I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist

Chapter 64: Spread IQ for Taoist apprentices


The ball slowly turned twice. When the lover forgets everything, but only remembers himself, he can only rush over and hold his calf like a small hamster. Thinking about it this way is indeed a little excited, so here comes the question: "How can the host be sure that the male protagonist will lose his memory again, not forgetting you like the original plot, but just remembering you?"

"You should ask yourself this question, don't you even have this kind of basic props in your shopping mall?" Su Yu glanced at the ball indifferently, and there was also a hint of ridicule.

The ball was in tears. The props that can tamper with other people's memories can also be said to be basic props? ! It is completely different from the previous props that make people hard to get up!

But if its own cruel host, the ball does not dare to refute, it can only go to the mall with grief and anger to search: "There are two kinds of props in the system mall that meet the host's requirements, one is [permanent modification] Human Memory Potion], this item can permanently modify a person's memory, the function cannot be withdrawn or changed after use, and the exchange requires 10,000 IQ points; the other is [Modify Human Memory Potion in a Short Term], the use time of the item is 3- 10 days, within the time limit, the user’s memory can be adjusted independently, and the length of time the memory has been modified, but once the time limit is exceeded, the effect of the item will disappear immediately, and this item requires 1,000 IQ points to exchange.”

Su Yu raised her eyebrows: "Ball, don't you think there is a big problem with the pricing of the second item?"

"Is there?" The ball didn't understand Su Yu's meaning for a while, but the body had begun to tense subconsciously, and it felt that its host seemed to start to pit it again.

"Obviously, the usage time limit of the two items before and after is +∞: 1. Why do their prices reach such a strange ratio of 10: 1? Don't you think this is very problematic?" Su Yu flickered the ball without changing his face. A school of serious calm.

The ball burst into tears again. Its IQ may not be that high, but it's not so easy to fool, right? And the really weird thing should be the divine logic of his own host, right

This kind of feeling of being fooled by its own host as a fool is simply too bad. The ball feels that it wants to be quiet and dormant for a long time now.

Su Yu seemed to be unaware of the logical problem in his words, and continued to say seriously: "Such a serious problem definitely needs to be corrected, but your IQ is obviously not enough, so let me correct your mistakes for you. Since you have accompanied me through three worlds, and there is no credit or hard work, I will not adjust the price too low. The price of the item [Modify Human Memory Potion in the Short Term] can be directly changed to 100 IQ points. Now, you should have no opinion, right?"

I have an opinion, and the opinion is particularly big. If I say it, it will directly cause the data to overflow, but will you listen

Even if he knew that his host would not listen, Yuan Qiu couldn't help but complain and said: "Last time, the host didn't promise me, will it not be like that again in the future?"

Okay, what if it's not an example? What about being each other's little angels? Why am I the one who got hurt in the end? QAQ

Su Yu was still calm and said with a smile: "Of course, it's not an example, because I'm just here to help you correct your mistakes this time. Or are you too arrogant to accept any opinions? In this case, I don't Mind going straight back to the real world."

At this moment, the ball once again recalled the deep fear of being threatened by the host to return to the real world, so even if he knew that his host was deliberately haggling, what could he do? It is also very hopeless!

"Lord Host, you're happy." The ball could only look at Su Yu with a gray glow all over his body, not to mention complaining.

"Since you don't have any opinions, this matter was decided so happily," Su Yu ignored the ball, flicked his sleeves, and simply and rudely changed a prop worth 1,000 IQ points to 100 IQ points The price of the point, "Now help me exchange for a [Short-term modification of human memory medicine] item."

The ball has never felt the difficulty of being born so profoundly at this moment. Maybe its existence was a beautiful mistake from the beginning

The ball, which was forced to sell the props at one-tenth of the original price, was speechless, it had never seen such a brazen host!

Su Yu, who got the props, smiled contentedly, and then he started a new topic regardless of the ball's feelings: "How did the dead tiger demon leave?"

The ball, who was crying, didn't have time to mourn for his tragic fate for three seconds, so he was forced to open a new abuse point, and answered honestly: "It seems that it was taken away by other demons, I didn't look closely. "

Su Yu's slender fingertips nodded on the jade platform, and gave the ball a small task: "Check if the tiger demon appeared before in the original plot."

Although he felt that this task was a bit inexplicable, Yuan Qiu could only cry and run to check the original plot: "Master host, this tiger demon also appeared in the original plot, it just appeared some time after the male protagonist's apprenticeship. The number of times is very small, and what he does is only the inconspicuous little demon beside the male protagonist."

Su Yu raised his brows and smiled meaningfully: "This makes things a lot more interesting."

A young tiger demon with a good cultivation level rashly rushed directly to the Demon Lord's apprenticeship ceremony to point fingers. This action seemed to be simply suicide, but just now he was teaching the dead tiger demon a lesson. At that time, he was keenly aware that some of the demons in the demon group had leaked out the spiritual power with killing intent, but they didn't do it in the end, which seemed very interesting.

