I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist

Chapter 128: Spread IQ for the interstellar admiral


After hearing this sentence, Ai Wen's expression finally changed a little, his gloomy eyes fixed on Su Yu, and after a while, he said with a sneer: "This kind of thinking is not good for mermaid. It's good, but it's a pity it's not going to be a reality at all."

Su Yu bent her eyes and smiled, looking simple and confident: "There are many things that people think are impossible before they become reality."

Ai Wen finally couldn't help but glared at Su Yu viciously, raised his foot and continued to walk forward. He obviously did not intend to pick this mermaid to bring back as in the original plot.

Su Yu was not angry either, but seemed to be in a good mood. Although this person was really annoying, but for the sake of his impending misfortune, Su Yu would not care about him for the time being.

Ai Wen turned around in front of the rows of glass cabinets, and finally stopped in front of a mermaid with a light green fish tail, leaning slightly and looking into the glass cabinet.

The poor little mermaid was trembling with fright, and desperately shrank back, but there was only so much space in the glass cabinet, no matter how much he shrank, he couldn't hide from Ai Wen's gloomy and bloodthirsty eyes.

"Little cute, what's your name?" Ai Wen admired the little mermaid's eyes full of fear, and asked with the corners of his mouth raised.

The little mermaid was so frightened that he couldn't even speak, but the middle-aged man behind Iwen said flatteringly: "His name is Jones, he is nineteen years old, he is a very obedient and cute mermaid, and his fertility rate has reached 31.5%.”

Ai Wen chuckled, still facing the little mermaid's direction: "For the sake of you being so obedient and obedient, then I will..."

Before Ai Wen's words were finished, the entire space suddenly fell into darkness, and Ai Wen's words also turned a corner and turned into an unpleasant accusation: "What's going on? The Mermaid Research Institute even Is there such a low-level situation?"

The middle-aged man didn't expect that there would be such an accident as a power outage. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, "I'm really sorry, Major General, this situation has never happened before, I'll just do it. Go and see what's going on."

"Go away!" Ai Wen's voice couldn't hide his anger, and the institute suddenly lost power at this time, which seemed to be deliberately embarrassing him.

The middle-aged man responded and trotted away, but before he could reach his destination, the surroundings suddenly became bright again, and the power supply had apparently returned to normal.

The middle-aged man muttered to himself, thinking about whether he should go over and ask about the situation, when he suddenly heard a scream behind him.

That was Major General Ai Wen's voice!

The middle-aged man's eyes twitched and he ran back quickly, and when he returned to the mermaid selection room and saw clearly what Ai Wen's situation was at, he couldn't help but widen his eyes in horror.

I saw that on the white and flawless floor, Ai Wen was rolling in pain. The most terrifying thing was that although the face was indeed Ai Wen's, he actually had a gray fish tail on his body!

The middle-aged man's forehead throbbed uncontrollably, and he wanted to let out a scream to ease the shock and fear in his heart at this time, but his throat seemed to be blocked by something, so he couldn't speak at all. any sound.

It was at this moment that a brisk and lively voice suddenly came over: "Ah, this is so funny, a human turned into a mermaid, but he looks a little too ugly, I really don't want him to join us Woolen cloth."

The middle-aged man looked at the sound like a conditioned reflex, and saw that the green-tailed mermaid who had spoken before was looking at him with a half-smile, his eyes full of playfulness.

Under such gaze, the middle-aged man finally screamed uncontrollably and fell to the ground trembling all over.

By the time other people from the Mermaid Research Institute came over through the monitoring system, both the middle-aged man and Ai Wen had fallen into a coma. One of them was frightened, and the other was tortured by the pain all over his body and lost consciousness.

Although the situation in the mermaid selection room has been understood through monitoring, when the staff really saw the fish tail on Ai Wen's body, they were invariably frightened.

"President, this... what should we do?" The staff looked at the dean of the research institute who came with him at a loss.

The dean's face is also very ugly, but he must not show panic at this time, he can only say sharply: "Don't hurry up and send Major General Ai Wen to the hospital, what happened this time must be kept secret!"

After the staff hurriedly sent Ai Wen away, the dean glanced around in the mermaid selection room, and then he met Su Yu's black eyes that were half-smiling but not smiling.

