I’m Really Not The Demon God’s Lackey

Chapter 63: merchant


Ji Bonon had to admit that this time he stumbled.

As the person in power of Rolle Resources, he naturally has close contact with countless different organizations and the top management of the organization all the year round.

The Truth Society, the Mystery Tower, the hunters, the wizards, the church, and the general public, he has all dealt with them, and he has a decent way to deal with them. Before the plan changes, he rarely encounters a situation that will make him feel wrong.

However, this time, he lost twice in a row against his daughter.

He thought he was the one who knew the most clearly, but the result was the most unexpected to him, and in turn, he thought of his actions and thoughts in advance.

Although there are also his natural trust and carelessness in Ji Zhixu, there is also a subversive contrast between Ji Zhixu and his impression.

But a misstep is a misstep, regardless of conditions.

Ji Bonong's mood is a little complicated.

There is a feeling of "humiliation" caused by being "calculated" by her daughter and continuously overturned.

There is also the joy that my daughter has grown into a real adult out of sight.

There are also some guilt that they neglected their daughter for so many years.

Before she knew it, the girl who was still learning etiquette clumsily in her impression had turned into a hunter who could show her confident expression and put her father in.

Those iron-grey eyes inherited from him, calm, calm, and patient, belong to hunters.

"Is this your chip..."

Ji Bonong looked at the book in Ji Zhixu's hand.

Blood and Beasts is the name of this book, and the content of it is what makes Ji Zhixu stronger in a short period of time.

But he knew that Ji Zhixu was not talking about this book, or not just this book.

As Ji Zhixu's father, Ji Bonong knew nothing but his daughter's "talent" as a hunter.

The filthy blood she injected for the first time was a batch of goods in Ji Bonong's hands.

That's right, Rolle Resources Development Company, in the eyes of ordinary people, is just a large-scale monopoly enterprise engaged in the development of underground resources in Xiacheng District, but in the world of extraordinary people, it is a channel for the circulation of countless extraordinary items.

So it can be said that Ji Bonong was in control of almost the whole process from becoming a hunter to gradually gaining a firm foothold among hunters.

Only later, when Ji Zhixu had been among the hunters for a long time and gradually gained her own power, did Ji Bonong relax her protection.

However, the most basic protection has not fallen. For example, Ji Zhixu's red diamond earring is actually a high-purity sage's stone, which is engraved with the resurrection brand left by a god-level white wizard. It is called "Tears of Fire".

Even Rolle Resource Development Company only has such one.

But Ji Bonong gave it to Ji Zhixu.

Therefore, Ji Bonong has always regarded his daughter's behavior as entertainment to relax the pressure.

Until Ji Zhixu was involved in this mirror egg incident and wrote a bold plan in his diary.

According to Ji Bonong's understanding of her daughter, it is absolutely impossible for her to become so much stronger in such a short period of time, and she did not inject more filthy blood.

And the plan was even more incredible. Ji Zhixu was not good at planning, but the plan was very organized, and the content was a storm that had not yet been brewed.

Ji Bonong acutely realized that there must be someone behind Ji Zhixu who was guiding him.

What matters is not the book in her hand, but the source of the book.

Ji Zhixu put the book on the table, propped his chin and said, "Let your subordinates come back."

Ji Bonong reluctantly called his subordinate back, and what was in the hidden compartment was really just a copybook.

"It seems that he has changed you a lot."

Ji Bonong said meaningfully: "But this still doesn't convince me. For Rolle Resources, such a decision involves too much."

Ji Zhixu was not surprised that he knew that he had a connection with the owner of the bookstore, and said, "If there is enough interest, a businessman can do anything, and I think you should be no exception."

Ji Bonong said: "It is true for ordinary businessmen, but we are different..."

"Such a book is just a handy sale item there."

Ji Zhixu said: "Do you think that if you can get permission to get the sales agent of these books, then it will be good or bad for the company?"

"… "

Ji Bonong fell into deep thought, and after a while, he said, "But, from the information given by the Secret Ritual Tower, that I-level is still in a very unpredictable state."

Ji Zhixu said: "From the few times I have contacted, Mr. Lin has his own principles of action, and has always followed the action logic that a 'bookstore owner' should have. As long as he follows his wishes, he is actually very kind and kind. of."

She looked at Ji Bonong: "However, I'm not good at these, and I'm not qualified to talk to Mr. Lin on behalf of Rolle Resources. If you think this matter is feasible, you'd better go and talk to him in person, and then come back. Decide whether my proposal should go in the trash or… go ahead.”

In the dark room, the remaining high-level members of White Wolf were arguing fiercely around the table.

At the top is the white wolf leader Harris.

"Now the situation is getting more and more serious. Our people are seriously injured and killed, and there is no way to continue fighting against the Secret Ritual Tower!"

"They haven't even dispatched the higher-level knights, we have no chance of winning..."

"Don't say these words, we are now destined to have no way to stop, we can only continue!"

"How to continue? The red sect has completely collapsed, and there is not enough energy support, and the egg of the magic mirror cannot continue to hatch. I don't know how we can continue!"

"Lord Harris, look..."


Harris raised his voice, stood up and patted the table: "Give me quiet, we still have a chance!"

Everyone quieted down and looked at Harris.

Harris looked gloomy, looked around, and said word by word: "Remember our goal is to hatch the egg of the magic mirror, not to win the Mystic Tower. As long as it hatches, we will win."

"but… "

"I don't want to hear any swaying words. Three days from the truth conference, a batch of blue silver stones will be shipped on No. 78 Street. This time we have to get it. Do you understand?"


Everyone stood up and saluted, temporarily unifying their words.

Wait until everyone leaves.

Harris sat in the chair, leaning back slumped, his expression no longer so confident, only tired and confused.

A batch of grey silver stones was simply not enough for the magic mirror eggs to hatch. He could only make them stop arguing.

But in fact, the white wolf has come to a dead end.

"I can help you solve your problem."

"Who!" Harris suddenly stood up and looked at the source of the voice.

In the darkness, a pair of snake-like vertical pupils stared at him coldly, and the low words were accompanied by bewitching: "The egg of the mirror is a torch, and life is the most precious fuel..."