I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist

Chapter 131: Spread IQ for the interstellar admiral


The faces of several staff members were immediately covered with black lines, and they felt a little tired because they had just been frightened by this delicate little mermaid.

They were about to continue their movements when they heard Su Yu suddenly stop laughing, and said very slowly in a strange voice: "Actually, what I said just now was just joking with you. The reason why those two people turned into mermaids, I really did it all."

This time, the staff naturally wouldn't believe Su Yu's words, and rolled their eyes to show their disdain.

Su Yu glanced at these staff members one by one, and said word by word: "I really didn't lie to you, and if you dare to touch me, I will turn you all into mermaids."

Several staff members only regarded it as a completely weak threat, and regardless of what Su Yu was still saying, they pushed his glass cabinet out of the mermaid selection room and went to the examination room.

This is an order from above. Today, they will conduct a comprehensive examination of this mermaid's body, and then report the examination results to the director who is in the hospital.

Thinking of the current situation of their dean, the expressions on several people's faces became a little subtle.

At this time, in the military hospital, two mermaids with gray fish tails were facing each other at both ends of the swimming pool. Aiwen stared at the director of the Mermaid Research Institute with a gloomy expression: "You are the director of the Mermaid Research Institute. How could it have nothing to do with you? Do you think I would believe your nonsense?"

The dean's face was also ugly and scary. He gritted his teeth and said: "Major General Aiwen, you can see clearly, I am also the victim of this incident. How could this incident have anything to do with me! I hope you don't continue to make trouble without reason!"

"On the surface, you are indeed a victim, but who knows if you have done some research that you shouldn't have done that led to your retribution?" Ai Wen snorted, no matter how the other party explained, he still couldn't believe this The matter really has nothing to do with the research institute, "To conduct research on turning humans into mermaids, the dean is really courageous!"

At this time, the dean no longer knew what to say, so he could only shake his fish tail angrily and turned his back: "Major General Aiwen, you can disbelieve me, but I hope you will accuse me before accusing me. , come up with tangible evidence first. The Mermaid Research Institute has never done that kind of research, absolutely not!"

Although these two people hate looking at each other, they don't want to stay in the glass cabinet that makes them feel very humiliating, and they don't want to stay in the bathtub of the bathroom all the time, so they can only continue to look at each other temporarily at both ends of the swimming pool. Tired.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Su Yu's physical examination results came out that the atmosphere between the two changed.

Looking at the results of Su Yu's physical examination, the dean couldn't help frowning. How could that mermaid's body be normal and have no problems? !

Under that circumstance, the only one who had made a strange move was this mermaid, so how could he have no problem!

"Are you sure that there is no problem with the test results?" Dean Shen Sheng asked the researcher who came to report the situation to him.

The researcher nodded affirmatively: "There is no problem. We conducted a comprehensive examination of his body three times, and each time the results were the same, and there was nothing abnormal on his body."

The dean obviously could not accept such a conclusion, he remained silent and did not speak, but Ai Wen on the other side of the swimming pool snorted coldly: "It turns out that the dean's idea from the beginning was to push all this to that one. On the mermaid, it's a pity that the result doesn't seem to suit your heart."

The dean had no intention of dealing with Ai Wen at this time, but Allen refused to let him go easily. Seeing that the dean did not speak, he became more and more cynical: "Why did the dean not speak? Or, you are already thinking about it. How to find the next scapegoat to solve this?"

"Major General Ai Wen, I just made it very clear, this matter has absolutely nothing to do with me and the Mermaid Research Institute!" The dean's tone was obviously impatience, and a trace of anger, this person Is it a pig? With his current situation, how could he have done this!

Ai Wen sneered and said sarcastically: "No matter how quibble you are, I have an accident in the research institute and become a mermaid. The dean will always give me an explanation for this matter, right?"

"I'm investigating this matter." The dean slapped the fish's tail heavily, causing a high splash.

After another unhappy breakup, the two finally returned to the bathroom in the ward… They are now both in a mermaid state, and they can leave the water for up to four hours a day, and they must stay in the water for the rest of the time.

Because the results of Su Yu's physical examination showed no abnormalities, the dean's investigation instantly fell into a dead end and completely lost its direction.

But even so, the research institute did not relax its vigilance against Su Yu. Now Su Yu is not only placed in a closed single space, but also has special people watching at all times to prevent him from making What a wrong move.

