I’m Really Not The Demon God’s Lackey

Chapter 45: Cosplay


After Lin Jie sent Pharaoh away, he took a copy of "The Interpretation of Dreams" from the bookshelf and sat back in his chair to read it slowly.

This book is Freud's representative work and the foundational work in the field of psychoanalysis.

It is very famous, but at the same time, due to the limitations of the times and the reasons for pioneering works, many theories have been overturned by brain science, and there is a lot of controversy in the content.

Now read this book again, learning is a way of thinking and the perspective of looking at things.

The book's view of dreams is that dreams are disguised gratifications of unconscious desires and childhood desires.

A dream is a real dialogue between a person and his own heart, a process of learning from himself, and another life closely related to himself.

He had read this book roughly for a long time, but because of the dream he had recently, he wanted to review it on a whim.

Lin Jie flipped through the pages for a while, thinking about being idle, whether to take out other related books and read them.

The door of the bookstore was pushed open.

Um? What kind of wind is this blowing recently? Why do guests come one after another, just like dumplings.

But then again, this change seems to have started from the day that Pharaoh sent the gargoyle.

Could it be that this gargoyle has not only the blessing meaning of exorcising evil spirits, but also the feng shui meaning of attracting wealth

Tsk, this old king is really, just borrow books, and what souvenirs are they giving away

Compared to the days when he used to be very busy, and even reading books would be interrupted frequently, he really had no…

Law refuses.

Please come again!

Lin Jie put down the book in his hand, put on a standard business smile, looked over and said, "Welcome, may I ask if you want to borrow, read or buy books, and if you have any questions, you can ask me at any time."

"Any questions?"

The woman who pushed in the door had a very gentle and pleasant voice.

As far as Lin Jie's eyes could see, the new guest had a very gentle and amiable appearance just like her voice.

Amazing beauty, white and greasy skin, emerald eyes like rippling blue waves, and that shining blond hair, as soon as she appeared, it seemed that the entire dark bookstore also became brighter.

Lin Jie's eyes narrowed and fell on her ears. Those slender, pointed ears couldn't be ignored.

Looking further down, she was wearing a long white robe, especially like an ancient Roman toga robe, with multiple layers of folds that looked very elegant.

The overall shape, no matter how you look at it, seems to be a beautiful and elegant forest elf who has strayed into the world.

This... is this...

That kind of high-reduction cosplay

Lin Jie's eyes were instantly filled with surprise and admiration, and there was a feeling similar to "meeting old knowledge in a foreign land".

The activity of cosplay, which is very common on earth, can be traced back to ancient bards playing the role of stories.

In modern times, under the leadership of various cultural products such as animation, movies, games, etc., it is very prosperous and mature.

But in Azir, although there is also a TV entertainment industry, it is not developed in this area, and it lacks a more important subculture distribution center and leader.

Cosplay is still in the very primitive stage of "masquerade party".

It's really hard to see that kind of professional-level cos, which is embarrassing.

But the guest in front of him is obviously the kind with excellent professional level.

Not to mention the make-up technique, whether it is face or temperament, it has achieved the divine restoration of the creature like elves, which is really commendable.

Lin Jie even felt for a moment that there was a real elf in front of him.

And this romantic feeling of a beautiful blond elf breaking into a remote and dilapidated bookstore in the midst of heavy rain.

Miss is very good.

Of course, realistic is realistic.

As a normal person, Lin Jie doesn't feel that there is really an elf in front of him.

Just ask, how can a real elves walk around in a big city like Nuojin so struttingly, aren't they afraid of being caught and displayed as a rare species

But then again.

Lin Jie felt that the format of Miss Sister's question was a bit familiar.

After thinking about it carefully, isn't this the same as Melissa's arrogant child who was ignored by him not long ago... Wasn't the question she asked when she first came in

What Melissa asked at the time was "Is it okay to ask for anything".

And this kid's arm-wrestling proposal made Lin Jie understand that some guests are really wild and untamable, always thinking about doing things.

It is because of this that Lin Jie changed "Do you need anything?" to "If you have any questions, you can ask me at any time."

You won't be doing the same trick again today, will you

The last one did this and took away half of the five-three with satisfaction. I don't know what this guest will gain today.

Lin Jie was full of expectations that he would bring happiness to the guests, and kept a smile on his face: "Of course, as long as it is within the business scope of the bookstore."

When Lin Jie looked at the guest in front of him, Doris was also looking at him.

Doris is not disguised.

But he concealed his tracks in advance.

When she thought about it, since the owner of the bookstore is omniscient, she must know that she will come to him.

At least know that there will be a elf coming.

If he shows surprise, then he doesn't even know it, what can be called omniscient, but a liar.

Doris, however, thought that he might appear calm or shocked.

But he didn't expect that the look in his eyes turned out to be surprise, appreciation, and... nostalgia and affirmation

Surprise and appreciation are better understood.

Judging from the fact that he was not overly surprised by the arrival of the elf, he had to admit that he should have expected it.

A hunter like Ji Zhixu was also shocked when he opened his eyes and saw the spirit.

But the strange thing is the two emotions of nostalgia and affirmation.

Tao Ruisi is familiar with this kind of nostalgia, because only the longevity species can have this kind of deep nostalgia that spans time and space.

However, it was clearly a human being in front of him.

What's even more incredible is the affirmation... that kind of affirmation from the senior to the junior.

What could make a human look at an elf, with that kind of gaze

Doris looked around, but other than the gargoyle, she found no other abnormalities, so she continued to sense the entire bookstore with ether.

Including the owner of the bookstore, he seems to be just an ordinary person...

But when she walked up to the counter with some doubts and sat down with a smile, when she saw the owner of the bookstore up close, her pupils shrank suddenly, and she could hardly contain her consternation.

Although it looks ordinary on the outside, if you are sharp enough, you will find that this young man's teeth are closer than the average person.


Doris was sure she wasn't feeling wrong.

According to this density, this bookstore owner has forty teeth.

It's not a disease, it's not a fake, it's absolutely against the fabric of human physiology.

He is by no means human!

But what exactly exists, she can't make a judgment for the time being...

"As long as it's within the business scope of the bookstore..."

Doris repeated it, and had a new idea in her heart.

Assuming that the bookstore owner really has the ability of omniscience as the hunter said, then maybe only being able to move in the bookstore is the price he pays

An ancient unknown existence with the appearance of a human being and the heart of a longevity species, has obtained powerful power but is trapped in a corner, and the past is hidden under the ordinary.

So, is that certainty because he once knew a certain existence in the Iris family

Tao Ruisi was thinking about it when she suddenly discovered that the ether had returned from the second floor of the bookstore, bringing the original aura!

This is…

The breath of the original witch Lady Baiyin, the name of the Iris family engraved in the soul is trembling!

Her dreams once stopped here!