I’m Really Not The Demon God’s Lackey

Chapter 9: The hunter never looked back



Joseph staggered to support the wall, took a deep breath, and finally woke up from the cold wind and rain.

The surrounding streets were deserted, and the stagnant water in the fringe had overflowed the sidewalks, and the lanterns hung in front of the shops next to it sparkled like a rising river.

Continuous heavy rain warnings have evacuated nearly one-tenth of ordinary people in the upper city of Nuojin to a safe area.

About thirty-two streets have been turned into empty alleys.

Among them, there is no lack of secret operation and command of the Mystic Tower.

Because those stupid hunters brought a magic mirror egg into Nuojin City, and now there is an infighting, making the magic mirror egg disappear, affecting the nerves of everyone in Nuojin City.

Maybe in the near future, there will be an unknown dream beast roaring out from the crack of the dream, bringing blood and fire.

The pain in the brain gradually disappeared, and the whispering in the ear disappeared.

He looked at his hands and showed a wry smile.

In addition to the loss of his right arm and the dark wound on his body, there is another important reason for the retirement of Joseph the Great Knight of Radiance.

He was once the wielder of the magic sword Candela.

That strange ancient sword, because of the madness and death of the first master, has a maddening curse.

Only an extremely powerful and upright knight, with a perfect spirit and will, can control this curse.

The former Joseph was such a powerful knight.

But now he is old and disabled.

This qualification has been lost.

But the next successor of the magic sword has not yet been found, but he has already begun to bear the backlash of this sword.

Every night, late at night, he could see the huge shadows cruising in the city, and hear Candela's deep, frantic whispers, which had intensified recently.

He was tormented.

In front of a towering abandoned church.

Ji Zhixu held a cane, his black windbreaker rattled, and looked up at the round glass window of the church that was blazing into the sky.

The screams of killing continued to come, and the chaotic ether fluctuations made the entire area in a bloody atmosphere like a carnival, and the glass windows shattered one after another.

Glittering shards, mixed with viscera and blood, splattered across the vine-covered walls of the church.

The ground is littered with corpses, rapidly carbonizing and turning to ashes.

Behind her, standing in silence are her most loyal subordinates.

Kaye, Max and Ryan.

As the second leader of the second largest hunter organization "White Wolf", Ji Zhixu's original direct subordinates are of course more than these three people.

But she was unforgivably betrayed and came back again, and of course the rest became corpses.

The larval state of the mirror egg before hatching has the ability to tempt people's minds, causing people to have evil thoughts and thoughts of owning it.

Things got out of hand when the first person to look directly at it appeared.

Now, the heavy rain in Nuo Jin has become a battlefield for hunters.

Kaye and Max were her subordinates, and they were also her father's subordinates.

The spirit has long been branded with runes by the white wizard supported by the family, so it is possible to preserve the consciousness under the erosion of the magic mirror egg.

Ryan, who surrendered not long ago, was branded voluntarily, and in the hunter organization "White Wolf", he belonged to the first leader, Harris.

As for the reason for the surrender, it is also very simple.

Because this guy has witnessed Ji Zhixu's "beastization" attitude, brutal methods, determination to take revenge, and the pile of corpses behind him.

"Miss, it has been confirmed that the egg of the magic mirror is in the hands of Harris. He has become a complete lunatic. After taking the egg of the magic mirror, he launched a massacre within the hunter organization."

Kai whispered beside him.

Known as the "Black Rose", she is tall and beautiful, with black lip gloss on her lips and a row of ear studs on her ears.

Wearing a blouse, skinny trousers and high-top martin boots, she looks like an ordinary fashion girl.

However, the serrated long knife still dripping blood in her hand and the blood splattered all over her body indicated her danger.

Not only is he a hunter who hunts down dream beasts, but he is also a murderous villain.

She looked at the church with a bit of concern: "I'm afraid our people are not strong enough. Harris has already united with the third leader, Kaji, and this attack is afraid that it will end in vain."

Max nodded and said: "Herris is powerful and is the closest to panic-level existence among the white wolves. Although Kaki is slightly weaker, most of the people in the organization can be said to be cultivated by him, although Khris has cultivated it. The madness of the people has made many people want to defect, but there are still many people who are attached to them, and our chances of winning are very small."

Ryan glanced at Ji Zhixu with a little fear, and said with a flattering smile: "Although the leader... No, Harris and the others are strong, but the boss is not bad!"

"He is only close to panic level, and the boss is a real panic level! As long as he becomes a beast, heris and Kaji are all dead souls under the sword!"

Although he didn't know what rank Ji Zhixu was, in a word, it was not wrong to flatter him.

He doesn't know how a hunter can remain sensible in a highly beastized state, but being strong is strong. He admits that he is just a grass on the wall. Whoever is strong will follow whoever is strong. truth.

Of course, it would be even better if he could also get a way to control the filthy blood.


Ji Zhixu threw off his cane, and sharp blades spun out: "The hunter has no room to turn back."

"Go, go in, this will be the final battle."

This abandoned church was built by the Plague Church.

The plague church used to be the first church, but then the truth will rise rapidly, crowding it out, and a lot of churches will be abandoned.

The battle in the church was drawing to a close, and the remains of hunters were everywhere.

Ji Zhixu killed the last blocker and stepped into the hall.

Standing under the glazed window with wavy lines, it was Kaki, the third leader of the White Wolf.

He was a tall and thin man, wearing a priest-like black robe, with a long sickle standing behind him, bowing his head as if praying, the dim light outside reflected colorful ripples from the glazed windows and fell on him.

Rainwater leaked in from the disrepaired ceiling, tick-tock, and pooled into puddles.

"Where's Harris?"

Kay asked.

"Ho..." Kaji's head moved, making a strange bubble sound.


Ji Zhixu's pupils shrank, and he rushed forward with three steps and two steps, stretched out his hand and pressed the man's shoulder and pushed it.

Kaki's neck was thrown back, revealing a twisted and painful face.

At his neck, a bloody mouth opened.

Blood kept dripping on the ground.

The faces of everyone changed suddenly.

The long sickle handle was not carried behind him, but penetrated through his body and nailed him to the floor of the church.

"Injection! Quick!"


Max hurriedly handed over the spare filthy blood injection, Ji Zhixu reached out and took it, and one needle plunged into Kaji's heart, pushing it all out.

A large amount of filthy blood took effect quickly, and the wound on Kaji's neck wriggled and grew, and healed in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, his eyes turned white and moved, and finally turned into beast pupils.

"Ho ho..."

The man's teeth and nails grew longer, his hair grew rapidly, and he roared in pain.

"Answer me! Where's Kris! Did he take the magic mirror egg away?!" Ji Zhixu stared at his eyes and shouted.

Kaki nodded, opened his mouth wide, and giggled like a gnat: "He... will come..."

His eyes were instantly slack and frozen.

Hair like dead twigs grew out of his internal organs, got in again, and finally took away the rest of his life.


Ji Zhixu punched the wall and looked at the messy hall.

Kai whispered, "I'll start a search right away."

Max suggested: "Miss, why don't you go and ask Mr. Heywood. As a wizard who is supported by the family, he will not refuse to help."

"no need."

"Continue your search." Ji Zhixu let out a long breath: "Ryan, come with me."

Ryan was a little uneasy: "Go, where?"

"Twenty-third Street."