Su Yu seems to be quite honest. Even if he is isolated, there is no panic at all. It's just that in places that these staff don't know, Su Yu actually conducts one-to-many communication with those mermaids every day.

Or to put it more precisely, Su Yu is now brainwashing these mermaids in an all-round way every day, trying to change some deep-rooted bad thoughts in their minds.

After seven consecutive days of brainwashing, there was finally substantial progress and gains. The little mermaids gradually accepted Su Yu's statement. It turns out that mermaids do not exist for fertility purposes. It turns out that mermaids can also create their own. The value of the original mermaid can also have a completely different life state, it turns out... It turns out that they can do so many things.

Things that they never dared to think about before now seem to be slowly becoming acceptable, and even make them yearn and look forward to it.

It's just that while these yearnings and expectations are slowly coming into being, their doubts and inferiority complex are also getting heavier and heavier because of this impact. They can't help but feel that these beautiful expectations may be just their imagination, and it is impossible at all. become true.

How could Su Yu not be aware of their thoughts? But he didn't dispel the doubts of these people from the very beginning. As a result, at that time, many merman's thoughts had not been completely reversed.

Second, it is often after deep worry that the situation is suddenly reversed, which can make these mermaids feel more excited and know how to cherish them.

Therefore, after everyone's thoughts have almost changed, Su Yu helped everyone to dispel their worries and doubts at one time: "Are you worried, even if you regain your freedom, you can't live like a human being. Free and easy?"

The mermaids were used to Su Yu saying that they just listened, and this was what Su Yu asked them at the very beginning, so even if the expressions on the mermaids changed, no mermaids responded at this time.

Su Yu didn't need their response either. After a pause, he continued: "I've been telling you before that we can live as free, dignified and valuable as human beings, but there is one thing I said wrong. ."

Hearing this, the faces of the mermaids suddenly showed tension, as if the beautiful dream in their hearts was about to be broken.

"Although I take human beings as the benchmark, we must only need, we are not human beings, we do not need to demand and plan ourselves completely according to human standards," Su Yu continued in a soft voice, "We are mermaids, our life It is the life of a mermaid, we are walking the path of a mermaid, we are not human."

The little mermaids, who were originally nervous and worried, gradually showed a contemplative look after hearing these words.

"So what we have to do now is not to compare with humans, or even think about surpassing humans. What we have to do is just to live our own life as a mermaid," Su Yu's voice was still soft, but more With a force that can't help but be convincing, "We are equal to human beings, and they are no longer the factors that control our lives, not at all."

Because of Su Yu's words, the eyes of the mermaids gradually flashed with brilliance that had never appeared before.

They're just mermen, they're not human, they don't need to feel inferior and annoyed because they can't surpass human beings, and they don't need to feel complacent because they have done what human beings can do.

They do a thing only because they are a merman, so they can, will, like to do it, not because it is human-related.

"Of course, I don't want you to be enemies of the entire human race. After all, humans can also be our friends." Su Yu paused for a while before continuing, "We can tolerate human beings, care for human beings, and even work together with human beings. , but that's just because that's what we value, just like we get along with the merman we like and fight together, it has nothing to do with race."

The reason why Su Yu made these words so clear is because this is probably the complete equality in Yaheng's mouth, and this is the final state he wants to see.

Su Yu smiled slightly and made a final concluding speech: "So, never forget that we are mermaids."

Su Yu's impassioned speech finally came to an end, but at this time, the staff who were monitoring the mermaid selection room and the minor mermaid looked inexplicable.

Staff A: "What's going on with these mermaids? How do you feel that their expressions have suddenly become richer?"

Staff B: "And have you found it? The expressions of these mermaids seem to be surprisingly consistent, as if they had agreed to show what expressions when."

Staff C: "Could these mermaids have some kind of infectious disease? If that's the case, then it's bad!"

Although these staff did not grasp the correct answer to the question, they dutifully performed another physical examination on the merman, and they were relieved after confirming that there was no problem.

And Su Yu, the only one who didn't accept this physical examination, has secretly started to contact Yaheng.

The author has something to say: [Small Theater]

Xiaogong: I'm not happy. In this chapter, I only heard the name but didn't see the figure, and my baby didn't see my handsome, tall, and heroic figure.

Stupid author: You should be content, think about the ball, it doesn't even have a name in this chapter.

Ball: Why is it always me who gets hurt? _(:з」∠)_