I’m Really Not The Demon God’s Lackey

Chapter 66: Evaluation of Lin Jie


Speaking, the most important point is to bring the other party into your own rhythm.

All words, in the final analysis, are actually psychological tactics.

You must deeply grasp the opponent's psychology, and when you say something, you must scratch the itch and pierce your heart.

But the most important point is not to let the other party hesitate, to be firm and ruthless, and to directly pull the other party into the rhythm and field that you are good at.

The easiest way to get started is to ask questions.

By asking questions in a specific direction or with obvious hints, you can introduce the other party into your own rhythm very quickly.

Whether it is sales or other times, it is all about grasping the needs of customers. As long as you can know what customers want in your heart, you can prescribe the right medicine.

And then, as the saying goes, you can lead the other party by the nose.

A very simple example.

Suppose a leader or a teacher asks "Do you agree or disagree with this matter, raise your hand if you agree", then there is a certain probability that there will be people who do not raise their hands.

But suppose the question is "Do you oppose this matter? Raise your hand if you disagree", then basically, if there are no fools, no one will raise their hand.

Therefore, according to the usual logic, the other party's "Hello" must be followed by a question.

Inferring from Lin Jie's experience, "Excuse me" must be the follow-up.

If she wants to dominate the topic, she must be the first to gain the dominance of the questioner.

As a therapist, life mentor, and master of chicken soup who is well versed in this way, Mr. Lin's attainments are obviously beyond the reach of others.

How can she succeed

Lin Jie kept his hands folded to support his chin, and said lightly: "Don't be so surprised, since you chose to come to this store, haven't you thought about what you might encounter? What's more, you are specifically chasing me. Come on... young people, don't be so reckless, you have to keep your focus."

Often walking by the river, how can you not wet your shoes, it is also a common thing to meet "peer".

Moreover, the silver-haired girl herself entered a "bookstore". Although the facade is a bit poor, she is still open to do business. It is normal to meet the same businessman.

Moreover, wanting to come here to sell, but also directly looking for the boss, this thing itself is quite strange.

I'm afraid it's a newcomer who has just achieved something and is a little swollen and likes to use words everywhere to do something.

The feeling of leading the conversation and leading the whole process is very addictive. If it is not for customers, but other businessmen, it will be even more fulfilling.

Alas, today's young people are impetuous.

Caroline's body was shocked, and she suddenly realized that she had been completely seen through.

In fact, during these few days, as an assessment expert and special commissioner who will face to face with Level I.

She has indeed deduced various situations in advance, including her purpose being clearly known, but it really happened, and it happened so suddenly, who can not be surprised and not afraid

When the other person and their own words overlap.

It's downright terrifying.

Just as he was transparent in the eyes of this bookstore owner, all his thoughts were turned out and played with at will in his hands.

And the meaning of the last sentence is because they came to him specifically, disturbed him, and made him unhappy, so they warned her like this.

"… If anything makes you uncomfortable, I sincerely apologize, and I am very sorry for disturbing you."

Caroline took a deep breath and stabilized her mind, then raised her head and continued: "But I have some small questions that I have to ask, which are very important to you and us. If you can cooperate and answer, We will be grateful and it means a lot to Nuo Jin."

It doesn't matter, so far, the other party is still in a peaceful state.

It should have just seen her purpose, so I wanted to beat her to intimidate her and let her know her sense of proportion. I didn't have much resistance, so I just needed to continue to maintain a respectful attitude.

Just no need to pretend to be a guest anymore.

She refreshed her evaluation in her heart.

It did act like what Joseph wrote in the report, pretending to be a normal bookstore owner.

Although they expressed dissatisfaction with their temptation, they only took deterrent measures and did not actually do it, indicating that their temper was really good, at least not on the "evil" side.

Lin Jie looked at her, the expression on this beautiful lady's face was very firm, but on the one hand, she was very unequivocal about retreating.

Apologizing first, then stating the importance of the problem, vaguely arousing curiosity and vigilance.

But I do know. It seems that the other party may take the form of a questionnaire. In this form, one purpose is to collect information and find products suitable for promotion, and the other purpose may be that the other party is investigating the situation for a certain project.

However... It was unexpectedly bold to bring Nuo Jindu with him.

Lin Jie smiled and leaned back and said, "What's the little problem, talk about it?"

Seeing that the owner of the bookstore did not object, Caroline cleared her throat and continued cautiously: "Excuse me, why are you opening a bookstore here?"

Is this the problem

It seems that this is not a good fit for sales. It seems that it should be researched for a certain purpose.

Lin Jie said casually: "Interest, destiny."

It can't be said that it was because an unknown existence passed through, and then had to sell books to make a living... This is too shameful.

Caroline was stunned for a while, and quickly wrote it down: The owner of the bookstore saw fate and became interested in it, so she waited here for the fateful thing and person.

She pointed to the outside again, and said after deliberation, "What do you think of what happened before?"

what happened before? Gas explosion

Could it be that they actually planned to develop something in this ruins

But it is also, the streets across the street are almost completely destroyed, and it is basically equivalent to rebuilding. It is better to engage in development on this basis, and maybe make money back.

Lin Jie couldn't help but nodded and said, "It's a good thing..."

He returned to his senses and coughed twice: "Cough, no, what happened before was unfortunate, but some people really deserve to die. Life is precious, and it is not something that can be trampled on."

Hearing the news that the gas works were poorly regulated and in disrepair that ultimately led to this tragedy, it is clear that some people must be held accountable.

Caroline nodded, noting that the owner of the bookstore was really disgusted with the dark wizard of the Red Sect, and was in the same position as the Secret Ritual Tower.

"One more question - how do you feel about what you're doing now?"

Caroline asked hesitantly.

Lin Jie thought that this had something to do with the previous questions. After thinking about it, he should be evaluating the value of opening a store in the surrounding area. He asked him why he opened a store, his views on the gas incident, and asked about the current situation of opening a store.

"I'm different from other people and can't be used as a reference." Lin Jie showed a bright smile: "I do these things without any reward or benefit, but out of my own emotions, I often have empathy and hope that every A guest can get out of a difficult situation.”