I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist

Chapter 134: Spread IQ for the interstellar admiral


Yaheng's body tightened, and the steps under his feet subconsciously paused, and then he quietly raised his feet and continued to walk forward, while Su Yu continued to lie on Yaheng with a smirk and blow on his neck.

A few minutes later, Yaheng, who left the Mermaid Research Institute, gently and carefully put Su Yu into the hovering spaceship. He just sat in from the other side of the spaceship when Su Yu approached him dishonestly, blinking a pair of Wu Liuliu looked at him with clear eyes and said, "Admiral, I don't want to sit alone, can I sit on your lap?"

Yaheng's Adam's apple rolled a little uncontrollably, he looked down at Su Yu with deep eyes, and replied in a low voice, "Yes."

Su Yu unceremoniously climbed onto Yaheng's lap and leaned into his arms in a comfortable position.

Yaheng froze again, and then slowly stretched out his hand to embrace Su Yu's slender waist, and the levitating spaceship also started slowly, driving forward smoothly.

Su Yu was very good along the way and didn't move much, but the fish tail swayed back and forth in a small range, and the tip of the cold tail touched Ya Heng's calf from time to time, bringing a burst of numbness. a feeling of.

The tip of Yaheng's nose is the unique cool and refreshing breath of Su Yu's body. The body of the two is close to each other, but the temperature of Su Yu's body is still slightly cold. It feels like the other party is using a soft body to Cool yourself down.

Yaheng endured all the way, and when he finally got home, he had to continue to endure. Although he had brought the cute little mermaid home, it was a completely unfamiliar environment for him. main.

Although his little mermaid looks very lively and courageous, and there may be some huge secrets hidden in him, Yaheng feels that he should take good care of him.

However, although this idea is very good, the object that should be cared for is not cooperative at all.

After returning home, Yaheng put Su Yu on the sofa in the living room, while he walked to the prepared swimming pool and put the freshest water in it.

Although the swimming pool was prepared long ago, he did not expect that he would pick up the little mermaid today, so he had not had time to change the water in the swimming pool.

When he turned on the water circulation system and returned to the living room, he found that his little mermaid was no longer on the sofa. Yaheng frowned, glanced around, and immediately noticed something was wrong.

In the bathroom that should have been empty, the lights turned on at this time. Because the bathroom door was not tightly closed, there was still a slight sound of water coming out.

Could it be that my little mermaid needs water, so I went to the bathroom to find water first

Yaheng subconsciously slowed down and walked to the bathroom. Although mermaids lived in the water most of the time, I saw mermaids living in glass cabinets at the Mermaid Research Institute before, and I didn't feel any special feelings. When the mermaid appeared in his bathroom, Yaheng's heart still had a little ambiguous feeling uncontrollably.

Yaheng even breathed lightly subconsciously. When he walked to the bathroom, he stopped, took two deep breaths, and raised his hand to manually open the door.

However, at this moment, the door of the bathroom was suddenly pulled open from the inside, and then Yaheng saw a scene that made his blood burst out.

The little mermaid in his family was standing there with wet hair, and the water droplets from the hair slowly dripped, some flowing directly down the chest, and some falling into the shadow formed by the delicate collarbone.

Yaheng's eyes first fell on Su Yu's collarbone, then uncontrollably looked down along the collarbone, fell on a certain temptation point, and continued down...

Then, Yaheng's eyes widened in surprise.

Under the flat and soft abdomen, the connecting lane was no longer the almost transparent blue fishtail, but... a pair of slender and fair legs.

Of course, in addition to these legs, Yaheng also inevitably saw something indescribable, which made the tips of his ears slightly reddish uncontrollably.

Su Yu let the other party look at himself generously, and after a few seconds, he said with a smile: "Admiral, I think it would be too inconvenient to stay at home if you keep the mermaid state all the time. , so I turned myself into a human first, you should have no problem with it, right?"

"How did you..." Yaheng tried hard to put away some of his emotions, but when he opened his mouth, he realized that his voice was really hoarse.

"Didn't I tell the admiral before? I'm a messenger from ancient times. I have many magical abilities," said Su Yu, who deliberately looked up and down on Yaheng. Don't have a deep meaning, "If the admiral wants to experience it, I can also turn the admiral into a mermaid."

