I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist

Chapter 120: Spread IQ for suicidal teenagers


What Liu Hao so-called to make Su Yu and the others regret is that he paid for the assassination organization to harvest their lives, but the result can be imagined.

However, the word anger may be inappropriate, because Su Yu's reaction after learning about this incident was actually very dull.

He was holding a cup of hot cocoa and drinking slowly, and when he heard the report of the ball, he just raised his eyebrows: "Since he is so dead, let him die one more time."

Therefore, in addition to the lawsuit with Su Yu, Liu Hao is about to face many other disputes.

For example, four months ago, Liu Hao was involved in an accident caused by drunk driving; three months ago, he let a third-tier star get an abortion; and two months ago, he accepted huge bribes from employees of the company. …

"What the hell is going on here?! Haven't these things been resolved long ago? Why did they suddenly appear!" Liu Hao was about to vomit blood. It was obviously a long time ago, but at the same time, all of it was happening at the same time. It came out that someone must have deliberately plotted against him behind his back!

Who is it! Who the hell would dare to plot against him like that!

Just when Liu Hao was irritated and troubled by this, Xu Li came over with anger and threw a document directly in front of Liu Hao: "Ahao, can you explain what's going on?"

Liu Hao impatiently picked up the document and glanced at it twice, and the expression on his face suddenly became strange, because what was recorded in this document turned out to be what he did when he was nine years old.

When Liu Hao was nine years old, Xu Li really didn't want to continue to be a junior, so she clamored for Liu Hao to recognize her ancestors and return to the clan.

But Father Liu didn't want to agree, and he was worried that if he refused directly, Xu Li would make trouble regardless, so he gave Liu Hao a favor and let him persuade Xu Li.

Although Xu Li was on guard against Liu's father, she had always trusted her own son. She felt that the two belonged to the same camp. She believed Liu Hao's words without thinking much at the time. Until today, Xu Li didn't know that she was actually in the same camp. Was calculated by his own son!

How could even such a thing be turned out! At this time, Liu Hao didn't know what expression to put on, and his heart was even more irritable, but he had to hold back his anger: "Mom, where did you get this thing? Do you actually believe this thing? ?"

"If I don't believe it, am I a fool?" Xu Li also held her breath. She never imagined that her own son would even put her on one, or even more than one, "Ahao, I am Your biological mother, you were only nine years old at that time, and you started to plot against me since then, is it in your heart that I, the mother, is just a tool for you to gain benefits?"

As she talked, Xu Li's eyes were red. She was indeed very angry, but she was more disappointed and sad.

As a mother, she never thought that she would be calculated like this by her own son who has always loved Youjia.

At the beginning, she failed to enter the Liu family as soon as possible, and had her son's writing, but later she failed to drive Liu Yang out as she wished, and she failed to bear the name of Mrs. Liu upright, even with her own son's writing in it!

Although Liu Hao looked annoyed, he was actually a little guilty in his heart. He sighed, a little helpless, and a little puzzled: "Mom, it's obvious that someone is deliberately provoking our relationship, how can you really Believe it?"

"Ahao, are you still going to lie to me now?" Xu Li looked even more disappointed. If she hadn't seen the exact evidence, why would she be willing to easily doubt her son

She didn't expect that things had come to this point, and her biological son wanted to continue to lie to him.

Seeing the disappointment and bitterness in Xu Li's eyes, Liu Hao subconsciously looked away. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

After a while, Liu Hao took a deep breath, raised his eyes to look at Xu Li, and said in a weary voice, "Mom, no matter what I have done before, now is not the time to discuss these issues. I am being calculated by others now, and this is absolutely fundamental. It is someone who is deliberately provoking the relationship between us, so don't be fooled."

Xu Li took another deep look at Liu Hao, seeing how he could look at her without any guilt under such circumstances, and she could say these words confidently, her anger and disappointment suddenly came It was replaced by a rush of guilt and regret.

The son will become what he is now, why is it not because of her

In the past, Xu Li only wanted to fight for fame and fortune for herself. She felt that as long as she could enter the house and become a legitimate Mrs. Liu, all her previous intrigues and dirty tricks could be hidden, as if they had never appeared at all.

Only now did she realize that everything was not like this. Even if everything had passed, some things could not be erased.

It was she who made her son what he is now, unscrupulous and selfish, even her own mother would calculate, but she still had no guilt.

At this time, Xu Li didn't know what she felt in her heart for a while, did she regret it? If she was given another chance to choose, would she still do those things in the past? To destroy other people's families, to seek other people's money, and even to kill other people's lives.

But no matter whether she regrets it later, Xu Li at this time has no chance to look back. She is about to pay her due price for everything she has done, just like her son.