"Dean, Major General Ai Wen turned into a mermaid, you must be very happy, right?" Su Yu slowly smiled at the dean with a gentle and strange smile, "Because in this case, you will have more A subject to experiment with."

The dean's face changed drastically in an instant, he stared at Su Yu for a few seconds, then turned and left in panic.

The director of this research institute is not a good person. Not only has he made great contributions to restricting the freedom of mermaids, he has also opened a mermaid research base underground in the laboratory, and many of the experiments are aimed at living mermaids.

If Major General Ai Wen was fortunate to be the first case of changing from a human to a mermaid because he tortured the original owner alive in the original plot, then the dean of the research institute deserved to be the second lucky person , because he is definitely the public enemy of all the fish.

And this happened in the middle of the night on the same day. When Ai Wen received a comprehensive examination in the hospital and was finally confirmed that his body had been completely transformed into an adult fish, he tossed and turned on his bed, and the dean who could not sleep also There was a familiar scream.

He felt as if his body was being torn mercilessly by something, and endless pain rushed up from all over his body, as if his body had been completely shattered and reassembled.

And when he was finally freed from this ruthless and endless pain, he was horrified to discover that his legs had turned into a gray mermaid tail!

The dean of the research institute let out a whimper and fainted again.

On the next morning, the dean's nanny prepared breakfast, and after waiting for half an hour, the dean didn't come down, so he dared to knock on his door, and then he found the Mermaid Research Institute The terrifying fact that the dean turned into a mermaid.

In just two days, two people changed from human to mermaid one after another. This incident immediately attracted a lot of attention. I don't even know who it was, but it was posted on the Internet, which made these two incidents even more troublesome. Gotta be buzzing.

Some people are shocked and fearful about this, and worry that they will have such a day; but more people are happy to see it. After all, the number of mermaids is too rare compared with the number of human beings. They can often apply for adoption of mermaids. They are all soldiers who have made military exploits, and most ordinary people have no chance to contact mermaids at all.

Now there have been cases of humans turning into mermaids. Does this mean that this situation will gradually become the norm, and the proportion of mermaids will gradually increase. Wouldn’t it be that more and more people will be able to adopt mermaids

However, no matter what the voices of the outside world are like, the two parties involved are still in a state of almost mental breakdown.

"This is impossible! This must be fake! How could I become a mermaid!" Because he had become a mermaid and needed a lot of water, Ai Wen was placed in a huge swimming pool at this time, and he was angry Roaring, while struggling to slap his fish tail, his eyes are red.

The medical staff standing by the swimming pool didn't know what to say, so they could only tell the results of the physical examination again: "Major General Ai Wen, according to the results of your physical examination, you are indeed a mermaid now."

"Impossible! You must have made a mistake!" Ai Wen slapped the pool water again, and the splashing pool water wet the clothes of several people on the shore, but they dared not speak.

After a lot of fuss, Ai Wen was finally tired. He lay on his back in the swimming pool and slowly sank into the water. Unexpectedly, a pure and smiling face suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and the scene that made people suffer Can't stop worrying.

"Then if all humans become mermaids, and all mermaids become humans, will humans also become slaves to mermaids?"

Ai Wen's eyes widened in an instant and floated to the surface. He angrily said to the people by the swimming pool: "It must be the research institute! It must be someone from the Mermaid Research Institute who did something to me, you go and find the dean for me. Come, I want to see him!"

Of course he wouldn't think that he became a mermaid because of that annoying mermaid, but it's very likely that the other party had heard some relevant remarks in other people's mouths before saying those strange words. .

Furthermore, at the current level of technology, how could there be such a fault as a sudden power failure? The situation at that time was so strange that he couldn't bear to think too much.

However, the next moment, several people standing by the swimming pool showed embarrassed expressions at the same time.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Hurry up and find him, this must be his conspiracy!" Ivan roared angrily again.

Several people by the swimming pool looked at each other, and one of them said with his scalp: "Major General Aiwen, I'm afraid we can't invite the dean now, because just last night, the dean of the Mermaid Research Institute, like you, has also become Mermaid."

Ai Wen's expression was stunned for a moment, he was stunned for a few seconds, and then he came back to his senses, and said strangely: "You... What did you say?"