I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist

Chapter 184: Three words, I love you


Su Yu rolled a few times in the soft and clean quilt, dawdled for a while, and then sat up slowly. He hadn't slept in for a long time, and the fact that he slept in was seriously inconsistent with his image. Second, he didn't feel the need to sleep in.

But this time, he slept extraordinarily sweetly, and it was already ten o'clock in the morning when he woke up.

Turning on the phone and taking a look, Su Yu lay back on the bed again, life seems to be getting more and more boring, maybe he should try to do something that is not boring.

At half past ten, Su Yu got up from the bed, took care of herself, and went downstairs for lunch.

Apart from the servants, he is the only one in the house. The mother should be making the final preparations for the upcoming charity auction in the evening, and the father is probably reluctantly saying goodbye to the calligraphy and painting he is about to send to the auction.

This is a unique charity auction that is enough to cause a sensation in the entertainment and art circles at the same time, and Su Yu himself was also invited because this charity auction was planned by his parents.

Su Yu is not very interested in this charity auction, but he can understand that his parents want to take out his excellent son and make others jealous, so he did not refuse. At this time, he only hoped that this time Charity auctions can't be too boring.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Su Yu, who had been styling at home for a long time, finally went to the charity auction at the urging of her mother.

As a pure businessman, Su Yu did not enter the entertainment industry under the warm hope of his mother, nor did he enter the art world under the daily influence of his father.

But he is not in Jianghu, but Jianghu has his legend. As soon as he arrived at the auction venue, many people came up to chat with Su Yu. Many of these people are about the same age as Su Yu's parents, but they are posing as equals. The appearance of talking to Su Yu shows his intentions.

Although Su Yu's personality is not good, after all, this is a charity auction organized by his parents. Naturally, he will not lose face at such a time, so he politely asks and answers, but his attitude is not eager.

Just when Su Yu was walking among these people with ease, he suddenly felt a deep and fiery gaze falling directly on his back, which made him instantly feel a bad feeling of being stared at by a beast.

Su Yu frowned and looked back, facing a pair of deep eyes with undisguised enthusiasm and concentration.

The owner of the scorpion is an unusually handsome man, who is at most a few years older than himself, but he is much taller than himself.

He held a glass of red wine in his hand, and when he saw Su Yu looking over, instead of withdrawing his gaze awkwardly, he raised the wine glass in his hand, his eyes became even hotter, and the corner of his mouth even raised an ambiguous arc.

Su Yu's brows also wrinkled deeper, not because of the man's rude behavior, but because of the other party's straightforward flirting, he didn't feel disgusted at all, but had the illusion of a heartbeat.

Heart-pounding ghost! The first time they met, they were so obvious to hook up with others, and at first glance, they were not serious people.

Su Yu snorted angrily, barely suppressing the inexplicable throbbing and thirst in her heart, and made up her mind that she must not ignore this frivolous man.

However, this man seems to be on the bar with Su Yu. No matter where Su Yu goes, he can see the figure of this person inadvertently, and the other party's eyes are always wandering on him unscrupulously, so that Su Yu, who has always been calm and composed, has the illusion that she is being viewed by others all the time.

So frivolous! How can a person be so frivolous? !

Su Yu thought so indignantly, but her eyes fell on the man uncontrollably from time to time. Although this man was too frivolous, he had to admit that he was really good-looking and had a great figure. If he took off his clothes if…

"Xiaoyu, the auction is about to start. What about the auction items I asked you to prepare? Why haven't they been delivered yet?" Just when Su Yu was thinking about something, her mother Qiao Ruoshui's eager voice suddenly came.

Su Yu immediately pushed out the absurd fantasies in his mind and concentrated on dealing with his mother: "Mom, didn't I say before that I'm just here to accompany you and Dad?"

It is somewhat impossible for Su Yu to put his personal belongings on the auction table and let others bid in an open and fair manner. After all, this does not fit his personality.

However, Qiao Ruoshui seemed to not see his son's attitude at all, and kept urging: "Why are you so careless, you are not prepared for anything! Since you are not prepared, you can only find something from you, you What did you bring today?"

"Mom, I really..." Su Yu was helpless, but Qiao Ruoshui's mind was obviously filled with the charity auction, and he couldn't listen to his son at all.

She looked Su Yu up and down, and decisively reached out and took off the crown-shaped shirt collar pin on Su Yu's shirt collar. Su Yu lowered her head to stop it, but was accidentally scraped on her lower lip.

