I’m Really Not The Demon God’s Lackey

Chapter 456: welcome


The rain was quite heavy, like a broken stone thrown from the sky, thumping the ground sparsely, and also washed away all the smell of blood.

In a way, the rain had saved Blade's life.

In some abandoned ditch, Blade hides in a precarious concrete jar.

The blood had dyed all the white bandages on his shoulders and ankles red, and a physique like him, who was born for combat, was not good at any healing magic at all.

Magic - the new and more powerful supernatural abilities mastered by human beings, have completely replaced all kinds of supernormal abilities that could only be obtained by walking on the edge of madness a hundred years ago.

Humans can acquire magical abilities by gazing at magical creatures and their innate blood. Since the barrier between the dream world and reality collapsed a hundred years ago, the entire Azir has already entered the era of high magic.

A large amount of ether flowing out of the dream washed over the entire continent, and together with those dream beasts that descended like a torrent—or should be called magical creatures now—was awakened the blood of human beings, and announced that Nuo Jin completely bid farewell to the superhuman and separated from the mortals. the foolish world.

In this day and age, it is impossible for a person to live in Azir if he is not a magician.

It's clear from Blade's name that at least part of his bloodline comes from the Lower City.

He has no last name.

The current Nuo Jin is Nuo Jin after the leader of the Plague Church named Hong led all the old humans in the lower city back to the ground.

The redesigned Nuojin by Rachel, the former wise man of the Society of Truth, known as the "wisdom of the world", is a more expansive and great Nuojin.

The Xiacheng District may have lived near the gods for a long time for thousands of years, so the spiritual knowledge and talent are higher.

In other words, basically, people with blood in the Xiacheng District are magical geniuses who are seen once in a century.

It's a pity that this world is still dominated by the weak. The upper city has already been ahead of the lower city by doing magic research earlier and earlier, and with more people.

Moreover, the teachings of the Plague Church believe that all people in the lower city are the chosen people of God, which is completely contrary to the teachings of the largest religion, the Sun Church.

To this day, there are still extraordinary people who have survived a hundred years ago and believe that the bloodline of Xiacheng District is despicable.

The so-called peaceful coexistence... is a precarious illusion.

"Maybe I should cherish this life..."

Blade thought so.

After all, I heard that his ancestors more than 100 years ago were still monster animals in Xiacheng District, enslaved to become human beings and ghosts.

"Thanks to my lord, thankful to my saint."

The blade drew a circle on his chest—a hallmark of the plague church.

Oh, by the way, there is only one god in the whole of Azir, but there are two major sects - the Church of the Plague and the Church of the Sun God.

The two worship the same god, but because of different interpretations of the teachings, there are conflicts. Every year, two saints, the leader of the leader Hong and the sun god, Vincent, can be seen attacking each other on TV broadcasts.

After Blade finished praying, the wound on his body began to emit a faint light and healed slowly.

After all, the saints and gods really exist, and such miracles are not uncommon.

Blade raised his hand, the long bandages came off, and there were clear scales on his bare arms.

He is actually a little different from others, that is, his other half's bloodline is from the dream beast.

After the Silver Witch integrates the dream world into the real world, the dream beasts and human beings are laid out on a map. As creatures built by powerful magic, the races guarded by the Silver Witch are the dream beasts reflected by ancient dragons and ancient elves. Naturally is the most noble existence.

A body where honor and humility coexist is indeed a very sad existence.

Not to mention, a test subject for his ambitious father.

"Hope it all ends soon..." Blade murmured, then turned and charged into the rain.

"Have you found it?" a search team leader in white said to the subordinates who rushed over.

They wear clothes that combine scientific rigor with chivalrous romance, with badges on their shoulders with ouroboros and swords intertwined.

- This is the logo of the "Nuojin Association of Directors".

According to legend, about a hundred years ago during the great upheaval, the angry god dispatched the silver dragon to punish the angels who were willing to fall and attempt to become gods. The fallen angels named Fire Sword Road were completely eliminated by God.

