I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist

Chapter 121: Spread IQ for the Mermaid Prince


A long, long time ago, there was a beautiful and wide sea. In the depths of the sea, there was a magnificent deep-sea palace, and in this palace, lived a group of handsome mermaids.

The youngest mermaid is named Angel. Although he is the youngest, he is the most handsome of all the mermaids. He has short golden hair, a pair of deep golden pupils, and a twinkling golden light. Point of slender fish tail.

Angel is a mermaid prince. He has lived in the deep sea since he was a child and has never seen the scenery on the sea. His wish since he was a child is to look at the outside world and appreciate the scenery that is completely different from the sea bottom, but his father King But he was never allowed to leave the deep sea.

Until Angel was twenty years old, his father, the King of Mermaids, called him to his side, stroked his golden hair and smiled: "My child, you are twenty years old now, you can go out and see the outside world. already."

"Father, thank you." Angel's golden eyes suddenly flashed with dazzling light, and his wish was finally coming true.

He bid farewell to his father and his lovely mermaid brothers, and swam from the deep sea to the surface by himself.

This should have been a very good start, he was about to see the colorful world outside, but just as he was near the sea, a hateful witch suddenly stopped him.

The handsome mermaid prince frowned, and his low, sandy voice filled the sea: "Who are you? Why are you stopping me?"

The sinister witch let out a hoarse and horrible laughter: "Your voice is so good, I will lock you up on a high tower, and let you sing for me every day, and you will never be able to escape."

"No, I won't let you succeed, I have to take a look at the outside world!" Angel refused angrily, but he was not the opponent of the hateful witch at all, and was eventually taken away by the witch and locked in a high tower superior.

Although this tower has stairs to go up and down, only the top floor has a huge pool that introduces seawater. If Angel leaves the sea, he will become a salted fish, so he still cannot leave the tower.

The wicked witch would come to the tower every day and ask Angel to sing for her.

At first Angel didn't want to agree, but if he didn't sing, the witch would drain the seawater from the pond and turn him into a salted fish. In desperation, Angel was forced to use his beautiful voice every day. , sing a song for the wicked witch.

This kind of life tortures poor Angel every day, making his golden hair lose its luster, the golden fish tail has become dull, and even the shining golden eyes have lost their originality. Some brilliance.

In the end, poor Angel was tortured by the hateful witch into a salted fish and died on the tower.

Seeing this, Su Yu didn't know what to show at all. He reached out and rubbed his eyebrows. He felt very regretful. Before, he would have softened his heart for a while and promised Ball to enter the fairy tale world.

Because he was too excited, the ball didn't notice Su Yu's emotions at all, but happily swayed aside and said, "Master host, isn't this plot great? Isn't the male protagonist's setting particularly cool? "

Su Yu sighed lightly, and his good peach eyes were almost turned into dead fish eyes: "I just think the original plot of this mission world is probably fake, because even the style of painting has changed."

Previously, the original plots of the mission world were all narrative, flat and straightforward, but this time the original plot has become a fairy tale, and it looks like a fairy tale.

Hearing this, Yuan Qiu coughed a few times with a guilty conscience, and flashed pink dots and said: "The original plot is really not like this, but I think the original style is too incompatible with the fantasy of the fairy tale world, so I manually Changed it, doesn't it look better now?"

Su Yu glanced at the ball coldly, and said unceremoniously, "No."

The ball swayed in frustration and muttered softly: "It's obviously the original plot that looks better now..."

Su Yu ignored the ball's broken thoughts and looked down at the main quest.

Main quest: Help the poor male protagonist escape from the captivity of the vicious witch, and obtain from the witch the witch medicine that can turn the male protagonist's fish tail into legs. Completing the task can directly restore the male protagonist's IQ to 100%.

"..." This kind of main quest is really a fairy tale world, and Su Yu is almost speechless, "I can understand the first half of the main quest, but what does the second half mean? Why should I help him find the fish tail into a double Witch medicine for legs? Maybe the male protagonist doesn't want to turn his fish tails into legs?"

"Of course, this is for the sake of your life-long sexual well-being, the host. Think about it, the male protagonist is an attacker. If he is always in a mermaid state, wouldn't he not be able to attack? Then you..." Round Ball replied as a matter of course. Halfway through the conversation, I realized that Su Yu's entire face was black, and he quickly saved, "Of course, this is not the main reason, the main reason is... It is the plot demand, yes, the plot demand! If the male protagonist's fish tail can't become If he has two legs, he can only live in the sea, in this case, how can you live happily together?"

