I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist

Chapter 89: Spread IQ for the doomsday boss


The sweat on Song Yiming's body instantly came out again, and his voice was deeper and more magnetic than usual: "You don't have to do it in the front, you can press it next time."

The lower body has already been immobile for a long time, but somewhere is so active, it is simply embarrassing.

Su Yu was overjoyed, but she said with a serious face: "How can this work? Since the massage has already started, it has to be pressed in place before and after. Since Mr. Song has even taken off his pants, why bother with such a trivial matter? Comparing?"

There is something wrong with this, but the description seems to be true. Song Yiming held back for a while, and then barely managed to say a sentence: "I'm not feeling well, let's continue next time."

Su Yu asked nervously: "What's wrong with Mr. Song? Is the place you just pressed uncomfortable? I just forgot to tell Mr. Song that if you feel any discomfort during the massage, you must tell me in time. "

"No," Song Yiming's voice had a taste of gnashing his teeth. He could say such an embarrassing question, "Don't ask any more, this massage will stop here."

Although Su Yu wanted to be sultry all the time, he also knew the reason for taking enough time. Seeing that Song Yiming had been asked a little embarrassed, he also sighed in a lost tone: "That's fine, but if Mr. Song has any discomfort afterwards. , please be sure to tell me in time, and don't stand alone."

"I will." Song Yiming took a deep breath, trying to suppress the double shock of his body and spirit.

Su Yu took out three bottles of red, yellow, and green medicines from his pocket and put them on the coffee table in the living room: "Mr. Song, this is the medicine I specially prepared for you. The medicines in the red and green bottles are for regulating the body. , take one tablet a day, and Mr. Song can take it every morning when he gets up. As for the medicine in the yellow bottle, it is used to treat Mr. Song's legs. After taking it, it may cause great side effects in a short period of time. Mr. Song had better be fully prepared before taking it."

In the red bottle is the rejuvenation pill, which is used to replenish Qi and blood to Song Yiming and enhance his physique.

In the green bottle is Qingxin Dan, which is used to regulate Song Yiming's emotions and clear the stagnation in his heart.

As for the yellow bottle, it was a pill for washing marrow, which could directly treat Song Yiming's legs, and also remove all the dark wounds in his body.

In fact, Su Yu didn't want to help Song Yiming heal his legs so quickly. First, he really wanted to keep his lover abstinent for a few days. Second, he also wanted to take this opportunity to tease his lover, but he saw Song Yiming's legs before. After the injury and his state in his room, Su Yu changed his mind.

He can't let his lover continue to ups and downs in such an extremely negative state because of his selfishness. There is a bottom line in everything. After that line, good love will become torture for each other.

What's more, his seductive skills are full of points. Even if the situation changes, Su Yu still firmly believes that with his seductive skills, he can definitely seduce his lover. Of course, the person who was crushed to cry in the end may be himself. That's it.

Song Yiming turned his head to look at the three bottles of medicine on the coffee table, and said without any emotion, "I see."

Su Yu, who was determined to continue flirting, asked, "Does Mr. Song need me to carry you to a wheelchair and send you back to your room? After all, being massaged will also consume physical strength."

"No, you can go back to your room first." Song Yiming's ears turned red suspiciously.

"Okay then." Su Yu shrugged, and before leaving, his rippling eyes swept around Song Yiming's thigh again.

After confirming that Su Yu had returned to the room, Song Yiming took a deep breath, got up from the sofa as fast as possible, returned to the wheelchair, quickly picked up the medicine, and fled.

Poor Song Yiming didn't know that all his actions were actually peeped by Su Yu, and it was rare to see his lover so panicked and cute. At this moment, Su Yu was lying on the bed and laughing non-stop, but the next moment, he Couldn't laugh anymore.

Because Song Yiming took the yellow medicine bottle immediately after returning to his room to adjust his condition, and swallowed the only medicine pill in it almost without looking at it.

Such an unhesitating move made Su Yu slowly sit up straight. He had taken the Xisui Dan before. Although the effect was not as good as in the Xianxia world, it could indeed completely improve his body functions, but it was only a side effect. Some are big.

Song Yiming went into the toilet ten minutes after taking the Xisui Dan, and he couldn't come out smoothly for half an hour after that. When he finally got rid of this state and came out of the toilet, Su Yu's eyes flashed slightly. a bit.

