I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist

Chapter 126: Spread IQ for the Mermaid Prince


Su Yu, who was blinded by the flash, was forced to go back and forth to the deep sea with Angel, and collected 20 huge pearls, but when they returned to Sleeping Beauty Kingdom, outside the wooden house where the witch lived, they were told that the witch had already was invited into the palace.

"I was invited to the palace? When did this happen?" Su Yu frowned slightly. They went back and forth, but in less than a month, they were originally rejected by everyone in the Kingdom of Sleeping Beauty and had to live alone on the cliff. The witch on the top of the house was actually invited into the palace. No matter how you think about it, it's a bit incredible, right

The one who answered Su Yu's question was a soldier sent from the palace: "The witch who lived here before presented a beautiful dress made of pearl silk to the queen in the palace. The queen liked it very much, so she put the witch in. The palace has become her royal tailor. And now the whole kingdom knows that the queen has a very gorgeous pearl dress, those ladies like to run to the palace when they have nothing to do, and want to ask the witch to help them make such a unique pearl. Clothes."

"..." Su Yu didn't know what expression to put on, it really is a fairy tale world, and the development of things is so fairy tale, just a piece of clothing can completely reverse a person's fate, "This is really a good thing. "

"But the witch didn't forget the two. She made a special trip for me to wait here, just to take the two to the palace and find her directly," the soldier said, and paused slightly, "By the way, we don't call us anymore. She is a witch, and her name is Maria."

"..." Su Yu felt that she didn't know what expression to put on. The witch's appearance and her name were indeed somewhat independent.

On the contrary, Angel, who was staying in the carriage, said first: "Since that's the case, let's go directly to the palace."

The two followed the soldiers to the palace of the Sleeping Beauty Kingdom in a carriage. It looked very splendid, the palace was decorated with splendor, the garden was full of flowers of various colors and excellent quality, and the fragrant breath filled the tip of the nose.

In the pavilion in the middle of the flowers, Wu Maria Po, who had already changed into her gray autumn clothes, was skillfully fiddling with the one-of-a-kind textile machine.

The carriage stopped near the pavilion, and Su Yu walked down alone. As soon as Maria saw him, she immediately got up and greeted him: "Dear prince, you are finally back."

"Yes, I have heard the soldiers talk about your deeds before, congratulations." Su Yu said with a smile, but she was still a little speechless, because the divine turning point in this fairy tale world was too unreasonable.

A shy smile bloomed on Maria's wrinkled face, she lowered her head slightly and said, "Thank you for this, dear prince, if not for that beautiful long dress woven from pearl silk, I would It is absolutely impossible to be connected to the palace in the future, and it is even less likely to be loved by other people."

Su Yu really didn't want to continue chatting about this issue, so she took out what she brought and said: "You are too polite, these are the twenty pearls I prepared, and I will trouble you this time."

"Please rest assured, this time I will definitely make a pearl dress that suits your heart." Maria assured her firmly that she would never make a mistake this time.

"Okay, then three days later, I will come to pick up the clothes." Su Yu smiled and wanted to say goodbye, but was stopped by Maria.

Maria opened her mouth and said: "I was careless before, so I made the two of them make this extra trip. In order to express my apology, I have asked the queen to let the two live in the palace for a few days, and take a look at this place. The view from the palace."

Speaking of which, they had already circled around the Sleeping Beauty Kingdom before, and they really had nothing to do now. Su Yu thought about it before agreeing: "So we will be disturbed."

During the three days that Su Yu lived in the palace, he was not idle. He directly left Angel in the palace alone, and went out for a walk when he had nothing to do.

He originally just wanted to enjoy the flowers, look at the grass, and enjoy the unique dreamy beauty in the fairy tale world, but one day, he inadvertently discovered a huge secret.

In the pavilion, a gentle and soothing voice came first: "Good sister, don't cry, now that the children have returned safely, you should be happy."

Then there was a crying voice: "But they suffered a lot of sins and suffered a lot before. They were trapped in the forest for half a month, and I was worried to death."

The gentle voice said: "Okay, stop crying, they just came back, if they see you like this again, I'm afraid it will be sad again."

He cried and sighed: "Fortunately, they have all returned now, otherwise I really don't know what to do. I will never let them go to that forest again in the future, where the witches can use witch medicine to trap them in The people inside are shrinking, and it's terrifying."

The gentle voice said: "Yes, in the future, we must take good care of the children, and never let them enter the forest to take risks."

Hearing this, the corners of Su Yu's mouth began to twitch. Forest, seven people, witch medicine that can make people smaller, he seems to have accidentally discovered something incredible.

