I’m Really Not The Demon God’s Lackey

Chapter 78: The second dream


In front of Lin Jie's eyes was an endless scorched earth.

The endless black ground is full of cracks, and the lava below flows slowly, faintly flickering with red light, the sky is covered by heavy clouds, and the lightning bolts are raging in it.

The huge ruins that collapsed are hundreds of meters high, and the overall range cannot be judged. The remaining buildings still have the outlines of their former glory. Above this earth, they are like injured beasts, still breathing.

Standing below and looking up, you can clearly feel your own insignificance.

The farther sky is a gray fog that is almost connected to the clouds in the sky. This fog is like some living thing, constantly rolling and flowing, and vaguely twisting into strange shapes.

Standing on this scorched earth, I could hear the wind-like murmurs and roars coming from the fog.

"What is this time? RPG? BOSS battle scene?"

Lin Jie muttered and looked around.

According to Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams, which I read last time, dreams are the embodiment of subconscious desires.

Can he understand that since he crossed over, he hasn't played games for so long that he even began to show this desire in his dreams.

If this is the case, then he can't do anything about it. It's not a question of whether he wants to or not, but the hardware situation is completely unacceptable. Nuojin is a backward game industry, and now he can play Xiaobawang, thank God...

Lin Jie sighed, took his thoughts back, and looked at the surrounding environment.

Thinking about it this way, I feel more and more that after a while, the symphony BGM will sound, and there will be a big BOSS with a cool style and full of style.

He walked thoughtfully to a colonnade and reached out to pick up a fragment of masonry.

The fracture surface is surprisingly smooth, and the pure white marble is beautifully carved.

Just from this fragment and the huge ruins that are still majestic even if they collapse, you can imagine what this place used to be like.

"However... the style and style of this ornament is inexplicably familiar."

Lin Jie narrowed his eyes, rubbed the shard, brushed off some of the stains on it, and carefully looked at the decoration on it.

An instinctive intuition and years of experience made him make a judgment in an instant—

That long sword from Joseph!

Although the overall shapes of the two patterns are not the same, the pattern on this fragment is not even complete. The average person can only feel the same gorgeousness at a glance, and can't tell why.

But Lin Jie is professional.

Folk art and architecture are also his research scope, which is an important and inseparable part of folk culture.

During the field research, I encountered some strange local characteristic art, and some places were not completely preserved, so I had to restore and organize it myself.

By the way, because there are many overlapping fields of humanistic research, Lin Jie is sometimes even pulled by the archaeology major next door to fill in the work.

He is very sensitive to the style of these decorations, and he can find some similarities in technique and style between the two at a glance. It can be concluded that the decorations on the long sword and the building stone pieces are of the same origin.

What's more, before going to bed, just out of curiosity, he played with the long sword over and over again, and even traced the pattern, and he was still very impressed.

"In this way, it's really subconscious, and I put everything I've experienced recently into my dreams."

Lin Jie raised his eyebrows, put down the debris, and continued to walk into the center of the ruins.

The collapse direction of this piece of ruins is a regular radial pattern, falling down like dominoes, with a very obvious center, and all the buildings form a shape like a basin.

Lin Jie tried to explore, but the destruction of the ruins was beyond imagination, and almost no one could enter.

Those charred buildings basically shattered as soon as they were broken, and then fell down.

Lin Jie even used too much force once, causing an entire area of buildings to collapse and turn into dust.

This feeling of destroying a thing is like kneading instant noodles in the supermarket, there is a different kind of pleasure, and I even want to do it again.

"The dream this time is really two extremes from the last time, and the map is wider, but it's still as interesting, and... unexpectedly realistic."

Lin Jie looked at the dust rising in front of him, rubbed his chin, and felt a little sad: "Alas, I can only experience the VR version of the RPG scene in my dreams, and I'll just have enough fun."

However, this kind of exploration was not without results. Later, among these ruins and scorched earth, he found a lot of corpses.

Although most of them have been integrated with the ruins, even in a state of "crushing into a ball", there are still a few relatively complete.

Lin Jie squatted down and looked at the corpse lying on his side in a twisted posture in the corner, his pupils shrank, and his eyes froze on the corpse's ears.

It shouldn't be an illusion, the corpse's ears were longer than usual.

Lin Jie turned the body over very calmly.

"Well... it's more obvious from the front, the ears are not of normal length."

Lin Jie tried to reach out and touch the ear of the corpse, and it felt a little soft to the touch. There was normal cartilage in the middle, and it was connected to the head, not a decoration.

That is, the physiology is just like that.


Lin Jie remembered a guest he had received not long ago, that very beautiful elf COS Miss.

He stood up and clapped the dirt on his hands, and muttered, "It seems that this dream is indeed a hodgepodge of subconscious minds."

It seems that the recent thoughts have made his dreams more complicated.

In addition, Lin Jie also found many weapons in the ruins, including standard long swords, which are similar to the long sword given by Joseph.

He felt the extraordinary connection between these things, which gave him the feeling of doing research in a small remote village after a long time, so he wrote down all these things, thinking that he would paint when he wakes up. It may provide some inspiration for the reshaping of the historical significance of the Doris family crest.

Finally, Lin Jie stepped over many mounds of gravel and rubble, stood on the collapsed white stairs, and saw the radiation center of the ruins.

It was a wide broken platform, with thin golden lines drawn on the platform. It was unclear whether it was a dark stone or a pile of corpses. The huge golden dome above had been shattered in half, and the remaining half was inserted into the in the scorched earth.

At the very center is a tall man in armor kneeling on the ground.

A long sword was inserted into his heart, like a wedge fixing his leaning body to the ground.

The long blond hair flows to the ground like a waterfall, as if shining with light, wearing a laurel crown on his head, and the armor on his body is graceful and smooth, which outlines a slender and vigorous figure, and the ears on the side are long and pointed.

In this scorched earth, the person kneeling quietly, holding the hilt of the sword upside down and piercing his heart, as if begging for atonement for someone.

When Lin Jie's footsteps sounded in the silence, he suddenly raised his head and sighed:

"My Saviour, where the souls of exiles have waited for thousands of years—"