The effect of Xisui Dan should be immediate, but why is the lover in a wheelchair when he comes out

Su Yu had a bad premonition in his heart. He clenched his fists and stared intently at his lover's movements. He didn't sit on the bed until he saw his lover effortlessly move his lower body, and his heart sank.

Why can't even wash the marrow pill to cure the lover's leg disease

"Ball." Su Yu called out to the ball in a deep voice.

The ball floated in immediately from the outside. When the host was peeping at the male protagonist's daily life, the ball consciously avoided it. Even if he entered the room at this time, its eyes honestly did not look at the screen: "Master host, do you have any orders?"

"Just now Song Yiming has already taken the pill, but he still can't stand up. What's going on?" Su Yu's expression was very serious. The pill had obviously affected Song Yiming's body, but it couldn't cure him. Legs, what does this say

The ball was also stunned for a moment, and then immediately carried out a detailed scan of Song Yiming's body, and stammered: "Su... Master host, I just checked the male protagonist's body, and his current physical condition has indeed greatly improved. , but... But his legs still seem to be the same, I, I, I... I don't know what's going on. Obviously, the effect of Xisui Dan should be able to treat his leg disease.

The thoughts in his heart were proved by facts, and Su Yu's expression became darker and darker. If even the heaven-defying pills like Xisui Dan could not cure his lover's legs, is he really destined to be unable to stand up in this life

But what exactly causes this

Song Yiming's legs suddenly lost consciousness at the age of twenty-five, neither the cause nor the cure, and the plot line in this world that has been crooked to the sky, is there any connection between the two

Su Yu's brain was running fast. He put together all the situations that were not in line with expectations, and slowly explored the possible inevitable connections. When he suddenly thought of a possibility, his eyes couldn't help but light up.

He opened the package again, carefully observed the world fragments in the package, and then raised his eyes to ask the still crying ball: "Is there any way to manually obtain Song Yiming's soul fragments?"

After leaving the second world, Su Yu had already deduced that the so-called fragments of the world were actually part of the lover's soul.

"Ah?" Yuan Qiu was stunned for a moment, before he reacted, and suddenly shouted, "Master host, do you want to murder your husband?! If you force the soul fragments out of the male lead, he will He will die immediately!"

Su Yu rubbed his brows weakly: "I suspect that Song Yiming's body now contains two fragments of the world, and it is this that has caused his physical defects and the twist of the entire plot line."

The ball thought carefully for a while before barely catching up with his host's thoughts: "Eh? Is it still possible that this situation exists?"

"I only have this guess right now. If this is the case, as long as the extra world fragment is taken out of his body, it should be able to solve the problem," Su Yu frowned slightly, because he thought of another a possibility, "but if the two world fragments have been completely fused within him..."

Since the fragments of the world will immediately merge with the fragments of the previous world after they are separated from the original world, then these two pieces... Su Yu sighed lightly, now is not the time to consider this possibility, and even if it really reaches that point, he will Will not give up easily.

"Go to the mall first to check if there are any items that can detect and extract soul fragments. It must not have any negative impact on the body of the user." Su Yu gave the ball an order again.

The ball immediately searched, and finally found only one prop that barely met the requirements: "There is a prop called [Soul Extractor], its function is to extract the soul of the target person, as long as the user is completely voluntary , this item will not cause any harm to the user, which is equivalent to a painless death; but if it is forced to extract the soul... the whole process will be extremely brutal, in addition... if you want to exchange this item, you need to spend 100,000 IQ points point."

When it comes to the last half of the sentence, the sound of the ball is inaudible. After being slaughtered again and again by its own host, it has clearly realized that the item prices marked in the mall are useless at all, because its own host always Can use all kinds of shameless methods to make the price of props into his ideal number.

Sure enough, when Su Yu heard the words, he immediately said earnestly, "Ball, who do you think is responsible for what happened to Song Yiming this time?"

The ball was heartbroken again, and shrunk into a ball with a guilty conscience: "Maybe it might be... my responsibility?"

"It's rare for you to be smart," Su Yu nodded affirmatively and asked again, "So should you take full responsibility for your fault?"

"It seems to be QAQ." Round Ball felt like he wanted to cry, he said so innocently.

"Then take out the props." Su Yu politely stretched out his hands.

The ball finally couldn't help crying, so this time, does the host plan to get the props worth 100,000 IQ points without a hitch? What's the difference between this and a hooligan!