I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist

Chapter 125: Spread IQ for the Mermaid Prince


After collecting enough pearls, the two faced a new problem. The pearls are there, but it seems that the clothes made of pearl silk are still far away.

"Do you know where to find someone to help you make clothes?" Su Yu asked.

Angel shook his head with a serious expression, and gave the answer he gave once before: "I don't know."

In desperation, Su Yu could only continue to ask the ball for help, and the ball, fairy tale fan, know-it-all, ball went online immediately: "I know, I know! If you want to make a dress made of pearl silk, you must find someone A witch who is proficient in this art, she has a magic weaving machine, only with that weaving machine, can weave noble clothes made of pearl silk. But this weaving machine seems to be cursed, if it is accidentally stabbed If you get hurt, you will fall asleep."

"..." Why does this line sound familiar? But that's not the point, the point is, "So where am I going to find this witch?"

The ball replied: "This witch lives in a very beautiful country, where beautiful flowers bloom all year round, and the air is always filled with a strong fragrance of flowers. Anyone who has been there will fall in love with this country."

"... So can you tell me directly, what is the name of that kingdom?" Su Yu couldn't stand the fairy tale of the ball.

Ball had to answer honestly: "It's the Kingdom of Sleeping Beauty."

It was exactly as he expected, Su Yu couldn't help rolling his eyes, turned to Angel and said, "I heard that in the Kingdom of Sleeping Beauty, there is a witch who can weave the clothes you need, let's go there directly to find it. her."

"Okay." Angel replied with a smile.

On the way to the Kingdom of Sleeping Beauty, Su Yu had been unhappy all the time. Although the ball still did not dare to come out, she also said with concern: "Master host, you seem a little unhappy?"

"Yes, since I came to this mission world, I have been unhappy." Su Yu admitted frankly.

These words can't help but make the ball a little uneasy: "Does the host don't like the fairy tale world? Really... I'm really sorry, it's all because of me that the host has entered the task world that he doesn't like."

Speaking of the end, the tone of the ball has been very depressed.

"The fairy tale world is not bad, the scenery is dreamy, and the characters are beautiful, but..." Su Yu just wanted to complain, but didn't mean to blame the ball, "You seem to have forgotten my character attributes, in this way In the dream world of mission, how can you make me feel good?"

This fairy tale world is basically a world of spoofs. It's good to use it to adjust your mood, but if you want to go the Su Shuang route of slapping the face and abusing the scumbags, it will be very difficult.

The ball felt that what his host said seemed quite reasonable, but he was speechless, he had not yet thought of a language to deal with, so he heard his host continue to complain: "Of course, this is not the biggest problem, The most terrifying thing now is that the male protagonist has no clothes to wear until now, do you know how much psychological shadow this incident has brought to me?"

Whenever Su Yu's eyes fell uncontrollably on Angel, in an unspeakable place, there was an urge to poke his eyes out, and at the same time there was a conditioned reflex of the chrysanthemum shrinking, which was so torturous. !

The ball suddenly didn't know what expression to put on, but he didn't understand the thoughts of his host. Logically, this matter should be regarded as a welfare. Why did it become a kind of torture when he came to his host

A simple ball, at this time, I don't know how much difference there is between attack and suffering. Some things may be welfare for attack, but torture for Su.

Su Yu wanted to continue complaining, but Angel had already reached out and hugged him: "My dear prince, what are you thinking?"

At this time, Su Yu was half-bow his head, and in this posture, he suddenly saw something indescribable, his eyes were blinded again, and he pretended to see nothing on his face: "It's nothing, it's just boring."

"Then ask the prince to do something non-boring with me." As Angel said, he knocked Su Yurou down.

When Su Yu stepped off the carriage, rubbing her waist, she saw flowers everywhere and smelled the fragrance of flowers. It turned out that this was the Kingdom of Sleeping Beauty.

"Lord Host, the place where the witch lives is in front of me. It is said that this witch has a very bad temper. Lord Host, you must be careful." The ball dutifully reminded.

Su Yu nodded, walked to the door, raised his hand and knocked on the mottled wooden door: "Is there anyone?"

No one responded.

