Charles opened the door, looked at the old man outside the door, showed a happy smile, and said, "Ah, teacher, you are back."

The handsome young man's face was full of respect and closeness to his teacher.

He stretched out his hand to take the umbrella that Wilde had tucked away, and limped toward the house.

It was naturally impossible to come back from the rift in the dream unscathed. This broken leg was the proof of Charles' suffering.

Wilde looked at his back, and there was a trace of regret in his eyes, but he took a deep breath and quickly calmed down, saying: "Charles, go get my sacrificial knife, you know where it is."

To be able to achieve this perfect resurrection technique, at least it is at the same level as him.

That is to say, behind the resurrected Charles is a destructive dark wizard.

Charles sighed, put away the umbrella, and asked doubtfully, "Are you going to experiment with spells?"

Wilde said calmly: "Well, there is a very important spell that needs to be tested. I also have some preparations to do here. Go ahead, and I will need your help later."

Charles nodded: "I will try my best."

As he spoke, he turned around to get the teacher's sacrificial sword.

He knew that the teacher's most commonly used spellcasting tool was the sacrificial knife made of obsidian, so he didn't think too much about it.

When he came out of the room where the spell-casting props were placed, Charles was still thinking about how long it would take to complete the task...

He handed the sacrificial knife in his hand to Wilde, saw the old man showing a kind smile, and then extended his hand.


With little effort, the sharp obsidian sacrificial knife penetrated Charles' skull.

The young man's eyes widened, and the last picture he saw when he fell down was the pitch-black ether spreading on the ground, covering his field of vision like a cluster of thorns.

"Rest in peace, my child, death has its serenity."

Wilde looked at the corpse surrounded by thorns in front of him, saw the red blood lines peeled off under the skin like puppet lines, and sighed: "The coffin of eternal sleep... It really is you - Murphy!"

He pulled out the sacrificial knife and cut off the ether wires connecting the caster and the subject one by one.

"Red Sect" headquarters, prayer room.

In front of the dark altar, the face of "Prayer" Murphy was illuminated by candles.

There were candles around the altar, and there was a pool of blood in the central groove.

The blood flowed down from the gaps around it, forming thin pillars, which fell on the ground and radiated and distorted and spread around, forming a huge complex spell formation on the ground.

Suddenly, the candles were extinguished one by one, and the blood column was eerily cut off.

Murphy opened his eyes, took two steps back in horror, and said:

"Wilde, how could he?!"

Before he finished speaking, the forcibly interrupted spell brought a terrifying backlash.

"Clap la la..."

The altar quickly cracked, the debris turned into ashes, and then collapsed, and the originally stable huge ether energy lost control in an instant, pouring down like a flood.

Murphy seemed to have been hit head-on by an invisible charging army, and flew out with a bang, knocking down the wall.

The entire secret room collapsed.

The black wizards of the Red Sect were alerted and rushed over, looking at the messy ruins, a huge cobweb-like deep pit that was slammed out by the pouring ether.

And Murphy who was coughing and got up.
