I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist

Chapter 156: Spread IQ for cannon fodder refugees


Hearing Su Yu's words, York's pupils shrank suddenly, and his body trembled uncontrollably: "Impossible! You must be lying to me! Impossible!"

"Impossible, won't you know when you are torn apart by that giant python?" Su Yu chuckled and took two steps back, but her dark eyes were still fixed on York, "It said it would eat you. When you come, be sure to enjoy it and not kill you directly, he is going to tear your legs and arms off first, then your internal organs, and then…”

Before Su Yu's words were finished, York screamed in horror, jumped up from the ground, and ran into the distance.

Su Yu didn't stop him, just looked at York's back with cold eyes, and then slowly turned to look at Linna and Brook: "Do you also want to know where you are in the ranking?"

Linna and Brook were shaken by Su Yu's cold eyes, and they knew very well that with Su Yu's temperament, it was impossible to forgive them and help them, and if they continued to stay here, they would anger each other.

The two secretly hated in their hearts, but they could only leave in despair, but this time they did not return to the previous fire, but re-selected the location near the wooden house.

As for York, he was really going to be scared crazy. He felt that he didn't want to stay in a place like this for another second. He wanted to leave here, leave this deserted island, stay away from that monster, stay away from that terrifying Su Yu guy!

Therefore, after he calmed down a little, he immediately began to drag the tools made by the previous few people to the seaside.

When Linna and Brooke found it, York had dragged the raft tied up by several sturdy logs and long hemp ropes found on the desert island for a distance of dozens of meters.

Seeing this, Brooke immediately said angrily: "York, what are you doing?"

York has no time to pay attention to these two people now, and continues to drag the raft to the seaside, without looking back: "I must get out of here now, or I will die, I must get out of here!"

Brook directly stood in front of York, and said angrily: "Stop! Now this raft can't be used at all, the sea is so windy, it will sink, and we don't have enough food, if we leave directly, There's no way we could get back to shore alive!"

York glared at Brook. Although his emotions had calmed down a little, as long as he thought of what Su Yu said, his state would immediately be close to collapse.

He roared emotionally unstable: "Of course you're not in a hurry now, but I'm going to die soon, you know? That monster is going to eat me next! If I don't want to leave now, I'll be forever. It's impossible to leave here!"

Brooke was also a little annoyed, he took a deep breath, and said as calmly as possible: "York, calm down first, what Su Yu just said was just to scare you on purpose, it can't be true, you also feel Clearly, isn't it?"

But York couldn't calm down at all: "I don't know, I only know that the next target of that monster is probably me, I can't wait any longer!"

"York, listen to me, Su Yu can't communicate with the monster at all, because the monster can't talk. He's just frightening you, if you really leave now, then your wish will be fulfilled. Well, and I can guarantee that if you leave now, you may not be able to survive at all, tomorrow morning when the sun rises." Although this is not very pleasant to say, it is indeed the truth.

York was even more angry when he heard the words: "Are you cursing me? I know, you just don't want me to use this raft, you don't care about my life or death at all!"

Brooke felt that he had no way to communicate with York normally, so he could only reach out and pull him, wanting him to put down the raft temporarily, but York's reaction was very aggressive, he pushed Brooke away, and said angrily: "I I have to get out of here today, and none of you try to stop me!"

Linna was a little helpless standing there, so she could only step forward and say, "York, how could we harm you? Have you forgotten? We are now companions, and there are only three of us left, we should now Staying together will improve our chances of survival. It would be very dangerous if you left alone now."

"The three of you stay together? Did you forget, when you were about to talk about it yesterday, how did you leave your companions and escape alone?" Yorke was full of anger and sarcasm, "Wait until I'm about to die. , you will definitely leave me without hesitation, I don't believe you at all now!"

The three of them were arguing again, but neither of the two sides could convince the other. In the end, they almost quarreled and even started.

Although Brook didn't think this raft could really cross the ocean, it was the last tool they had left, so he would never let York take the raft away.

The more they talked, the more annoyed they became. In the end, they actually started to fight. Both of them had been hungry for many days. With a lot of energy, he kicked Brook to the ground in a few strokes.

Linna tried to dissuade her from the side, but neither of them listened to her, so she could only rush around in circles.

It was originally a two-to-one situation, but in the end it turned out that York won. Brooke fell to the ground and could hardly get up, and Linna didn't dare to really step forward to stop it, so York could only drag the raft away.

It took about ten minutes, and York finally dragged the raft to the sea, pushed it into the sea, and then climbed up neatly.

