I’m Really Not The Demon God’s Lackey

Chapter 56: You can just look at it


"Is it here?"

Ackerman raised his head in the rain and looked at the bookstore in front of him.

The raindrops crashed on the short brim of the poncho, flowed down the outline of the poncho, and landed on the puddles on the ground.

In the field of vision, it is exactly the same as the information provided by the Truth Society. It is a bookstore with an extremely ordinary appearance. It even looks a little shabby, and there is no sign of the store.

If you didn't look in through the dimly lit window, you could see the rows of bookshelves and the books on them, and you probably wouldn't even be able to tell that this was a bookstore.

This is not the duty of a businessman... Rather, the owner of this store has never even considered selling books, right

Instead, it was more like a deliberate attempt to keep the bookstore quiet.

Thinking like that, it's really suspicious.

Ackerman closed his eyes, caught the thin ether in the rain, and analyzed it with his extraordinary sense of smell.

Wilde's etheric aura did indeed exist in this bookstore, and it was more obvious than he felt in other places.

Although it has been well covered up, it is still impossible to hide from him.

There is some sense of danger, but it is not strong, it seems to be a creation of some kind of life and soul, and it is really good to use it to come to the door.

But it is undoubtedly impossible to defend against an extraordinary person of his level.

The information given by the truth is that Wilde stayed in this bookstore twice, each time for more than an hour, but from the current feeling of this bookstore, it should not be an important stronghold, but more like a Hidden transfer station.

Maybe intelligence, maybe something extraordinary.

A lot of people come and go here, bringing something and taking something away.

The various etheric trajectories streaked through the air, forming a complicated map.

Among them, the trajectories formed by Wilde's breath are more numerous and frequent than other trajectories.

While all the tracks are sparse, he's a regular at the bookstore by comparison.

Ackerman opened his eyes.

If so, Wilde will definitely come again.

The Truth Society did not choose to frighten the snake, and it should also be out of this consideration.

As long as he will come again, then there is a chance to catch him.

But the Truth Society seems to be troubled by the Red Cult and the White Wolf group, busy searching for the whereabouts of these little mice who love to drill down the sewers.

"But thinking about it, it should be over soon."

Ackerman looked at the streets and buildings that were still being rebuilt behind him. It had been a week since the previous battle. Because of the rain, the construction was more difficult than before.

So I just took all the surviving residents to other areas, and after this place was temporarily cleaned up, they were enclosed and put aside.

There are still ether particles escaping in the air, like gunpowder smoke on the battlefield. Even if the war is over, the smell of gunpowder and blood will still remain.

The Tower of Mysteries and the Society of Truth are really skilled at covering up this kind of thing.

As soon as Murphy died, it basically meant that the Red Sect and the White Wolf had lost their greatest support, both in terms of strength and confidence.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I really want to die. I hope she can understand where she is wrong before she dies."

Ackman's mouth curled into a mocking smile.

Although Murphy was unlucky to meet the elf great sage who came to visit the Truth Society, their defeat would have been doomed long ago even if Doris didn't appear.

"The egg of the magic mirror... does it really have such great magic power that it tempts people's minds to the point of losing their minds?"

Ackerman looked at the ruins and shook his head, then turned his head. He didn't want to try.

Now, his task is to just wait and see, and then complete his own destruction rating.

He is a hunter, and the most important qualities of a hunter are prudence and patience.

Ackerman still did not enter the bookstore, but carefully scouted around again.

Recently, because of the so-called "gas plant explosion", there are a lot of people here to join in the fun, and it is normal to stroll around a few times.

He sensed the etheric trajectories around the bookstore to and fro, but no matter how he looked at it, there were only a few. As for the bookstore itself... sorry, not at all.

Made him feel like he was doing too much.

After all, even if he entered the bookstore, he would just pretend to be an ordinary customer and conduct the most basic tests.

Finally, Ackerman shook his raincoat, walked to the door of the bookstore, glanced at the "Opening" sign, and pushed open the door of the bookstore.

The door bell rang softly.

Wet water droplets fell on the floor, forming water-stained groups one by one, and the layout of the bookstore came into view.

Others are not worth mentioning. The gargoyle on the counter is the source of Wilde's ether fluctuations. The blood-red eyes seem to be flashing with bloodthirsty light, which looks very deterrent.

But according to Ackerman's experience, in addition to actively driving, this kind of creation is an automatic attack by sensing killing intent.

As long as he has no killing intent or malicious intent, it is absolutely safe.

He is very confident in his disguise, even if the same level is present, he can make the other party unaware before he makes a move.

Walking into the bookstore slowly, he took off his raincoat and put it on the umbrella stand next to the door. Ackerman has raised his alertness, controlled his muscles, and never showed any flaws, and looked around naturally.

The young man sitting at the counter raised his head at this time and said very skillfully: "Welcome, may I ask if you want to borrow books, read books or buy books?"

Ackerman is playing an ordinary office worker at the moment, and he casually responded, "Just look at it."

That's right, it's very suitable for an ordinary person who came to this ruins to hang out because of the fun, and then went into the roadside bookstore bored.

Such people have no purpose, so there is absolutely no need to choose.

Ackerman walked towards the counter and secretly said that the owner of the bookstore seemed to be just an ordinary person.

Could it be that this is just a place similar to a depository, the owner of the bookstore is a tool person who can be abandoned at any time, so he just found an ordinary person to serve as it

His eyes flicked around the counter.

In this dark and monotonous bookstore, the only thing with color is a potted plant on the counter.

It was a red rose, budding, with its head bowed slightly outward, the water droplets on the petals refracted the light, and it looked very beautiful.

In this bookstore, it is indeed a bright color.

But it's just an ordinary rose.

Ackerman just wanted to walk around with his feet up, ending his first test.

The rose trembled slightly, and then from the center of the flower bud, an eyeball was turned out. It seemed to twitch with mucus, and it looked straight at him, and the pupils stared at him greedily!

Ackerman froze all over, his scalp tingled for a while, and just wanted to step back, but found that he couldn't move at all.

He stared at that eyeball involuntarily, feeling that something in his soul was being pulled away and swallowed.

trap? !

how is this possible? ! He didn't notice anything! No ether fluctuations either!

The young man behind the counter gave him a very kind smile: "Just look at it, if you have any questions, just ask me."