Yaheng tightened his body and shook his head: "No need."

Saying that, Yaheng's eyes turned around Su Yu again. Seeing how lively his little mermaid looked, maybe he didn't need too much time to adapt

As soon as the idea came up, Su Yu said with some grievance: "Admiral, can you lend me a set of your pajamas? I really want to have a good night's sleep now, I have been staying in the glass all the time. In the closet, it's just too uncomfortable."

Hearing this, Yaheng immediately suppressed some of his thoughts, but it was still okay to seek benefits for himself.

Immediately, Yaheng stretched out his hand and hugged Su Yu horizontally. After walking to the bedroom, he gently placed the person on the bed: "I'll go get your pajamas for you, you can rest first."

Su Yu nodded obediently on the bed, but when Yaheng came back with her pajamas, what she saw was Su Yu's cute appearance with her brows stretched and falling into a deep sleep.

Yaheng couldn't help but let out a contented sigh in his throat. He put his pajamas on the side of the bed, and after looking over Su Yu's body again, he reached out and pulled the soft thin blanket over Su Yu's body.

"Dear mermaid, good afternoon." Yaheng lowered his head and kissed Su Yu's soft black hair, then quietly exited the bedroom.

Now that her cute mermaid has turned her fish tail into legs, the swimming pool should be temporarily out of use.

Su Yu had slept for a long time this night. He had been staying in the glass cabinet for the past few days, and slept in the water. Although there was no physical discomfort, he was still a little uncomfortable.

As a human being, of course, his favorite way of life is to walk on the ground in a down-to-earth way, and lie on the bed when he sleeps, which is the most comfortable way.

When Su Yu finally woke up, it was already dark outside. Su Yu stretched contentedly and called the ball softly.

But the strange thing is that this time the ball didn't run out immediately, Su Yu called out twice, and then saw the ball slowly floating in the air, and said with a guilty conscience: "Master host, what's the matter with you? ?"

Su Yu didn't open the topic directly, but asked with a little scrutiny: "Ball, what were you doing just now?"

The ball shook all over, and after dawdling for a while, he said with a guilty conscience, "No... I didn't do anything."

"Really?" Su Yu confirmed.

The ball immediately perverted and changed the subject by the way: "Really, I really didn't do anything, the host just called me, is there something wrong?"

"It's something, I've left the Mermaid Research Institute now, and I can officially start working." Su Yu slowly got up from the bed, picked up the pajamas on the side of the bed and slowly put it on.

The ball immediately turned his eyes away. Although he was getting along with his host every day, the ball was very honest.

Su Yu also discovered the honesty of the ball, so she would dress and change in front of the ball so generously.

"Okay, I'll start now, but where do I start?" When doing business, Ball has always been diligent.

Su Yu nodded and said slowly: "Let's start with the people at the Mermaid Research Institute, and then the generals in the military who have abused mermaids and opposed the equality between mermaids and humans."

The reason why Su Yu chose to start from these two is because the Mermaid Research Institute has always attracted the attention of the vast majority of human beings, and the military department is also very concerned. Once something happens to them, it will naturally be doubled by the public. Hot discussion.

To put it bluntly, this is killing chickens to warn monkeys.

Only if this event attracted the keen attention of the public could his plan continue to move forward.

The first step is to let human beings understand that their previous attitude towards mermaids was wrong and unfair, and they should be punished accordingly.

The second step is to fight for the freedom of the mermaids, so that the mermaids can slowly integrate into human beings and start a new life.

These two steps, no matter which step is very long, the inherent thinking of humans and mermaids has been formed for too long, and it takes a lot of energy and a long time to completely subvert them.

But Su Yu is not in a hurry, he has a lot of time and a lot of means to do this.

At this moment, the bedroom door was pushed open from the outside, Su Yu put away the coldness in his eyes, and showed a bright smile to his lover: "Dear Admiral, I seem to be a little hungry."

In fact, for Su Yu, the most important thing is that one person will always be by his side, and that's enough.

Yaheng also showed a smile to Su Yu, Qingqian but very gentle: "I have prepared dinner, let's have dinner together."

Saying that, Yaheng stretched out his hand towards Su Yu.

Su Yu's smile became brighter immediately, he put his hand in Yaheng's palm, and his tone was very light: "Okay."