A major human organization at that time, the Mystic Tower, was severely damaged because of its collusion with the Fallen Angels.

Finally, it merged with another organization, the Truth Society. They completely united and changed its name to the Nuojin Director Association, which leads all the affairs of Nuojin today.

The glorious knight Joseph is the president, and Andrew, the former vice president of the Truth Society, is the... vice president.

It is said that this Andrew has been the vice president for hundreds of years, and is nicknamed the vice president of Wannian by people who hate him. In Nuojin's slang, Andrew is even used to refer to the vice president.

"Blade—" the inspector whispered: "The person with this name must be caught no matter what, he is the son of the leader of the terrorist organization in Xiacheng District."

"The head bounty for the leader of the rebellion will cost us several lifetimes." A searcher laughed a few times and said jokingly, "So does his son."

The inspector glanced at his subordinate and said, "That guy is in District 16 and won't come to our side."

Everyone showed expressions of regret.

"So here's why your defense is weak... and what's with that sorry look?"

A young voice was particularly clear in the pouring rain.

Several investigators turned their heads subconsciously, raised their most sophisticated magic weapons and aimed at the white-haired man in front of them.

"Bang bang bang!"

Guns burst out with magical auras.

It's a pity that in the next second, the blade seemed to merge with the rain curtain, like a swift wind that swept through them, and the moment the inspector saw his appearance, everyone's heads fell to the ground.

The blood column spurted from the corpse was steaming hot, dyeing the entire ground red.

"Who gave it to you to get rid of my self-confidence?" Blade said with a sneer.

But Blade's body was almost unbearable, and in just a few seconds, he immediately cheered up and left the encirclement.

How can I leave... I'm homeless.

As the investigators said, he is indeed the son of the leader of the resistance army in the lower city, but he is the child of his inhuman father and the dream beast experiment. He has no interest in terrorist acts and does not want to join. escaped the rebels.

If there is someone in the entire Nuojin who can't be accommodated, it must be me, right

Blade thought to himself mockingly.

While running away, he couldn't help but think about it.

- Maybe I can join the hunters, they never care about the origin of the members, and they will accept people with the blood of the dream beasts.

The head of the hunter is a mysterious woman, and as the son of one of the best terrorists, he is well known.

Her name is Ji Zhixu.

She is a god-level powerful magician, and also the leader of the Nuojin hunter organization. The underground hunter network she established is a transfer station for countless intelligence, and even the board of directors must rely on her.

And Ji Zhixu, there is no doubt, is also the existence of Nuojin.

However, it is rumored that the relationship between Ji Zhixu and the century-old witch of the Ash Tree Chamber of Commerce - Qi Li Chapman is extremely bad, almost to the point of fighting when they meet.

It is said to be because of a man whose whereabouts have long been unknown.

Heh, I really don't understand the mentality of these old women... Blade said in his heart that he could gossip about the secrets of big men under such circumstances, and it could be regarded as his own misery.

In fact, even the hunters wouldn't take one, it was like a ticking time bomb to Nuo Jin.

"At least escaped the encirclement..."

Blade looked around and breathed a sigh of relief.

The rain is still falling.

Not far away, only one building was still lit, and the "Opening" sign at the door was swaying in the wind.


Or... go in and hide

Such a thought suddenly appeared in Blade's mind without warning, causing him to walk to the door of the bookstore by surprise.

A full moon was born in a dream.

Moen stepped barefoot on the endless calm water, the ripples under his feet swayed, crumpling the night, and the stars reflected on the water became fragmented.

The pitch-black sky across the Milky Way meets the water surface, almost merging into one.

Morn was dreaming.

She has seldom dreamed, and as an ordinary bookstore owner - although she prefers to be called the proprietress - she will no longer dream about the dark night.

Someone dragged her into this dreamland, and in the dream, she was covered in black veil to her shoulders, wearing a long black dress, the tiered skirt was dignified and gorgeous, the shawl on her shoulders and arms was vaguely like the night sky, her hands Wear black gloves.