Su Yu knocked on the door again, and after a while, the wooden door was finally pulled open with a creaking sound, and a wrinkled face appeared in front of Su Yu. The witch stared at Su Yu with cloudy eyes. He asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm a prince in a distant kingdom. I'm here to ask you to do me a favor and make a set of clothes woven from pearl silk for my lover." Su Yu smiled and politely explained her purpose. .

The witch's cloudy eyes flickered slightly. She looked Su Yu up and down, then looked at the carriage parked not far behind Su Yu, and asked, "Why didn't your lover show up with you?"

"Because he is a mermaid under the sea, because his skin is too delicate, he has no clothes to wear, so it is inconvenient to meet people." Su Yu replied with a smile.

I saw two blushing suspiciously appear on the wrinkled face of the witch, she blinked her cloudy eyes and coughed softly: "Okay, I promise to help you, but I am not here. No pearls."

Su Yu directly handed the twenty huge pearls to the witch. When the witch took it over, she asked hesitantly, "Aren't you worried about giving me such a valuable thing directly?"

"If I don't trust you enough, I will never ask you for help. Since I have already chosen trust, why should I be petty because of this?" Su Yu smiled slightly. It's because in the whole fairy tale world, only a witch can weave a pearl dress.

The witch was indeed moved when she heard this, and assured: "Don't worry, I will definitely weave the most beautiful pearl dress in the world for your lover. It only takes three days before you can come and get the pearl dress."

"That would be troublesome." Su Yu said goodbye with a smile.

Su Yu and Angel visited the Sleeping Beauty Kingdom for three days. They walked almost all the streets of the whole kingdom with blooming flowers. When the third day was wood, the two finally returned to the witch's wooden house.

"You wait in the carriage, I'll go get your clothes for you." This time, Su Yu still walked off the carriage with his waist on his back. He had already decided that when he helped Angel get the right clothes, he immediately parted ways with him. , it is best to have one person and one fish, different species, because these days are simply impossible to live.

Su Yu knocked on the mottled wooden door again, this time the witch quickly opened the door, she looked at Su Yu with a smile, and said, "Dear prince, I have made the pearl coat, you can now taken away."

Su Xu smiled and took the clothes handed over by the witch and unfolded it. The smile on his face suddenly froze, because the pearl coat he was holding turned out to be a shining... skirt.

"Wait, why did you help me with a skirt?" The expression on Su Yu's face was extremely complicated, like being struck by lightning.

The witch is also very confused: "Shouldn't it be a skirt? Isn't your lover a cute mermaid with delicate skin?"

"He is indeed a mermaid, and his skin is indeed very delicate, but," Su Yu's mouth couldn't help twitching a few times, he never thought that he would make such an oolong, "His gender It's male."

"..." The witch had already shown an expression she didn't know what to put on her face.

Su Yu also didn't know what expression to put on: "Sorry, I didn't make it clear before, which led to such a misunderstanding. This is not your problem."

"But this pearl dress..." The witch looked at the skirt in Su Yu's hands in embarrassment. The pearl dress has always been very precious, and it is impossible to recreate it.

Su Yu secretly took a deep breath and barely maintained the smile on his face: "I'll give you this pearl dress. I think the queen or princess of this kingdom should like this kind of dress very much. As for me My lover, I will search for pearls with him again, and come back to ask for your help."

"But this pearl coat is too precious, I shouldn't..." The witch wanted to refuse, but was quickly interrupted by Su Yu.

"Take it as a reward for our request for your help this time, I hope you can accept it, otherwise we will be uneasy," Su Yu interrupted the witch with a smile, and waved her goodbye, "Then we have to say goodbye for the time being. Yes, but I'll be back soon."

After saying goodbye to the witch, Su Yu walked back to the carriage with heavy steps. In this case, he really didn't want to get on the carriage.

Angel quickly realized that Su Yu had returned, and he said to Su Yu from the carriage: "Dear, are my clothes ready? Show me quickly."

"No, because I didn't express it clearly enough, the witch mistakenly thought my lover was a lovely female mermaid, so she made a very beautiful dress." Su Yu's tone was heavy.

But Angel in the carriage didn't seem to have much reaction, just sighed in a flat tone: "That's a pity, it seems that we still have to go back to the deep sea."

"It should be like this." Su Yu sighed heavily, and finally summoned up the courage to lift his still a little sore feet and stepped into the carriage. However, in the next scene, he saw a place that could blind people.

God, please let me go blind!