"That's it, don't worry," Qiao Ruoshui patted his son on the shoulder and reassured, "Mom has already arranged the bidders, so you don't have to worry about the price of your things being too low."

"But mom..." Su Yu said helplessly, but his mother came and went in a hurry, and she just walked away without giving him a chance to make comments and suggestions.

Su Yu sighed helplessly and could only accept his fate. Sure enough, no matter how cool and cool it is, when it comes to parents, it will collapse.

When Su Yu finally waited for the official auction, when Su Yu tragically found out that his seemingly inconspicuous shirt collar pin was the first to be put out, he almost covered his face directly. It's really not in line with his settings, right

However, what happened next, which wanted him to cover his face even more, was just a shirt collar pin, and more than 20 people participated in the auction.

This is barely understandable, after all, his parental status is not ordinary, even if these people are just to please his parents, it is not too abrupt.

But the scary thing is that five minutes later, when the starting price of this collar pin was only 10,000 yuan, and the price had risen to 500,000 yuan, there were still people following the auction.

"Five hundred and fifty thousand!"

"Six hundred thousand."

"Seven hundred thousand!"

"one million."

At the moment when this number was spit out, the auction site was inexplicably silent for a moment, and then the host smiled and said: "Now this shirt collar pin has been bid for one million, if there is no higher price , then this pin will belong to this guest. Once in a million, a..."

"One hundred and one million!"

"Two million."

The scene was quiet again, and even Su Yu couldn't help but glanced in the direction of the bidder, and then he immediately retracted his gaze, because it was the frivolous man who just called two million!

In the end, Su Yu's collar pin was pocketed by the frivolous man for 2 million. Su Yu watched the man follow the staff to the backstage to sign relevant documents, but his eyes sank a little.

This is so strange. I, who had never cared about emotional matters at all, would have an inexplicable affection for such a frivolous man, especially after the other party did so many strange things, and he was still not at all. I don't hate him. Could it be something wrong with me

A few minutes later, the man came back from the backstage, Su Yu looked over subconsciously, and saw that the man was holding a delicate collar pin with his fingertips. After noticing his sight, the man suddenly curled his lips and smiled, and the general The needle came to his lips and kissed lightly.

With a "boom", Su Yu felt that his whole body was about to burn, so that... that place seems to be where his lips touched just now! His memory is so unbelievable, he must not be wrong!

This bastard, he must have done it on purpose, how can his sultry skills be so good!

But the man just made such an ambiguous action, and then he returned to his seat honestly, but in the entire auction that followed, he never participated in the auction of anything again.

Don't ask how Su Yu knew about this, he would never tell you that he didn't bid on anything in the whole auction, and his attention was all about a certain man.

When this charity auction finally came to a successful conclusion, Su Yu was about to shrink back home quickly with her thumping heart, when she was dragged by her parents to see off guests together.

During the whole process, Su Yu was paying attention to the movements of the very sultry man, but found that he seemed to have disappeared, and he never appeared.

Could it be that when the auction was over, he had already run away

Su Yu was a little puzzled by this, but quickly forced himself to take his mind away from the man. He was just a good-looking man who wanted to hook up with him. He shouldn't pay too much attention.

Maybe after today, the two will never meet again.

Thinking of this, Su Yu's heart inexplicably showed a bit of loss and bitterness.

"Xiaoyu, it's really hard for you today," Qiao Ruoshui let out a long sigh of relief after seeing off all the guests. Although he was exhausted, his voice was full of smiles from the successful auction, "We should also return. home."

"Yeah." Su Yu replied.

"Wife, I'm also working very hard, and Xiaoyu only took a shirt collar pin, but I took out all the treasures in the bottom of the box." Su Mingyun came to his wife's side to ask for credit.

Qiao Ruoshui smiled and patted Su Mingyun's arm: "The calligraphy and paintings that were auctioned today are obviously your practiced works, you are too embarrassed to come over to ask for credit, but Xiaoyu's collar pin surprised me, I thought that In the end, it must be bought back by me, and the result... eh, wait!"

Having said this, Qiao Ruoshui suddenly changed his expression and stopped: "Look at my head, I almost forgot the most important thing!"

Su Yu was a little puzzled: "Mom, have you forgotten anything?"

Before Qiao Ruoshui could respond, a low, smiling voice suddenly came from behind the three of them: "Did Auntie accidentally forget me?"