I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist

Chapter 159: Spread IQ for cannon fodder refugees


For nearly a month after that, the two of them had the same sleeping behavior in different places on the deserted island, which was extremely boring.

In the process, Su Yu did not forget to consider the matter of the Zhao brothers.

Sphere has said before that the entire background of this world is only the size of such a deserted island, and the rest is the endless sea, so there is no such thing as returning to the land.

From this, it can almost be determined that this is a incomplete script. In the face of such incompleteness, Su Yu and Ling Tian can directly wave their hands and leave gracefully, but the others in this script are not so lucky.

According to the previous development, these people should all die on this deserted island, but because of the appearance of Su Yu, the situation has changed a lot. Not only did the Zhao brothers survive, but Linna also survived, but the pair It may not be a good thing for them.

To live on such a barren and barren island in such a harsh environment for the rest of your life is a kind of torture in itself, right

When he learned about this, Su Yu even had a little self-doubt, should he really save the Zhao brothers before? Perhaps for them, death is the ultimate release

But now that everything has happened, there is no possibility of turning back, and it is impossible for Su Yu to deprive the Zhao brothers of the right to continue living at this time, which makes him sigh.

"Is there any way to get them out of here?" Su Yu asked while rubbing his brows. Although his feelings were not deep, he really didn't want to see these two people trapped on this lonely desert island.

The ball thought for a while, and suddenly his whole body lit up: "I know there is a system prop that can artificially create a very realistic environment, but the scope should not be too large, at most it is the size of a small town."

These words made Su Yu's eyes shine. Although it is only as big as a small town, the scope is very limited, but it is far better than being on such a desert island.

Su Yu asked, "What about the people and things in the town? Can you control it yourself?"

"Yes, but the arrangement can't be too fine, otherwise the props may not be able to bear such a lot of pressure and collapse." The ball answered truthfully.

After thinking for a moment, Su Yu has already made a decision: "How many IQ points do you need to exchange this item?"

When asked this question, the ball suddenly became hesitant: "Because it is a prop with a huge range of influence, it needs... 20,000 IQ points."

Su Yu raised his eyebrows and said without paying much attention, "Then let's follow the old rules."

"Old... old rules?" An ominous premonition suddenly rose in the heart of the ball, perhaps it shouldn't be called a premonition, because it will definitely become a reality.

Su Yu smiled slightly, and slowly raised a finger: "One discount price."

"..." As expected, the ball was groaning in his heart, but it was really used to this situation, plus the guilt in his heart, so he couldn't even say what to refute, so he could only cry inwardly and agree." OK... OK."

Su Yu spent 2,000 IQ points to buy the props, opened a small town not far from the deserted island, and spent time decorating it slowly.

Su Yu spent nearly a month arranging the town, and arranged more than 100 families. Each family is kind-hearted. The overall atmosphere of the town is harmonious and beautiful, the infrastructure is complete, and life is very comfortable. convenient.

But Su Yu didn't tell the Zhao brothers directly about the existence of this small town. Many things had to be discovered by themselves, which made them feel more confident and satisfied. Some things should be done by themselves.

Before the farewell came, Su Yu just told Zhao Shun and Zhao Li that he and Ling Tian had other things to do, so he was different from them.

The Zhao brothers are both kind-hearted people, and it is inevitable that they will feel reluctant to give up, but they are relieved when they think that the strength of these two people is much stronger than them, and there is a banquet in the world, and they will always have a day apart.

On the day that the Zhao brothers left, Su Yu brought them enough food. Although the town was not too far from here, they had to be foolproof.

Just as the Zhao brothers were about to leave, Linna, who was so embarrassed that she could barely see her original appearance, suddenly got out and cried and begged, "Please take me out of here, please!"

The Zhao brothers are not Su Yu. Seeing Linna's pitiful appearance, they suddenly softened their hearts and looked at Su Yu with embarrassment: "This..."

Su Yu just smiled slightly: "From now on, you can choose for yourself, and I will not interfere with you."

Just because the Zhao brothers are kinder, if they are forced to leave Linna alone this time, they may have a shadow of self-blame in their hearts. Su Yu didn't want to see such a result.

