I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist

Chapter 8: Spread IQ for the sad president


Su Yu took the bag in surprise, opened it, and there was a box inside, with a basketball pattern printed on the box, and the price was high by looking at the brand.

Thinking that he had casually told Chu Shengyan before that he liked playing basketball in high school, so this was specially bought for him by Chu Shengyan

Thinking of yesterday, he deliberately teased about Chu Shengyan, Su Yu couldn't help but feel a subtle feeling in his heart, and a bright smile instantly bloomed on his face: "Thank you cousin! I like this gift very much!"

Chu Shengyan, who had been silently paying attention to the change in Su Yu's expression, immediately looked away when he heard the words, nodded lightly and said, "If you like it, I'll go upstairs first."

"Okay, I'll tell my cousin to go downstairs after the meal is ready." Su Yu continued to smile brightly.

After Chu Shengyan went upstairs, Su Yu opened the box and watched for a while while holding the limited edition basketball inside, and a meaningful smile slowly appeared on his face.

After Jiang Yueyue gave Zhao He the 1,000 yuan she took from Chu Shengyan, she thought that this was the end of the matter. Who knew that only a week later, Zhao He actually started to bring up old things again. .

"I think your president definitely thinks wrongly about you, are you hiding something from me?" Zhao He looked at Jiang Yueyue with a condemning look, his expression extremely bleak.

Jiang Yueyue looked at Zhao He with inconceivable eyes, anxious and angry in her heart: "Didn't I prove this thing according to the method you said before? There really is nothing between me and our president, you Don't think about it too much, okay?"

After saying this, Jiang Yueyue took the initiative to take Zhao He's arm and shook it gently.

"If there really isn't anything between you, how could he come up with a thousand yuan so easily? Those canvas shoes, no matter how you look at them, aren't worth a hundred yuan, right?" Zhao He's attitude did not change because of this. Converging, on the contrary, he became more assertive, and even pulled out his arm directly from Jiang Yueyue's hand.

Facing Zhao He's attitude, Jiang Yueyue was helpless, but she didn't know how to explain this problem for a while, so she could only ask helplessly: "Ahe, our president and I are really innocent. Yes, we have been together for three years, you should trust me."

Zhao He was unmoved, but slowly took out a photo from his bag: "I really want to believe you, but look at this photo, a dignified CEO, he didn't hesitate to bend over to give it to himself. An ordinary employee in the company is cleaning shoes, how can I not think about it? If other people saw this photo, what do you think they would think?"

Seeing the content in the photo, Jiang Yueyue's eyes widened in surprise. Although Zhao He had told her about it before and asked her to explain it, this was the first time she had taken out this photo.

"You... why do you have this photo?" Jiang Yueyue pointed at the photo, her eyes widening.

Zhao He's eyes flashed slightly, but he quickly regained his previous self-righteousness: "Someone deliberately sent this photo to me, although I don't know who this person is, but his purpose is obvious, just to Ruin the relationship between you and me."

Jiang Yueyue had no doubts about Zhao He's words, and immediately turned her attention from Zhao He's taking out the photo to who sent him this photo and what the other party's purpose was.

Thinking that in the past few days, she had been ridiculed by colleagues in the company because of this incident, and even received a threatening letter, Jiang Yueyue was so angry that she was about to cry again.

"Who the hell is that to take this kind of photo and send it to you specifically? It's so abhorrent!" Jiang Yueyue clenched her pink fist, her cheeks flushed with anger.

Zhao He pouted, put the photo aside, and turned his initial question into concern for Jiang Yueyue: "If you just send me the photo, it's nothing, even if I really have doubts, I don't care. It may be straight to the conclusion, but will ask you first. But what if other people see this photo? Especially your colleagues, I am afraid they will not believe you as much as I do?"

Zhao He seems to have forgotten the matter of forcing Jiang Yueyue to carry her canvas shoes and go to Chu Shengyan to ask for money, and these words can be said so confidently.

Jiang Yueyue was also completely mindless. Not only did she instantly forget the embarrassment she felt when she lingered in front of the president's office for a long time, she was also moved by Zhao He's words, her eyes turned slightly red, and she took his arm again: "Then you say that I am now What should I do? I have no idea who did this kind of thing."

"No matter how ordinary you are, you are just a small employee. It is really difficult to fundamentally solve this problem, but this matter is not only related to you, you can't just let you worry about this matter, right?" Zhao He's eyes After a turn, the topic was slowly brought to the point.

