I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist

Chapter 34: Spread IQ for the national male god


The rhythm of the meeting was too fast, and the shareholders expressed that they were a little incompetent. This meeting has just started, so they jumped directly to the voting session

"Is there anything incomprehensible about my words?" Su Yu raised her eyebrows when she saw everyone's confused expressions, "Okay, then let me explain a little more, and now we will start voting, and the voting time is ten Minutes, those who support my resignation, please cast your precious vote, do you have any questions?"

"..." It feels like there is no difference between explaining and not explaining.

Zhao Yuan coughed twice, and said with a serious expression: "Since Qingsong has said so, then everyone can start voting after careful consideration."

But for a while, none of the eleven shareholders except Su Yu showed any signs of action. As one of them, Zhao Yuan really wanted to vote directly, but he was Su Yu's father after all. Standing up and voting, no matter what you consider it, seems inappropriate.

For a time, the entire conference room fell into an embarrassing silence. Zhao Qinglian, who was sitting behind Zhao Yuan, saw that no one took the initiative to raise his hand to vote. He couldn't help but feel a little anxious. When he opened his mouth, he was stared back by the other party.

Zhao Qinglian held her breath and was extremely annoyed. Zhao Qingsong is an out-and-out pervert. How could such a person continue to sit as the president of Zhao's Entertainment? That seat should have been his!

Obviously it is a simple question, how can no one vote for him! This is not scientific at all!

A thought suddenly flashed through Zhao Qinglian's stubborn head, it must be something Zhao Qingsong did, otherwise things should never be like this!

The more Zhao Qinglian thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was right. He felt that Zhao Qingsong must have secretly used some illegal means to threaten these people, so they did not dare to vote.

It has to be said that from a certain point of view, Zhao Qinglian's thoughts are indeed the truth, but the reason why these people are threatened by Su Yu is not because of any illegal means used by Su Yu, but because he has these in his hands. Evidence of the use of illegal means.

As time passed, Zhao Qinglian, who was full of malicious guesses, couldn't sit still again. He ignored Zhao Yuan's block and said in a humble and studious tone: "Why don't everyone start voting? It's not official yet. start?"

The eyes of everyone at the conference table fell on Zhao Qinglian at the same time, but no one was kind enough to help him answer his questions.

Zhao Qinglian was a little embarrassed to be watched by so many people, and his palms were sweating, he rubbed his palms on his pants, and continued to smile in the tone just now: "I just think it's a little strange, you guys look like It's like they don't dare to vote."

Su Yu looked at Zhao Qinglian with a half-smile, and kindly responded to him: "You mean, I threatened them with shameful means, so they dare not vote for me?"

"I didn't say that, I just think it's weird. I haven't participated in such a meeting, but since it's a vote, it shouldn't take so long, and there's not a single voter, right?" Although Zhao Qinglian wanted to express this Meaning, but he obviously won't admit it outright.

Su Yu nodded and glanced at Zhao Qinglian casually: "Since you don't mean it and you haven't seen the world, then you should shut up."

"..." I feel very angry, why is this person playing cards completely out of common sense? Zhao Qinglian was so choked that he almost fainted.

Zhao Yuan gave Su Yu a stern look, and then swept around the crowd, feeling a little irritable and puzzled. The reactions of these people were completely different from what he expected. If this continues, his plan may not be able to be implemented.

"Qingsong, it's really embarrassing to vote like this, let's change it." Zhao Yuan made a serious proposal, which seemed to be extremely fair and selfless.

Su Yu sneered: "Father said this, as if he really wanted to see me being pushed off the stage, no wonder my father brought more people here today, it turned out to have been the idea for a long time. It's just that It seems too impatient, right? Even before I stepped down, my father was in a hurry to find a new successor for himself. If this matter spreads, I am afraid it will not sound good.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Zhao Yuan widened his eyes and frowned, looking like he was being slandered with integrity, "It's the shareholders meeting now, you'd better correct your identity, don't act like an ignorant person. Like a child, even if I have a temper, I will hold it back until the meeting is over!"

"Is it really appropriate for my father to do this? Let a hairy boy who doesn't understand the rules point fingers here. I just asked casually, and my father gave such a big hat. It seems that he is more like me than me. It's your own son," Su Yu raised her eyebrows indifferently, and after some sarcasm, she didn't give Zhao Yuan a chance to speak again, and directly brought the topic back to the topic, "Okay, now that my father has said so, Then change the voting rules. If you want me to continue to be the president of Zhao Entertainment, please vote, and the voting time is still ten minutes."

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Yuan and Zhao Qinglian breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, but the former breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, while the latter really let out a sigh of relief.