Linna supported Brooke and watched on the beach not far away, with anger in their eyes, as well as deep worry and fear.

"York had only a bag of fruit wrapped in leaves on his body, and it was impossible for him to make it to shore alive." Brooke spit out bloody spit and said bitterly.

Although Linna was supporting Brook, she was not as convinced of Brook as she was at the beginning. If he was really capable, he wouldn't let York take the raft away, just. Linna still sighed and said, "It's just a pity that we made the raft together. We don't have any tools now."

York left by night, and soon his figure disappeared in front of Linna and Brooke. Then, no one saw him again, and no one knew what happened to him after that.

It was only the next day that the monster did not appear again. Everything seemed to be extraordinarily calm, but it contained the strange atmosphere before the storm.

Su Yu didn't dare to relax at all. There are still two medicinal pills left on his body that can build enchantments and must be used carefully.

First use the barrier to trap the giant python, and then use the mecha to solve it. This is Su Yu's current plan.

If it weren't for the mecha in the water, its aggressiveness and other performance would be greatly reduced. Su Yu now wanted to drive the mecha directly into the sea to get rid of this giant python, saving a lot of nightmares.

On the third day, Su Yu finally waited for the giant python, and this time, the giant python should be aimed at Su Yu.

Sure enough, the intellect has been opened, right? Otherwise how could such a move be made

Su Yu was not flustered, but there were only two positions in the mecha. He could bring Ling Tian into the mecha, but he couldn't care about the two Zhao brothers.

Therefore, when the giant python appeared, Su Yu immediately let the two run to the south, as far as possible from here, and if necessary, they could go to the beach to hide.

At this time, the tail of the giant python had already swept to the log cabin, and in a split second, the log cabin that seemed to be very strong collapsed to the ground in an instant, making bursts of splitting sounds.

The moment Su Yu was about to press the space button, he happened to meet the huge green eyes of the giant python. At this moment, there seemed to be a flash of confusion in those huge eyes, and then it suddenly spit out a letter and swam in the other direction. past.

Su Yu's movement on the space button suddenly paused. What happened to this giant python? The prey has already reached its mouth, and it suddenly gave up

Especially the daze that just flashed in the eyes of the giant python, what was going on

Su Yu faintly sensed something was wrong. It felt like the python's previous target was indeed him, but in the middle of it, he suddenly changed his mind and turned his head to attack others.

If it is as expected, this python has indeed turned on its intelligence, then it should not be possible for it to suddenly change its target for no reason, so what is the reason for this to happen

However, at this moment, the time is tight, the barrier has been set, and Su Yu has no time to think about this issue. He must seize this opportunity to destroy this giant python.

At the moment, Su Yu directly reached out and pressed the space button, but after waiting for a while, the mecha did not fly out of the space button as expected, and the space button did not make any movement, which made Su Yu frown deeply.

Before these people came to this deserted island, Su Yu took out the mecha from the space button in order to keep out the cold. There was no problem at that time, but now, the mecha seems to have disappeared suddenly. There is no movement at all!

Su Yu's heart froze, and he felt terrified. If the giant python hadn't changed its target just now, maybe he would already be in the belly of the giant python.

After Su Yuping calmed down, he immediately took out another space button for the mecha and pressed the switch.

However, there was still no movement in the end. The space button, which should not have any problems at first, seems to have lost its huge storage function, and the contents in it have disappeared. It has become a small, useless ordinary thing.

This is just so weird!

Su Yu's thoughts flipped, and he immediately thought of the reason why he appeared in this mission world. Could it be that force is deliberately blocking him

But if the other party really has such ability, they can set the python's goal on themselves from the beginning, so why wait until now

Moreover, the matter of the giant python shifting the target of the attack just now seemed very strange, and it didn't seem like it was done by the forces that wanted to kill him.

For a while, Su Yu couldn't help but be a little confused. The other party's actions seemed to be helping him, but also restraining himself, so whether this was an enemy or a friend, what purpose did he have

Just as Su Yu was confused, there was already a person over there who was unfortunately lost, and Linna's screams could be said to be resounding in the sky, which was particularly mournful.

And this scream is enough to show that the person swallowed by the python this time is Brook.

As a result, there are only five surviving people left on this desert island.

Su Yu didn't have the tools to deal with the giant python now, so he could only watch the giant python walk away. It was at this time that Su Yu suddenly heard a familiar and cute voice.

"Master host, I finally escaped, humming..."