I’m Really Not The Demon God’s Lackey

Chapter 77: Time to sleep


Fifty-two Street.


There was an explosion, followed by the sound of a house collapsing.

In the pitch-black rain curtain, this street that was already within the evacuation zone was covered by the fires that shot up to the sky one after another in the blink of an eye.


The silhouettes of the hunters passed by at high speed in the rain, leaving behind afterimages.

The sunk ground in the center of the street cracked with spiderweb-like traces, and with another explosion, the whole piece finally sank together with the house with a "boom", and a huge pothole appeared.

The stagnant water on the cement floor rushed down the edge of the pothole like a waterfall.

What is exposed below is part of Nuojin's huge underground pipeline system.

Because the upper city of Nuojin is completely constructed of steel, there is no large area of soil green space to provide a way for rainwater to infiltrate, so once it encounters extreme weather like now, it will cause serious urban waterlogging.

Therefore, a sufficiently reliable sewer system is a necessary part of urban design.

But before they really saw this underground passage as deep as a mine, most people could not imagine that there is such a huge secret space with a depth of nearly 50 meters in the underground of the upper city of Nuojin.

Of course, this part is obviously a catchment node, and ordinary pipes are definitely not this wide.

And below this, there is a picture of a cruel and inhuman hell.

Countless corpse stumps piled up like mountains, green water with bloodshots and yellow pus floating, was washed away by the water pouring down from above, and it was disgusting.

"Are these people in the white wolf crazy?!"

Ji Zhixu took a deep breath, feeling a chill down his spine, his hair standing on end.

Even though she has been active as a hunter all the year round, is used to seeing life and death, and has experienced countless fights, she has never seen such a terrifying sight.

The impact is not one-size-fits-all.

Before that, she knew the current evil deeds of the white wolves, including slaughter, but she didn't know that they were dismembering the corpses like a slaughterhouse here.

Judging by the state of the place, this behavior has definitely been going on for a while.

And here... I'm afraid it's just one of the strongholds.

The hunters who took the hand here have already dealt with them, and those things that are not at all human roared like wild beasts, fighting them with claws and fangs.

Ji Zhixu suddenly had a dangerous premonition, and immediately jumped to the side several times in a row, dodging a few crossbow arrows that came over.

It was almost a sturdy arrow like a siege crossbow, and it plunged deeply into the ground. It is conceivable what effect it would have on the human body.

And the flashing inscription on it symbolizes the unusualness of this arrow.

The Lightning Bolt Rune of the White Wizard!

Ji Zhixu's pupils shrank, and immediately rolled to the side again: "Be careful! Run—"


The inscription lit up with a tiny electric light.


In an instant, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and hit the arrow, followed by several more.

In an instant, flashing thunder and lightning radiated out to the surroundings, and the entire area was covered by lightning.

The affected hunters didn't even have time to scream, they turned into a piece of coke, fell and shattered into lumps, and then turned into ashes.

On the ground of the passageway exposed by the flow of water below, the dim light gradually outlines a clear magic circle.

With the death of these people, this magic circle lit up with a shimmer of scarlet light, and it became brighter and brighter...


Ji Zhixu supported the ground with his palms, and when he turned his head, he pulled out the blade of his staff, raised his head, and saw a tall middle-aged man in a black trench coat standing on the roof in the distance.


"Miss Ji, long time no see, you seem to be getting stronger again."

Harris said indifferently, then jumped straight from the roof and hit the ground with a "bang".

"Your luck is really good. Is it the power that the owner of the bookstore gave you? It's a pity, if it wasn't for the circumstances, I would also like to visit that..."

He walked towards Ji Zhixu, gradually transformed into a beast, his eyes full of cruel and tyrannical cold light.

"However, it doesn't matter now. I think he can't help you now, can he?"

More, hunters belonging to the white wolf emerged from nowhere, on the roof, on the street, and inside the house, it seemed to be densely packed.

Their eyes flickered in the rain, like a pack of wolves.

The high concentration of filthy blood gave them several times greater power than before.

And the hallucinations and pain of almost dying give them an unparalleled will, and as long as they are not able to act, they are the most efficient killing machines.

Ji Zhixu sneered: "You won't call everyone who is left of you to deal with us, right? That's really an honor."

"After all, even the Secret Ritual Tower doesn't have this kind of treatment. My little hunter organization, which has only been established for less than a month, is really big."

She insinuated that the white wolf did not dare to face the Mysterious Ritual Pagoda, so he could only hide and hide, but for a new and scattered organization like them, he made a move.

It's typical bullying.

But in fact, under Ji Zhixu's calm appearance, there is still a trace of tension.

Although she herself is confident that she can compete with Harris, but the other hunters who have just acquired "rational blood" do not have enough strength to deal with those white wolf members who use the filthy blood to limit their strength.

This time, since the other party came out in full force, I am afraid that they have nowhere to go, even the Secret Ritual Tower.

Just want to pull more people back before they die.

This may be the end of this event triggered by the Mirror Egg.

It is also the end of her revenge.


Ji Zhixu turned into a ferocious giant wolf covered in silver hair, with a back like a towering mountain, standing upright, roaring, and his claws carved deep traces on the ground.

She jumped up, "swish" across the space, biting the opponent's spine fiercely behind Harris, the sharp fangs instantly pierced the bones, and blood sprayed.

The fight between beasts and beasts is tooth for tooth, blood for blood.

In the various underground passage nodes in Nuojin City, the beast-like distortion hunters have completely lost their minds. They obeyed the instructions and stepped into the "altar". .

"boom… "

The hidden heartbeat sounded underground in the upper city of Nuojin, which should match the thunder in the sky.

Lin Jie heard the rumble of thunder outside, turned his head, and saw several lightning bolts that fell continuously outside the window, like branches extending from the sky in the night.

"Nuojin's ghost weather is really getting more and more evil."

He frowned and pulled the curtains "swoosh".

The light in the bedroom is bright, although it is simple, but this familiar place where he has lived for three years makes him feel warm.

The only difference was the long sword that was on the desk.

—Because he was worried about such a precious thing, Lin Jie simply took it to the bedroom.

"It's like warding off evil spirits."

Lin Jie thought so.

"I'll have to buy a sword stand another day and keep it safe."

It was ten o'clock in the evening, he looked at his watch, rolled over and lay on the bed, looking up at the beautiful dream catcher.

"Time to sleep."