In the ten-minute voting time, the first five minutes were the same as the situation just now. No one raised their hands to vote. Only halfway through the time, only one person raised their hands looking left and right.

Then the second and third slowly appeared... Zhao Yuan looked at these people raising their hands with a livid face. He never imagined that after Su Yu himself admitted that he was gay, there would be people who would choose to support him. !

Zhao Qinglian's face is also very ugly, and he has silently remembered all these people in his small notebook. When he becomes the president of Zhao's Entertainment in the future, he must make these people look good!

With the increase in the number of votes, the total share of the shares of those who participated in the vote also continued to increase, from 3.2% to 7.1%, and finally stopped at 21.3% in nine minutes.

During this process, Su Yu seemed to be leaning on the chair as if he had nothing to do, his eyes swept across the crowd slowly, and his two long legs were shaking leisurely.

With the continuous increase in the proportion of shares, Zhao Qinglian is almost nervous. He has calculated carefully before that there are 12 shareholders participating in the shareholders meeting this time, and the total share ratio is 96%, so as long as Zhao Qingsong is supported The remaining shares account for more than 48%, and this matter is settled.

And Zhao Qingsong himself holds 22% of the shares, that is to say, as long as other people who support him account for more than 26% of the total shares, he can continue to occupy the seat of Zhao's entertainment president.

Zhao Qinglian gritted his teeth secretly, never let this happen!

There was only the last minute of voting time left, and the total share of voters remained at 21.3%. There was no sign of continued improvement. Zhao Qinglian clenched his fists and stared at the few who had not yet voted. While silently praying that the time will pass quickly.

"Hey, it seems that there are only the last 30 seconds left. I will vote for myself first, by the way..." Su Yu suddenly said at this time, as if he realized that there was not much time left to vote, he His eyes swept over the circle of people, and asked with a smile, "Is there anyone else who wants to vote? If you want to vote, you have to hurry up."

Zhao Qinglian glared at Su Yu, who was obviously canvassing for himself, and gritted his teeth: "Brother, you are deliberately disrupting everyone's decision!"

"Really?" Su Yu smiled noncommittally and glanced at the time again, "There are only ten seconds left, let me help you count down, ten... nine..."

Zhao Qinglian swallowed nervously, clasping his hands tightly together, no one will vote again, no one will vote again!

"Eight... Seven... Six..." Su Yu continued to count.

The corners of Zhao Qinglian's mouth collapsed tightly, looking like he was very nervous, but also like he wanted to laugh. There are only a few seconds left. As long as Zhao Qingsong is pushed down from that position, then everything will be his!

Zhao Qinglian seems to have seen his own beautiful and bright future. He will become the president of Zhao's Entertainment, and he will become the focus of everyone's attention!

"Five...four...three..." Su Yu's tone of voice has not changed, as if it has nothing to do with him.

A thin layer of sweat appeared on Zhao Qinglian's forehead because of his excitement. He felt that his whole body was hot, and his head was a little dizzy because he was too excited and nervous.

His chest kept heaving and his breathing became heavier.

Everything is so close, as long as he reaches out his hand, he can...

"Two..." Su Yu's voice continued.

But at the same time, there seems to be a voice sounding at the same time: "I voted, I support Mr. Zhao to continue to serve as the president."

When the words fell, Su Yu also counted: "... Zero, the voting is over."

The tensed muscles on Zhao Qinglian's face due to excitement had not even had time to relax, the dizziness in his brain continued to intensify, and the ups and downs of his chest had not subsided, but all the splendor had relentlessly left him in an instant.

It was like a complete piece of glass that shattered into slag in an instant.

Zhao Qinglian's head went blank for a few seconds, before he remembered to look at the voice that destroyed everything, and then he saw a familiar face. Apart from Zhao Yuan and Zhao Qingsong, the only one present was familiar to him.

"Lin... Uncle?" Zhao Qinglian had met Lin Yan, when he was still in high school, Lin Yan followed Zhao Yuan to the school to see him, and bought him a lot of gifts.

At that time, Lin Yan touched his head and said with a smile that he and his father really look alike, and he will definitely have great prospects in the future.

In Zhao Qinglian's almost blank thoughts, the smiling face and the face that ruthlessly destroyed everything in front of him slowly overlapped, from warm and genial to cruel and ruthless.

At this moment, Zhao Qinglian instinctively wanted to cry, isn't Lin Yan his father's capable leader? Shouldn't he be on his side? But why is he the one who destroyed all his fantasies and future at the most critical moment? !

Then Zhao Qinglian burst into tears.