The authority of the night has been handed over, and Vapjis, who has no entity, gave Morn the remaining power and memory.

But this dreamscape, which was supposed to be only night, is not unusual today.

Soon, the lake under Morn's feet condensed into a thin layer of ice, and the sky began to snow, like a dream.

In his dream, an old tree covered with hoarfrost soon grew, and under the tree was a beautiful white lady.


Morn frowned, not happy to see the old friend's arrival.

"Long time no see, Morn."

Bai Yin smiled gracefully: "Don't be so vigilant... Oops, it seems that Wapu Jisi has left some bad memories for you."

Morn looked at her blankly, as if she would leave immediately if she didn't speak up for the next second.

"Did you miss him?"

When Mo En heard this, his iceberg-like expression moved slightly, he raised his head subconsciously, and then saw Bai Yin's playful expression.

The girl's cheeks were a little hot, and just as she was about to explain something, she saw Bai Yin put away her sly and gentle expression, looked into the distance, and her voice was as soft as snow in the sky—

"I thought about it too."

Foggy edge.

An old man in an old robe was sleeping on an ancient stone chair, with one elbow resting on the armrest, supporting his head, and an ancient emerald green ring could be clearly seen on his thumb.

His dusty cheeks moved.

Then slowly opened a pair of gray-blue eyes.

It has been too long to stay on the edge of this gray fog... Wilde sighed softly, then looked at the dark sky, where his teacher once sat.

He loosened his hands and feet, dragged his tattered robe on the ground, held a lantern, and walked slowly into the depths of the gray fog.

A hundred years ago, the wall of gray fog collapsed and the world was turned upside down, but no one has dared to take this step so far.

And now, he's going to do it.

As the first person to explore the gray fog, this was also his teacher's last wish.

Suddenly, Wilde froze, opened his eyes wide, and looked back—

Inspiration in the dark is surging in the body.

He seemed to see himself from a few years ago, dragging his severely injured body, walking slowly towards a bookstore.

Blade dragged his tired body, feeling a sharp pain in his lower abdomen.

Only then did he realize that he had also been shot in the abdomen, but was ignored by his highly tense nerves.

Sure enough... Wanting to get rid of the council and his father's search, find Ji Zhixu's hunter organization accurately, and then persuade her to let him join, it is an impossible wish.

He looked at the building in front of him with a warm, dark yellow light.

In that case, the only way to find a place to heal the wound is first, and then...

Then talk about it.

As Blade approached, he observed the bookstore.

The bookstore stood in the rain, the warm windows shimmered, and the dense rows of bookshelves could be vaguely seen inside.

Other than that, it was dark all around.

So much rain, so many shops.

Only this store is still open, with a sign "Opening" hanging at the door, and a simple ladder in front of the door that is easy to walk, which is out of tune with the surrounding.

The blade was clutching his lower abdomen, and the smell of blood was washed away by the rain. Maybe this is a way out, or a trap

What if it's a trap

So far, no matter what choice he makes, the end is the same, right

He bowed his head and smiled bitterly, a little self-sacrificing in this heavy rain.

Blade stepped up the simple stairs, pushed open the door and walked into the bookstore.


The bell hanging on the edge of the bookstore rang a crisp sound.

There was only one young man about his age in the quiet bookstore.

Even the color is the opposite of himself - shirt, trousers, all black, the same black hair is slightly messy, pale skin, bowing his head to flip through the book in his hand, with two cups of tea in front of him still steaming, and what kind of guests are here nothing.

Two cups of tea

Is he waiting for me on purpose

Blade was stunned, and looked vigilantly at the young man in front of him who was indistinguishable between friends and foes.

There are too many people who want to kill him, too many people want to use him, but with such an attitude, it seems that they want to communicate

Before he could speak, the young man finally closed the book and looked up at him—

"It didn't take long this time, but... Welcome."

The bookstore owner looked at him, his dark eyes were bottomless, a gentle smile appeared on his face, and he said:

"Looks like you're in some trouble?"