"Can this information explain any problems?" The IQ of the ball couldn't keep up.

"No, but at least it can tell us that what happened at the previous apprentice ceremony was not as simple as it seemed on the surface," Su Yu shook his head and lay down on the jade platform, "This deity is going to rest, you should be careful. Stare at Mo Han, don't disturb the deity."

"..." I took off my pants, so you told me this? !

After Su Yu slept lazily, he continued to tease his apprentice, but he didn't know that his actions at the apprenticeship ceremony had spread throughout the world of demon cultivation, and even had a tendency to spread to the world of Taoism and magic. .

Yaozun accepted a mortal as his apprentice!

For the sake of this mortal apprentice, Yaozun actually abolished the cultivation of a troublemaker himself!

Yaozun actually gave his demon pill to this mortal apprentice!

One by one, the best news was spread all over the place, and even Mo Han, who was in a small restaurant in a small town on the border between the demon and the Tao, accidentally heard the discussion about it.

Yao Xiu Jia: "Have you heard? Yao Zun actually accepted a mortal as his apprentice, and at the acceptance ceremony, he abolished a demon cultivation base that tried to prevent Yao Zun from accepting disciples!"

Yao Xiuyi: "What is this? What's even more terrifying, Yaozun even gave his own demon pill to that mortal, where is this master and apprentice, this is a demon companion at all!"

Yao Xiu Bing: "This is not something you can say casually. If you are heard by Yao Zun, don't want your cultivation."

Yao Xiuding: "But what he said is clearly the truth. In our demon cultivation world, exchanging demon pills with other demons is the meaning of becoming a demon couple. The demon gods have given demon pills to mortals. It's not a demon companion, could it be that he is helping him heal?"

The speaker was unintentional, the listener was intentional, Mo Han's hand holding the teacup subconsciously tightened, and an incredible thought flashed in his mind, could it be that Ling Tian did not die, but was rescued by the demon master of the demon cultivation world, And accepted as a disciple

But when he threw Ling Tian into the Demon Cultivation World, he was already seriously injured, his muscles were broken, and his dantian was destroyed. Even the Demon Venerable could not save him, right

Unless... Yaozun gave Ling Tian his Yao Dan and used it to extend his life.

And what the demon cultivators just said seemed to be exactly the same as his thoughts, so Ling Tian really didn't die

Mo Han's expression turned cold, and the fingertips holding the teacup turned white. After a while, he stood up and walked to the side of the demon cultivators, and asked with a gentle smile, "I dare to ask a few senior demon cultivators. , I don't know what the name of the mortal who you mentioned just now was accepted as a disciple by Yaozun?"

When a few demon cultivators saw that it was a Taoist cultivator, their expressions showed some contempt, and Yao Xiu Yi snorted: "Boy, isn't your Taoist cultivator the most particular about etiquette? You eavesdropping on other people's words, It seems very out of line with your style."

Mo Han also despised these vulgar demon cultivators in his heart, but after all, it was he who asked for others, so Mo Han could only bow slightly and said, "It is indeed abrupt, but I am also anxious to find me in the world of demon cultivators. The separated senior brothers, that's why I have this question, and I hope that a few seniors can help me understand."

Yao Xiubing looked Mo Han up and down, and seeing that he had a good attitude, he also answered his question: "I heard that the mortal man is called Tian, right?"

"Is it Ling Tian?" Mo Han clenched his fists and his eyes flashed.

These demon cultivators had never seen Ling Tian with their own eyes, so they knew about it, and they only heard about it from the mouths of other demon cultivators, so they were not quite sure and could only give a vague answer: "It seems that Right, is he really the senior brother you're looking for?"

Mo Han had no intention of saying anything more, he just forced a smile and hurriedly thanked him, then turned around and left the restaurant.

Why did Ling Tian really not die!

Why was his luck so good that he was rescued by Yaozun and became a disciple of Yaozun!

Mo Han walked on the road with a gloomy expression on his face, his heart was already covered with a strong resentment, but at the same time, a strange thought also appeared, since Ling Tian was not dead, why did he choose to stay in the demon cultivator world? Also worshipped Yaozun as a teacher

Is it because his body is already riddled with holes, and can only be safe and sound by staying by the side of Yaozun

Or maybe he hated himself so much that he was disappointed with the entire Taoist cultivation world, so he didn't want to come back

But no matter what the reason was, Ling Tian's existence was a great threat to him, and Mo Han would never let him continue to live!

Mo Han slowly raised the corners of his mouth, and there was a flash of ruthlessness in his eyes. Since he can destroy Ling Tian once, he can destroy him a second time. This time, he will never have the chance to turn over again!