I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist

Chapter 154: Spread IQ for cannon fodder refugees


Zhao Shun raised his arm vigorously, with excitement in his voice: "I feel that I am full of strength now, even if I push down a big tree!"

Zhao Li's eyes are also very bright: "I feel that my body is very light now, as if I can fly by just jumping up!"

They now finally know how Su Yu easily kicked those two people so badly before, and finally understand why they can't keep up with each other's footsteps at all.

However, both of them were very tacit and did not ask what they were taking. Su Yu was willing to give them such a good thing. .

Su Yu looked at the brisk appearance of the two of them, and couldn't help but smile and said: "Very good, then the important task of protecting the food will be handed over to the two of you."

Every time Su Yu was about to eat, he took out the food for that meal, and Zhao Shun and Zhao Li didn't know where the food came from, so they knew very well that Su Yu's words were just a joke.

However, the two still cooperated very well: "Yes, boss!"

Compared with the harmonious atmosphere on Su Yu's side, the atmosphere on the other side was not so good at this time. The four of them were surrounding the fire with their own thoughts, with strong dissatisfaction in their hearts.

York, who was covered in bruises, sat on the ground with a large leaf tied to his body, and his face was gloomy: "I'm so mad at me! They are going too far! I must kill him!"

Linna and Brooke were sitting on the other side, their faces were ugly. They actually blamed York in their hearts. If he hadn't come up with such a bad idea, or if he could have worked harder, it would have been fine to grab the food. As a result, they not only Instead of getting the food, he completely offended Su Yu and his party, which made people feel bored just thinking about it.

But now things have become a foregone conclusion. York and the others have suffered too much. It looks miserable. The most important thing is that there are only four of them left now. Naturally, it is not good for them to complain in this situation. .

Therefore, after looking at each other, Lin Na said with concern, "Are you two still in pain? There is no medicine here, you can only endure it first."

York has no pain all over his body now. He feels that even his liver and lungs are hurting now, and he is angry.

"Of course it hurts! It hurts me to death!" York beat his fists, but the corners of his mouth twitched because he pulled the wound on his body, and he took a deep breath.

Brooke was also annoyed at York, but he had to express his concern, after all, now is not a good time to have a conflict: "You two have a good rest these days, and leave the night shift to me and Lina. ."

York naturally had no opinion, and at night, he lay directly beside the fire and slept soundly.

Brooke and Linna felt bad looking at him, but they didn't wake him up, but sat by the fire and whispered.

"Do you think that monster will appear tonight?" Linna's eyes swept back and forth in the pitch-black night. When she thought of the pool of blood she saw during the day and the thing left by the blood, she endured it. Can't stop feeling creepy.

Brook said in his heart that he was not afraid, but he was a man after all, and in front of his ex-girlfriend, he still had to take care of his face. He said with a straight face, "Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Linna leaned on Brook subconsciously, but still felt a little creepy. I really hoped that the night would pass quickly, but then I thought that the last dead companion was killed by a monster during the day, and my heart suddenly became colder.

Although everyone has been trying to make vehicles that can travel on the sea these days, the progress is very small, because they don't have any tools now. Even if they just want to chop a piece of wood, it takes a lot of effort.

And they have been hungry for so many days, and now the most lack is strength.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that her current situation was very miserable. Linna couldn't help but blushed and looked at Brooke and said, "Do you think we can really get out of here?"

Brooke was also hopeless and even hopeless, but at this time he had to forcibly cheer up: "It's definitely possible."

"But we have no way to get out of here now, and the monsters have been eating people all the time, we..." Linna unconsciously reached out and hugged Brooke's arm, sniffing in a low mood.

Brook's face sank, and he didn't know what to say. He thought of the wooden house where Su Yu's few people lived. If the other party was willing to help them, maybe they could easily create a marine vehicle, but unfortunately...

Brooke sighed in his heart, it's too late to talk about this now, they can only try to think about things in a better direction from other angles.