When the Zhao brothers heard the words, their attitude became more relaxed. After thinking about it, they chose to bring people along.

Su Yu didn't express any opinion on this. He wouldn't do it himself, but it didn't mean that he would force others not to do it like him, but after the Zhao brothers left, he gave the ball to the town again. A restriction has been added.

Once Linna has unreasonable thoughts and does things that hurt others, all the residents of the town will unite to drive her out.

After doing this, Su Yu took Ling Tian to walk around this deserted island again. Although the memories of the deserted island were not good, it was an experience for them.

Su Yu and Ling Tian intertwined their fingers and asked him with a smile, "We are leaving here soon, what do you think?"

"I just want to know, will you still be by my side then?" Ling Tian looked at Su Yu seriously.

Because Su Yu didn't deliberately hide the conversation between him and the ball, Ling Tian knew where they were going and where they were.

"Of course," Su Yu nodded first, then frowned slightly, "but I'm very worried that you will just forget me like this time."

Hearing this, Ling Tian also frowned, very distressed: "I don't want to forget you."

"I don't want you to forget me either," Su Yu held Ling Tian's hand and shook it back and forth, "but you don't have to worry, because I will definitely remember you, so no matter when it is, I will definitely find it. yours."

"Really?" Ling Tian's deep eyes stared at Su Yu, "Even if I don't remember you, will you still find me?"

"Yes, I love you so much, why would I be willing to leave you?" A pure, clean and bright smile slowly bloomed on Su Yu's face.

Ling Tian clenched Su Yu's hand: "Then I will always wait for you."

Three days later, the Zhao brothers and Linna successfully arrived at the town. About a week later, the three of them found suitable accommodation in the town and settled down.

On Su Yu's side, he finally almost decided to set off and enter the next mission world.

In order to prevent the last accident from happening again, this time the ball caught the black egg and reprimanded it many times, and repeatedly checked whether there was any problem with its own data. When it was sure that everything was normal, it took Su Yu for the final confirmation. Work.

The ball said in detail with anxiety: "Master host, the next mission world is the game background, and a very general game is selected. Although this mission world is mainly based on games, it will also involve real life. Drama, okay?"

"There's no problem with this, but what I said about the male protagonist before, shouldn't be a problem with you, right?" Su Yu was not interested in the content of the ball, and he also felt that it was the mission world of the game background. , It is also necessary to involve reality. After all, even if it is a realistic game, some things cannot be done in the game.

The ball immediately replied: "The quest world I found this time has a background that absolutely meets your requirements, Lord!"

Su Yu nodded, because the purpose of this time is very clear, he must find a character that completely lives in the virtual world of the game for his lover, and at the same time he must find a body suitable for his lover in reality, so as to complete the lover's transformation from the virtual world to the lover. A perfect transition to the real world.

This is also the main reason why Su Yu chose the game world. Only after successfully completing this matter can he dare to further transition between the fast-traveling mission and the real real world.

After all, she was her lover, and Su Yu never dared to take it lightly.

The night before leaving this world, the night sky looked extraordinarily bright and beautiful. Su Yu and Ling Tian looked side by side at the beautiful and splendid night sky, as well as the sea stained with ink by the night.

"It's so beautiful." Every time he parted, Su Yu felt sour in his heart, and the soreness was deepening, and it was almost unbearable for him.

Knowing that we will see each other again, but still feel extremely uncomfortable, Su Yu has never been so vulnerable.

Ling Tian held Su Yu's hand and nodded, "It's beautiful."

"Turn around." Su Yu turned to look at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian set his eyes on Su Yu, his expression was as calm as ever, and his eyes were as affectionate as ever.

"Close your eyes." Su Yu said again.

Ling Tian obediently closed his eyes.

Su Yu leaned over slowly, her cool lips slowly fell on Ling Tian's lips, and in the next instant, the bodies of the two of them slowly turned into stars in the night.

Those light spots slowly merged together, slowly floated into the air, and interacted with the bright stars in the sky, as if it became the most beautiful scenery in this night...