I’m Really Not The Demon God’s Lackey

Chapter 79: Candela


Lin Jie had just climbed over the misplaced stairs and landed on the platform when he heard such a line.

He twitched the corners of his mouth, was he really just role-playing

However, unlike what he thought, this does not seem to be "the end of the world and the final big BOSS will appear in a decisive battle", but the opening plot of "an important NPC in the cut-scene CG is entrusted to the novice player at the end of his life".

"Savior" or something like that is really old-fashioned.

In a traditional role-playing game, eleven out of ten player characters are saviors.

But think about it, with his relatively poor game experience, it is unlikely that a big innovation will come in his dreams.

Lin Jie's eyes fell on the "NPC" who said this line.

This is a pretty standard male elf figure.

With long blond hair and olive green eyes, a handsome face that almost blurs gender, and neutral beauty is shocking, but at the same time full of edges and corners that don't feel overly soft.

Combined with this scene, plus his modeling and lines.

Lin Jie can probably guess the plot.

There must have been a catastrophe here, and the elf in front of him was either the culprit or was unable to turn the tide, which finally led to a tragedy.

And when everyone died, he woke up and couldn't stand the self-blame and pain in his heart, so he chose suicide or self-seal, etc., and he was suffering all the time.

Until someone comes along who can save the world and make up for the mistakes he made.

Lin Jie felt that he had passed this short scene and guessed the plot.

The old savior.JPG

He circled around the elf, and suddenly found that the sword inserted in him was the long sword sent by Joseph.

This is really a real hammer, day and night have dreams.

I studied that sword during the day, and now I simply start from that sword and make up a story in my dream.

The elf looked at him calmly with no temper, and waited for Lin Jie to finish before saying, "On behalf of the kingdom, I must thank you for making the holy sword shine again. This is the third sin I can't forgive."

The holy sword... It should be the one stuck in his body, the one that Joseph sent.

Before, he had wondered why the sword was a little "dirty", but later found that the black traces disappeared after turning the angle, it should be some kind of special craftsmanship of the sword, such as "God hides itself" and so on, it seems that in The dream became his credit.

As expected of his dream, the net put gold on his face.

But according to his line, the elf's character seems to be more inclined to the culprit who caused the disaster, and is now punishing himself.

"You're welcome."

Lin Jie took the credit without changing his face, squatted down again, looked at the elf, and said with interest: "Since there is a third level, can you tell me about your other sins? I really want to hear your story. ."

It just so happened that there were no other guests except Joseph recently, so it seems like a good choice to enlighten this dear friend.

Generally speaking, these people with great bitterness and hatred are often lonely, lack communication and heavy psychological burden. In fact, they are very eager to tell their pain.

This is why those villains usually have a strong desire to express themselves, and they must speak out in front of others after the plan is almost achieved.

Of course, this is only one reason, on the other hand... Of course, some writers/screenwriters want to quickly reveal the truth and give the protagonist time and leeway to fight back.

Guiding him to speak out is not salt to the wound, but a channel for venting.

What's more, he himself mentioned his sins first, so it can be seen that he also really wants to chat.

"It would be my pleasure if you would listen to the monologue of a sinner."

The elf smiled slightly, bowed his head humbly, and said in a low voice:

"Millions of years ago, in the era of no light and no fire, I tried to kill God out of arrogance and open up territory for my people, but in the end I fell into madness just by looking directly at God. This is the sin of cowardice."

"As their king, I almost slaughtered my own people after going mad, and buried everything in the entire kingdom with my own hands. This is the crime of betrayal."

"I hold the holy sword, but let it be stained with the blood of my compatriots, use it to seal my dirty and twisted soul, let it lose its brilliance, and dust the last sacred symbol of the kingdom. This is a sin of ignorance."

"I pushed the kingdom to its peak and destroyed everything with my own hands. In the next ten thousand years, the crown will be my shackle. People call me - 'Exile' Candela."

Lin Jie touched his chin, and the secret passage was almost as he guessed.

However, this elf is miserable enough. He went mad when he failed to kill a god, and even destroyed his own country. The holy sword was also used to seal himself, and it seemed to have become an existence similar to a sword spirit.

"You call me your savior? But I didn't save you, and your kingdom is over."

Lin Jie pointed to the sword on his body, and looked around again: "Do you still want to ask me to do something?"

The elf's face suddenly became ashamed, as if he wanted to be seen through his injustice: "I am ashamed of your kindness, but please calm down, I have not presumptuously felt that I should be redeemed."

Like a child who made excessive demands but was reprimanded by his parents, he explained tremblingly: "You have helped me a lot, my country has already become the dust of history, and I am not qualified to do anything for this land anymore. No matter what, I have no way to pay for my sins any more..."

Lin Jie felt that this guy might have fallen into a mental block where he was scolding him when he heard everything because of his constant self-reproach during the ten thousand-year seal.

The calm and calm on the surface was defeated by a random question from others.

"No." Lin Jie looked at him, interrupted his incoherent confession, and said slowly: "You are giving up yourself. Since you say you are guilty and you don't want to atone for it now, you are evading your responsibility. Actually your actions mean nothing, just your cowardice."

Judging from the words "10,000 years in the future", this scene here should not be real, it may be the elf's own state of mind, but it is actually a memory.

And the so-called slaughter is only almost, he himself is not sure if it is really killed.

"Have you paid attention to what happened to your country afterward? What happened to the rest of your people, whether they were displaced, and did they rebuild their homes? They are much weaker than you, but they are still working hard, and You have a lot of power, but you feel sorry for yourself here, you don't even take any practical action, you are just lying to yourself, giving yourself an excuse not to bear it."

"What is not qualified, where did you come from, this is the price you should pay for what you did, suffering in the eyes of everyone, this is the sin you deserve, not shrinking into a ball like now ."

Professional speech therapist Lin Jie smiled: "In these tens of thousands of years, you have not made any progress, but you are constantly retreating, retreating, and retreating again, still waiting for others to forgive you, have you ever thought that when you do nothing? , your people suffer far more than you!"

"Think about it, what should you do, no one is your savior, only you can save yourself."

Candela was stunned for a moment, then followed Lin Jie's words, completely stunned.

Then, his eyes on Lin Jie lit up, like a child looking at his father: "You are right, but my ignorance is deep-rooted, without your guidance, I don't know what I should do. What to do... I'm terrified of making the same mistake."

The elf crawled down, with long golden hair twisting, and her forehead touched the ground in front of Lin Jie.

"I want... to be your sword."