The matter of Liu Hao caused a lot of uproar, which directly caused the stock of the Liu Group to decline, but Su Yu was not worried at all. With his ability, it was a piece of cake to save a small Liu Group. It is also just a chance to take this opportunity to pull out some hard nails in the Liu Group.

But although Su Yu's side is very leisurely, the Liu Group's side is in trouble. However, before Liu Hao can settle these problems, he was sent directly to prison by the law.

As a result, the disputes within the Liu Group have intensified. Just when all the forces came together and wanted to take the opportunity to share a piece of cake, Su Yu appeared in a high-profile manner.

As soon as he made his move, he acted resolutely and suppressed all the forces. When everyone had to unite to resist, he discovered that the young master of the Liu family who had suddenly appeared had become the absolute controlling shareholder of the Liu Group.

Everything happened in just half a month. When everyone came back to their senses, the turmoil in the Liu Group had already become a thing of the past, as if nothing had happened before. The only change was probably the Liu Group. Officially changed hands.

And just after Liu's group stabilized, it immediately launched three attractive new projects, attracting the attention of many bidders.

Only those who took advantage of the turmoil in Liu's group to sell their stocks, regretting the beginning, and those who somehow wanted to oppose Su Yu, were also in a very desolate situation.

After solving these key problems, Su Yu became a shopkeeper, handing over the Liu Group to reliable people, and he started the road of "escape".

Although Yu Feng usually looks very calm, but when he gets on the bed, it can almost kill him. If it is only once or twice, Su Yu will grit his teeth and endure it, but Yu Feng's energy is too strong, he can't bear it at all!

In order to allow himself to live a few more years, Su Yu resolutely started the road of "escape", and since then has officially launched a love contest between the two hackers.

The reason why it is said to be a contest of interest is because Su Yu never turned on the ball assist mode during the escape process, but went into battle in person and fought wits and courage with Yu Feng.

So for many years after that, the following scenarios happened from time to time.

scene one:

Su Yu: "You must not be able to find me this time, right? ╮(╯▽╰)╭"

Yu Feng: "Room 619 on the sixth floor of Jinjiang Hotel, luxury suite, couple configuration, luxury swimming pool, transparent bathroom, dear, have you been waiting for me to stay with you? (*/ω\*)"

Su Yu: "Wait wait! How did you find me this time? Σ( ° △°|||)︴"

Yu Feng: "Open the door, I'll tell you in person. ~( ̄▽ ̄~)~"

Su Yu: "You're in the wrong place, I'm not here at all! _(:з"∠)_"

Until he was carried to the bed by Yu Feng and launched six attacks, Su Yu was still firmly saying that he was not Liu Yang and that the other party had found the wrong person.

Yu Feng just replied calmly: "Well, you may not be Liu Yang, you are Ah Zheng, Ah Song, Xiao Shunzi... or my Ah Yu."

Scenario two:

Su Yu looked unlovable: "I admit that you caught me this time, but I have a small request."

Yu Feng took off his clothes and asked calmly, "What's your request?"

Su Yu blinked pitifully: "Don't do it six times, okay? My body can't handle it."

Yu Feng smiled gently: "If you promise not to leave my side in the future, I can agree to your request. But you have to tell me which life lover you choose to give up, is it me or someone else?"

Su Yu struggled for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Forget it, I'll keep running."

They are all his relatives, how could he be willing to do so.

Scenario three:

Su Yu sighed: "Dear, I'm too old to run, so don't chase me anymore."

Yu Feng insisted: "How can you not chase? I have used it all my life to chase you, and now I can finally hold you all the time."

Su Yu smiled: "You forgot, we still have the next life, the next life, the next life, the next life... it."

Yu Feng nodded: "Okay, I will continue to chase you in the next life, but..."

Su Yu was puzzled: "But what?"

Yu Feng smirked: "Seven times, is it a bit too much?"

Su Yu angrily said, "Don't even think about it in your next life!"

Yu Fengbuyi: "That's not good, I won't say anything else, but at least leave it for me once."

Su Yu rolled his eyes and stopped talking, but held Yu Feng's dry palm even harder.

Under the setting sun, two twilight old people lay side by side on the green grass, with a little afterglow falling on them...

The author has something to say: [Small Theater]

Ball [Sorrow]: Lord Host, do you know how long you have left me in the cold

Su Yu [calm]: When have I paid attention to you

Ball [Tear Run]: Hey, I'm going to run away too, so that you can't find me, see who else you can squeeze!

Su Yu [calm]: Don't worry, I won't go to you.

Ball [cry]: Why is it always me who gets hurt! QAQ