Jiang Yueyue was stunned for a moment, and an unpleasant feeling suddenly rose in her heart. She frowned and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Zhao He raised his eyebrows. He didn't think there was anything wrong with his plan at all. He became more straightforward and said: "This is a common problem between you and your president. Why should you be bothered by these rumors alone? Could it be this matter? Shouldn't he take care of it?"

"But..." Jiang Yueyue bit her lower lip, and said awkwardly, "When this rumor was spread in the company before, the president had already helped to clarify it, and I just said to draw a line with him, this Isn't it a good idea to find him again?"

Zhao He pouted indifferently, patted Jiang Yueyue's hand and said: "You just like to think more, this matter is not to help you, but to help himself. Rumors like this Things, the more senior the person, the greater the influence. As a dignified president, he must be more afraid of these rumors than you, but your colleagues who are soft-hearted and afraid of hardship don't dare to bother him with this kind of thing."

Jiang Yueyue blinked her eyes suspiciously: "Is that really the case?"

"Of course, otherwise why did you think he would be so kind to help you clarify back then? In the end, he was just for himself." Zhao He nodded and directly concluded the matter.

Jiang Yueyue lowered her eyes, she actually believed Zhao He's words: "So that's the case, what should I do now?"

Zhao He picked up the photo again and said the plan that had been brewing for a long time: "I don't know who sent this photo to me, but his purpose is already obvious, if he sees that we have not quarreled over this matter. If there is a falling out, he will definitely not stop there, and maybe he will send these photos directly to your colleagues."

Jiang Yueyue's eyes widened in fright at Zhao He's words, she clutched at his sleeve and said, "Who is it? Why did he do this to me? In the company, I clearly didn't offend anyone."

"It doesn't matter who it is anymore, the most important thing now is how to solve this problem completely." Seeing Jiang Yueyue's expression like this, Zhao He patted her on the shoulder soothingly and handed her the photo Said, "This matter is a problem for you, but it is a trivial matter for your president. You can take this photo to your president and ask him to solve this problem."

Jiang Yueyue held the photo handed over by Zhao He, her expression was a little stunned, but after hesitating for a while, she still gritted her teeth and agreed: "I... I understand."

"But you just made a clear line with him before. If you rashly approach him like this, maybe he will misunderstand that you have undeserved thoughts about him, and it will be bad if you cause any further misunderstandings." Seeing that Jiang Yueyue had listened to his words, Zhao He began to further implement his plan.

Jiang Yueyue raised her head uneasily: "Then what should I do?"

"This problem is actually easy to solve. Since this photo can't be given to him directly, let's sell it." Zhao He shrugged, pretending to be indifferent.

"Sell?" Jiang Yueyue's eyes widened again in an instant, her thoughts were being dragged away by Zhao He, and she had almost no self-awareness.

"Yes, you just said that you found this photo by accident in the office, because you thought it might affect the reputation of the other party, so you went to him with the photo, but you didn't want the other party to have any misunderstanding because of it. So we can only list the price clearly," Zhao He said, took a sip of water from the cup, although he was righteous in his attitude, but he still felt a little guilty in his heart, so he couldn't help comforting Jiang Yueyue. "Yueyue, you don't need to have any psychological burden in this matter, because you are really thinking about the other party by doing this, and there is nothing wrong with it."

"Really?" Jiang Yueyue looked at Zhao He uncertainly, but her attitude was clearly shaken.

Zhao He nodded affirmatively, and continued to put the black into the white: "Of course, you clearly know the existence of the photo. If you don't do anything, you will be sorry for your president."

So Jiang Yueyue once again completely believed Zhao He's words, and even took the initiative to ask: "Then how much should I sell this photo for?"

Regarding this question, Zhao He thought about it for a while. He originally planned to ask for 10,000 yuan, but he thought that the other party was a big president after all. The price was too low, which was too sorry for his identity. After thinking about it, he gave An answer that made Jiang Yueyue's eyes widen for the third time: "Five thousand."

"Five... fifty thousand?!" Jiang Yueyue was almost speechless.

"Don't forget his identity. As the dignified president, this matter is related to his reputation. If the price is too low, maybe he will think that you are deliberately belittling his identity." If not worried The other party will become angry and refuse this matter. Zhao He still wants to set the price higher. "Besides, if he mistakenly thinks that you are interested in him for this reason, it will be even more of a loss."

Jiang Yueyue looked at Zhao He with a dull face, and was finally persuaded by the other party without thinking: "Then... ok."