After saying this, the ball looked at Su Yu carefully again, seeing that his face was still very dark, and added softly: "Note: the happiness here is the 'lucky' of 'lucky', not 'character' 'sex'."

As soon as the ball's voice fell, Su Yu grabbed it with one hand and began to play ruthlessly.

The ball burst into tears, it felt that it was too wronged, it was clearly thinking of its own host, yet it was hurt so mercilessly! QAQ

After a while, Su Yu let go of the ball that had already cried so softly, and began to check the original owner's memory and his side quest this time.

The original owner is also a handsome prince, but unlike the male protagonist, he is the prince of a kingdom on land.

The original owner was named Ellen, who was smart and clever since childhood, and was quite popular with the king and queen.

When he was eighteen years old, he finally had the opportunity to leave his kingdom and followed a caravan into the sea, but he encountered bad wind and waves in the middle and died.

Coincidentally, the day the original owner encountered the storm was the day the male protagonist left the deep sea. In other words, if the male protagonist hadn't met the witch and was forcibly taken away, maybe the original owner would not have died.

The content of the side quests is also very simple, that is, to avoid the storm and survive smoothly.

As soon as Su Yu finished reading these contents, he suddenly felt the surrounding environment jolted violently. When he looked up, he was actually in the guest room of a ship. Su Yu couldn't help frowning and asked, "Where is the plot going now? already?"

"Today is the day when the original owner goes to sea, and the day when the male lead prepares to leave the deep sea. In two hours, the wind and waves will come, and the male lead will also be swept away by the hateful witch," Yuan Qiu answered earnestly, then He said pitifully, "Master host, you must save the poor male protagonist, and you must not let him be taken away by the witch!"

Su Yu glanced at the ball weakly, and said helplessly: "First exchange for an item, plus the ship's defense."

"Okay, but what about the male protagonist?" Compared with the situation here, the ball is obviously more worried about the situation on the poor mermaid prince's side.

That is his lover, although the shape of the lover in this world has become a bit strange, but Su Yu can never leave him alone, and sighed lightly at the moment: "Help me exchange for another item, which will allow me to swim in the sea. free time."

"Okay, I'll go search now!" The ball's tone suddenly became cheerful.

An hour later, Su Yu, who used the props, entered the sea and slowly swam to his lover following the guidance of the ball.

At this time, Angel had already left the palace under the sea, and he slowly went out to Qianhai with full of yearning, but he did not expect that he was suddenly stopped by a witch halfway along the way.

"Who are you? Why did you stop me?" Angel frowned and asked.

The terrifying witch smiled sinisterly: "Your voice is so beautiful, I will lock you up on a high tower and let you sing for me every day, and you will never be able to escape."

"No, I won't let you succeed, I have to go and see the outside world!" Angel refused with anger.

"It's up to you!" The sinister and cunning witch attacked Angel directly. Angel was about to dodge when he saw a figure suddenly rushing in front of him.

"Stop! You hateful witch, I will never allow you to hurt the handsome mermaid prince!" The figure in front of him spoke righteously, and Angel stared blankly at the strange figure that suddenly appeared in front of him. My heart suddenly started pounding.

The witch laughed sinisterly again, and at the same time she opened a small bottle in her hand. Under the immersion of the sea water, the purple substance in the bottle quickly overflowed and diffused in the sea water.

Su Yu, who was standing in front of Angel, stretched out his hand and pushed a huge bubble towards the witch. Before the witch could react, she was already wrapped in this huge bubble, together with the purple substances that had just escaped.

"You... you..." The witch didn't have time to finish a sentence, and suddenly lost consciousness.

Su Yu gently pushed it again, and the huge bubble floated to the sea as if it was being pushed.

Su Yu finally looked back at Angel and said with a smile, "Dear mermaid prince, are you alright?"

However, in the next moment, Su Yu couldn't laugh at all. According to the description in the original plot, the lover Su Yu imagined should be the kind of cute little mermaid with a soft and cute voice, but the truth is...

What the hell is this tall mermaid with deep eyes, a deep face, standard eight-pack abs, and a perfect mermaid line!

At this moment, Su Yu felt that the counterattack plan that he had just appeared in less than two hours seemed to have come to an end.