So if the princess with skin as white as snow appeared in the forest according to the script in her memory, but couldn't find the seven children she should have, would the end be miserable

Su Yu was thinking about this question with a black face on his face, and seven young princes wearing the same costumes had come not far away.

The seven princes went straight into the pavilion, and after seeing their mother who was weeping and weeping, they looked at each other and comforted her in a relaxed tone.

"Mother, aren't we all right now? Don't worry anymore."

"Yes, Queen Mother, although that witch sounds scary, didn't she let us all go?"

"In the beginning, the witch was really scary, but then for some reason, she seemed to have suddenly changed into a different person. She was full of love and sent us out of the forest in person."

"Empress mother, you are not only worrying us, but even my aunt will be very worried. We will go back to the kingdom of dwarves soon. If you are happy, your aunt can rest assured."

It was not until the seven princes who supported their mother and left with her aunt did Su Yu completely sort out the cause and effect.

That is to say, the forest where he and Angel went to get the witch medicine before was the forest where the seven princes were in distress, and because of a song by Angel, the witch turned her back on her wrongdoing, and it was a coincidence that the seven princes got rid of it. The tragic fate of becoming a child.

That's why, if the princess whose skin is as white as snow really sets foot in this forest, even if she doesn't meet the seven dwarfs, she should be saved by the witch who has turned her back on her righteousness. In this way, The problem seems to be solved too.

Thinking of this, Su Yu couldn't help but complain in his heart, the plot of this fairy tale world is too nonsensical, right

Su Yu, who was hit hard by this incident, honestly returned to the palace where she lived, but as soon as she walked in, she was pulled back to bed by Angel.

This time, not only his spirit, but also his body has been brutally exploited and squeezed.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and Su Yu finally got the dress made of pearl silk from Maria's hands.

When Angel put the suit on, Su Yu couldn't help being blinded by the white clothes with a faint halo, but he also had to say that Angel looked even more handsome against the background of this suit.

While appreciating the beauty, Su Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He finally didn't have to live the days of being blinded by someone every day.

"Dear Alan, do I look handsome?" Angel stood there straight, his golden eyes staring at Su Yu.

Su Yu nodded: "You look very handsome, my dear mermaid prince, this suit is very suitable for you."

"You too," Angel looked at Su Yu up and down, although he had already put on clothes, his essence was still as rogue as before, "but I actually prefer you without clothes, because that is the most beautiful. "

Su Yu's eyes instantly turned into dead fish eyes: "That's a pity, maybe recently, you won't be able to see my most beautiful appearance."

"Why?" Angel raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Su Yu hooked the corner of his mouth: "Because I want to play a game with you, called you chase me."

"This game sounds interesting, but if it will make me lose the opportunity to see you in your most beautiful form, I choose to refuse." Although Angel looks very simple, he is not a fool.

"I'm afraid you have to refuse this matter, because from now on, the game has already started," Su Yu shook his finger and gave a hint, "The first stop of our game is in the Snow White Kingdom, I will be there There waiting for you, if you can't find me within three days, I'll go directly to the next stop, then you really may never find me."

Su Yu's words were purely intended to scare Angel, he just wanted to reduce the frequency of certain things, but he didn't really intend to abandon his lover.

After saying this, Su Yu's figure disappeared in front of Angel, Angel quickly calmed down after a brief period of stunned, raised his lips and said, "Dear Alan, I will definitely catch you. "

For many years after that, Su Yu and Angel have been traveling in different fairy tale kingdoms.

They help the omniscient Mirror escape the sinister Snow White from the tragic fate of having to answer those brain-dead questions every day.

They help the cursed prince transform from an ugly frog back to his original handsome appearance, saving him the tragic fate of having to marry a superficial princess.

They helped the little swan to return to the arms of the mother swan before it broke its shell, saving it from being bullied by other animals and despised by the mother duck.

They do many, many different things, and occasionally go back to the sea, swinging their slender tails, and swimming on the bottom of the sea.

They chased each other and played with each other until their short lives came to an end.

"You know? This is the most unreasonable world I've ever experienced. Everything seems ridiculous." Su Yu and Angel were lying side by side on a huge reef, their voices soft and authentic.

Angel's golden eyes shone in the moonlight: "Really?"

"But it is also the most colorful world. We have seen many, many scenery that are not found in other places together," Su Yu looked down at her legs and chuckled, "I even made a mermaid once. "

Angel stroked Su Yu's hand and had no strength to say anything more.

Su Yu came over with difficulty and put a kiss on Angel's mouth: "Thank you for letting me see such a beautiful scenery."