I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist

Chapter 85: Spread IQ for the doomsday boss


When Song Yijin and Luo Zhenzhen came in together, Su Yu was sitting opposite Song Yiming drinking a glass of freshly squeezed juice. It was very rare to be able to enjoy a cup of freshly squeezed juice in the last world, in such a comfortable and quiet environment.

"Big brother." The moment Song Yijin saw Su Yu, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly subsided, and Luo Zhenzhen was even more obvious, staring at Su Yu with shock and jealousy almost all the time. .

At first, Su Yu only thought that he was too handsome, and the other party would react this way. He didn't return until he saw that Song Yijin and Luo Zhenzhen entered the living room and didn't sit down, but stood upright not far from the sofa. Come over.

It seems that what they are surprised and jealous of is not their looks, but the fact that they can sit on the sofa, while they can only stand? Su Yu's fingertips tapped on the wall of the cup, and then smiled slowly, this way of pulling hatred is really good.

Song Yiming, who was sitting in a wheelchair, just nodded lightly, and then asked bluntly, "What do you have to do with me?"

Su Yu's eyes turned between Song Yiming and Song Yijin. With such a straightforward attitude, the posture of you standing and sitting with me really doesn't look like a brother, but it seems more like a superior

Judging from the atmosphere between the two at this moment, it seems that it is not consistent with the description in the original plot.

In the original plot, although the relationship between Song Yiming and Song Yijin is not too close, but at least on the surface it can be called a brother and brother Gong, Song Yiming still trusts this younger brother, otherwise he will not be easily killed by the other party.

So is this scene in front of him dazzled, or is there really something wrong

"I just came to see eldest brother. The eldest brother has been working hard for the base these days, but I can't help much, so I always feel very ashamed," Song Yijin didn't mention Su Yu directly, but brought his own face first. He sighed responsibly, "If eldest brother has anything I can help here, eldest brother must not be polite to me."

Song Yiming did not play cards according to the routine at all. Not only did he not feel moved when he heard the words, but he asked rather unceremoniously, "What do you think you can do?"

Song Yijin was choked for a moment, but the expression on his face became even more apologetic: "It's all my fault that I didn't successfully awaken the power, and now I'm afraid I can only help the big brother with some trivial matters inside the base."

Hearing this, Su Yu's eyes flashed slightly. In the original plot, didn't Song Yijin successfully awaken the fire element at the beginning of the apocalypse

Su Yu's eyes sank slightly and asked Yuan Qiu, "Do you feel that the development of the plot is not quite right?"

"It seems to be different from the original plot, but I don't know what's going on. It stands to reason that before the host comes to this world, the plot line should follow the original plot." Round Ball It is also in a state of confusion. It feels that it may be a fake system. Why is it more confused than its own host when it comes to things related to tasks

Su Yu rolled his eyes helplessly. Sure enough, there is such an unreliable system. No matter what happens, he can only find the answer by himself.

Song Yijin just saw Su Yu's expression, frowned slightly and said, "I don't know what this gentleman thinks of my words?"

"I don't have a big opinion, I just think Mr. Song's words are very interesting." Su Yu smiled slightly, looking innocent and harmless.

Song Yijin's forehead jumped slightly, what the hell is "Mr. Song"

"This gentleman's words are really interesting," Song Yijin smiled unpleasantly, and turned to ask Song Yiming, "Brother, I heard Zhenzhen say before that there was suddenly a dedicated doctor beside him, is this the gentleman? ?"

Song Yiming nodded coldly: "It's him, you don't need to worry about the base for the time being. If there is nothing else, you can go back."

Song Yijin's words were obviously asking around the corner what the so-called "exclusive doctor" was about, but Song Yiming refused to mention a word. In the past, he secretly gave Luo Zhenzhen a wink.

Luo Zhenzhen understood and said with concern: "A-Ming, where did this Mr. Jiang come from? Why haven't I seen him before?"

"Do I need to explain my affairs to you?" Song Yiming gave Luo Zhenzhen a cold look, and suddenly his temper broke out, "I don't want to see you now, get out of here!"

Luo Zhenzhen was taken aback, and Song Yijin's face was not very good-looking, but he knew his brother's temper very well, so he didn't dare to say anything at the moment, he just said with concern: "Since the elder brother is not happy, then we will go back first, Brother if..."

"Get out!" Song Yiming didn't want to listen to a word, and interrupted Song Yijin's words directly.

Su Yu blinked and looked at Song Yiming. He didn't expect the temperament of lovers in this world to be so moody. One moment he was talking well, but the next moment he was full of anger. Can he say that he actually likes such a lover? Because this setting sounds very interesting.

Song Yijin gritted his teeth and had to leave with Luo Zhenzhen without saying a word. As for his purpose of coming here, he didn't achieve it at all, and was laughed at by a stranger instead.

