I’m Really Not The Demon God’s Lackey

Chapter 75: Good luck with your move!


Andrew's eyes froze immediately.

He even suspected for a moment that he had heard it wrong.

The Mystery Tower and the Truth Society have cooperated for so many years, because the annual rating list needs to be changed and updated, even if it is the information of the I-level files, it is still the same.

Although there are only a few I-levels in total, and generally the changes will not be very large, but there are precedents, and this is feasible.

Moreover, he didn't even bother to pretend this time, and put on a fat sheep stance that he didn't intend to bargain, and the Secret Ritual Tower had absolutely no reason to reject his deal.

But the fact is that he was rejected.

The young man on the opposite side clearly said, "This file is not for sale."

But what made Andrew even more puzzled and angry was that just three seconds ago, the other party was still trying to negotiate with him in the same tone as Joseph's old hooligan.

That is to say, this file could still be sold three seconds ago, but not after three seconds.

Is there such a thing in this world

Andrew's face was black, and the opposite must have intervened in these three seconds to change the young man's attitude.

And obviously, at this time, there is only one person who can directly order Claude and let him obey without hesitation.

There was only the chief of the Intelligence Section who took a leave of absence to go home and let his disciple temporarily take over his duties.

Abraham Joseph.


Andrew took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Let Joseph talk to me."

Claude was not surprised that Andrew guessed the truth so quickly. After all, his change was really too abrupt, and it only made sense if Joseph had instructed him.


He glanced at the new message.

"I'm very sorry, the teacher has something urgent to deal with now, I'm afraid there is no way to talk to you."

Claude added: "If you have any questions, you can tell me directly, and I will try my best to answer, er... Give a reasonable explanation."

"Oh?" Andrew leaned back on the sofa, his eyes cold: "Then Claude, can you explain to me why this file suddenly can't be sold?"

Claude cleared his throat and said very formulaically: "It's like this, it was my negligence just now, the confidentiality level of the No. 113 I-level file has been adjusted from 'top secret' to 'sealed'."

"This level, even with your authority and special privileges, can no longer be viewed. If I sell it to you, I will be violating the rules and will be severely punished."

"I am only temporarily taking over the job of the teacher and maintaining the normal operation of the intelligence department. I am not very familiar with these matters. I am very sorry for such a mistake, but fortunately I discovered this mistake before the transaction, and it did not continue to cause harm. As for the consequences, I really don't know about other things."

"If you really need it, you can wait until the teacher returns from handling the matter, and then talk to him in person, or you can directly respond to the elder seat."

Claude moved out the all-purpose rhetoric of "I'm just a temporary worker", expressing that he can't help, and recommending that you go directly to the supervisor in charge.

Andrew's face was even more ugly, but even if he hated it now, there was nothing he could do.

Because if Claude is telling the truth now, the opposite is to act according to the rules, which is reasonable.

But I don't know why... This attitude didn't reduce his anger at all, but made him very angry after a long absence, feeling like he was being tricked.

The biggest question now is why this file suddenly changed the level of confidentiality.

Andrew smiled calmly and said, "For half a month, in just half a month, why did the confidentiality level rise? No matter what, this is still the same file, right? The object is still the bookstore, and the owner of the bookstore. The good and evil and the purpose of it are still under investigation, what is the reason for you to directly refuse to provide information to the Truth Society?"

"Or, you are also bewitched by the bookstore owner..."

Claude snorted and interrupted: "Sorry—"

The veins on Andrew's forehead were violent, and he felt that he was about to have a psychological shadow on these two words. He stared at the communication device in his hand, and said word by word: "What's wrong?"

"Not a file."


"I mean, I need to explain to you that after a detailed investigation and supplementation, file 113 has been separated from file 114 as a sub-file, now file 113 is a purely regional file, and file 114 is a character file, Both are containment grades."

"As for your other question, the Presbyterian has sent a professional evaluation expert, and the results given are consistent with Teacher Joseph's judgment. It is indeed friendly and has no clear purpose, but it does not mean that there is no purpose, but from the known situation From the point of view, there is no bad direction, so there is no need to go to war."

After Claude finished speaking, he did not forget to add: "These are not the main contents of the file, but belong to other intelligence."

Andrew scolded coldly: "It's ridiculous! At present, there is no bad direction, is there no? If this is the attitude of the Secret Ritual Tower, then I am very disappointed. Your proposal is really good. I need to sit with your elders for a while. The three of us have a good chat…”

Claude breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, nodded happily and said: "It's great that you can understand, I hope you can have a good chat with the elder seat."

Andrew choked, for a while, he couldn't tell whether it was yin and yang or he really agreed.

Seeing the silence on the other side, Claude asked again, "Do you have any questions?"

Andrew calmed down for a while, and was almost bypassed again. He whispered with stern eyes: "These are not enough, why did you suddenly increase the confidentiality level, you still didn't say it."

Claude said helplessly: "This matter is really out of my control. I don't know anything, and I'm not qualified to change the confidentiality level. Didn't you decide to chat with the elder seat? I think this should be better than staying here with me. Calls are more efficient."

Damn, these two masters and apprentices are as smooth and smooth, and they have the same cunning.

After a long stalemate, Andrew almost gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I will investigate this bookstore myself."

Claude's voice was very sincere: "That's great, I wish you a smooth operation! I heard that the owner of the bookstore is not only friendly, but also willing to help solve the problem, I hope you can have a pleasant visit... "

"Crack!", the communicator turns off.

Andrew sat alone in the office for a while, watching the heavy rain washing the windows outside, reaching out to open the red wine on the decanter on the table, pouring a glass and shaking it slowly to settle his emotions.

"Huh... In person? Forget about such an angry remark, the excess curiosity of the scholars of the 'knowledge-only school' can be used here..."