Like maybe that monster won't kill anymore? Another example is that now the two teams have four people. Maybe the monster will target the opposite side

But this kind of thought didn't seem to make Brook's mood relax at all, but made him even more disappointed and desperate.

Probably because one person had already died during the day, although almost everyone had a thick layer of fear in their hearts, this night passed peacefully.

When the dawn of the second day finally arrived, almost everyone breathed a sigh of relief, feeling quite a bit like the rest of their lives, although the strong fear in their hearts had not dissipated.

The reason why the adjective "almost" is used is naturally because there are people who are not in this state, such as Su Yu and Ling Tian.

The two whispered for nearly a night last night, blowing hot air in each other's ears, but because of their good health, when they woke up the next day, they were in good spirits.

The four of them ate breakfast together, and then went out for activities together. After all, it is not right to stay in the wooden house.

Zhao Shun and Zhao Li had just taken the Xisui Dan the day before, and they were full of energy at this time. It was estimated that it would be no problem to run around this deserted island.

Su Yu and Ling Tian also seemed to be walking, talking and laughing along the way, but they were actually always vigilant in spirit.

A day passed quickly, and soon night fell again, and almost everyone's mood dropped to the bottom again, as cold as night.

Su Yu's mood is actually not easy. Now a total of four people have died, and who the monster will "see" next, no one knows.

But now that the enemy is dark and we are clear, Su Yu does not dare to rashly dispatch, so he can only wait for the other party to appear first, only hope that this time he can find more clues, or directly kill the other party.

This night, Su Yu has been sitting by the fire and listening carefully to the movement outside, because the two parties have completely stalemate before, and the foreigners on the opposite side may also feel ashamed, and they had moved to the wooden house last night. There is a distance to set up camp.

Therefore, when there was a faint scream in the dead of night, Su Yu almost thought that he was too concentrated, so he had an illusion.

But then, the panic sound in the distance became louder and clearer.

Su Yu's expression froze, and he immediately woke Zhao Shun and Zhao Li, while Ling Tian was already standing beside him with a serious face.

"Are you going to save them?" Ling Tian's dark eyes stared at Su Yu.

Su Yu raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Do I look like a Virgin? I just went to see the situation. If I can kill that monster, I'll kill it as soon as possible, so that we don't have to worry about it. What? Can't do it."

Ling Tian seemed a little puzzled: "But this is also helping them."

Su Yu patted Lingtian on the shoulder and helped him answer his doubts: "This kind of behavior may indeed be regarded as helping them objectively, but subjectively, I'm just thinking about ourselves, and now the two There is an overlap, so what do we do?"

Having said that, Su Yu took a look back, even Zhao Shun and Zhao Li were ready, and immediately said at a faster rate: "Compared with us, who is more important? We can't stop just because we hate them. Do what is right for you

However, before taking action, it is necessary to weigh which of the two aspects is lighter and which is more important. And like now, if we don't pay attention to that monster, it will always find us. If we don't take action, it is equivalent to killing 30 enemies and losing 100. Isn't this stupid? "

After that, he directly pulled Ling Tian to run in the direction of the sound, Zhao Shun and Zhao Li followed closely, and then they saw a figure stumbled over.

As soon as he saw the four of Su Yu, the figure staggered over and screamed intermittently: "Monster... monster! There are monsters... eat people!"

Su Yu took a closer look and realized that it was Linna, who was usually graceful in her usual manner, who was running wildly regardless of her image.

At this time, she was disheveled and looked extremely panicked. She probably knew that even if she continued to run, it would not be as safe as staying with these people, so she stopped immediately after running over.

Just stop, stop, Linna still stopped in front of Ling Tian, and even tried to fall on him.

Seeing this, Su Yu pulled Ling Tian directly behind him and looked at Linna, who was unkempt, with obvious warning and disgust.

No one stood in front of her, so Linna could only stand silently, a trace of embarrassment flashed on her face, but this embarrassment was quickly replaced by anxiety: "You guys also run, the monsters will come soon. !"