Su Yu really didn't laugh at Song Yijin, because he was regretting that his scum abuse plan had no chance to be implemented.

After leaving the villa, Luo Zhenzhen couldn't help but angrily said: "A Jin, how long do we have to live like this? It's not like you don't know what kind of virtue your eldest brother is, and you still insist on asking me to get close to him, I really am. Fed up!"

Song Yijin's face was also full of haze. After a while, he comforted Luo Zhenzhen softly: "Come on, such days will soon end, and his good days will come to an end."

"Really?" Luo Zhenzhen's eyes flashed brightly, "But your eldest brother doesn't trust us at all now, and those people are only willing to listen to him. Do you really have a plan?"

"This may sound difficult, but what if he dies?" A distorted smile appeared on Song Yijin's face. As long as there is no Song Yiming in this world, everything will be wonderful, right

Luo Zhenzhen was stunned for a moment, the expression on her face was both nervous and excited: "You can really... Yes, you have awakened fire-type abilities now, and your elder brother is just a waste... "

"Shh..." Song Yijin put her fingertips to her lips and said softly, "It's good that you know me, so why say it?"

Luo Zhenzhen looked at Song Yijin with bright eyes: "Don't worry, there is no one else here, no one will know about it, but when are you going to do it? I really can't stand your eldest brother, his ghost looks really It's very emotional!"

"The more you get to the key point, the more you have to be careful, don't be impatient," Song Yijin took a deep breath, the expression on his face has slowly returned to calm, "You are still acting like before, don't worry about him these days. How do you feel about you, do you know?"

Luo Zhenzhen nodded reluctantly: "I see, but you also know very well that no matter what I do, he can't give me a good face."

"Don't worry, this will all be over soon." Song Yijin patted Luo Zhenzhen on the shoulder soothingly.

However, it is impossible that only heaven and earth know this matter, you know and I know, because there is also an advanced intelligent system called the ball in this world.

After learning this shocking secret, Yuan Qiu could not wait to share it with his host immediately, but Su Yu is now flirting with Song Yiming.

"Don't Mr. Song like others sitting on the sofa?" Su Yu asked with a smile.

Song Yiming's expression was a little gloomy: "I just don't like others touching my things."

"But I'm sitting on the sofa right now. Didn't Mr. Song drive me away?" Su Yu stroked her hand on the soft sofa, and smiled even more happily.

Song Yiming fell silent, and he didn't understand why he was so tolerant of this person, which was not in line with his personality at all.

"If you want to leave, you can just leave." After a long silence, Song Yiming only spit out this sentence.

Su Yu immediately shook his head and said solemnly, "I think it's good to stay by Mr. Song's side, so don't leave."

Song Yiming pursed his lips. He didn't want to admit it. When he heard this sentence, his heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably: "I'll go upstairs."

"Wait a minute, I have another question," Su Yu shook her hand and continued tentatively when Song Yiming stopped, "That pretty lady just now, should be Mr. Song's fiancee, right?"

"Fiancée?" Song Yiming's eyebrows moved, and his sharp eyes fixed on Su Yu for a moment, "There seems to be no such person around me, and... Is she beautiful?"

Su Yu was very surprised, and secretly laughed at her lover as if she had missed the point, but she just smiled embarrassedly: "Sorry, I was just worried that I would have no chance, that's why I asked this question. If you answer like this, I will be relieved."

Song Yiming inexplicably wanted to ask if the "opportunity" he said was the same as what he understood, but after a while, he finally walked away without saying anything.

After sending Song Yiming away, the ball that was almost unable to hold back immediately jumped out: "Master host, I just heard that Song Yijin was discussing with Luo Zhenzhen about killing the male protagonist. This is simply too scary!"

"But why do I think your tone seems to be full of excitement?" Su Yu gave the ball a white eye while analyzing it in her heart.

The current plot line is very wrong. Although the end of the world is still coming step by step, Song Yiming has indeed come from City B to City S, and has initially established a base, but many places are very wrong.

The relationship between Song Yiming and Song Yijin has deteriorated a lot. Luo Zhenzhen is no longer Song Yiming's fiancee, and even the character shown by the male protagonist is different from the original plot. caused the butterfly effect.

So what exactly went wrong

"I... I'm not very excited, either?" The ball swayed his round body up and down, and his voice lacked confidence, "I just think that such an excellent opportunity is very suitable for you to play a hero to save a hero. "

"Really?" Su Yu replied noncommittally, and his mind has begun to expand. If such a plot flaw appears, is there a problem with the plot he got, or is there a problem with a character in this world? Or is there another external factor in this world

But no matter what the reason is, at least the result is very pleasing. Isn't it a wonderful thing that the lover has no fiancee that he hates