I’m the MC, Why Do I Suck at Cultivation

Chapter 101: Testimonials on the shelf!


On February 11, 2020, the book is on the shelves!

It was all so fast that I didn't even realize it, it was going to be on the shelves. (Actually, I have been waiting for a long time)

But to be honest, this book almost wanted a eunuch at the beginning.

In the first week of signing, 500 collections were collected.

In the second week of signing, 500 collections were collected.

The novels of the house next door have been collected by 5,000.

At that time, I was ready to run away, because this book requires cheats and no cheats, and the system is not good enough, except for the setting of being handsome, it has nothing to do, so poor grades are simply too normal.

But then I found out that there are so many handsome guys in the readers of novels! They all say that there is a sense of substitution, and some even say that the protagonist is not handsome enough, and the sense of substitution is always poor, so I hurriedly write the protagonist to be more handsome, and write in the mirror every day, but unfortunately it is difficult to truly portray 1% of me He is so handsome, there is no way to write better.

With the appearance of handsome readers, the performance of this book is getting better and better. First, the book friends who read on QQ took the lead. Within ten days, they won the first place in the free list. Unfortunately, because they signed the contract too early, they will download it when the time comes. I made the list, and then there were two shockingly handsome leaders in a row, who almost surpassed me in handsomeness, but fortunately they were suppressed by me.

Then the grades of Qidian suddenly increased sharply, and the data in all aspects skyrocketed, which made me realize that the readers of Qidian are also handsome guys

It seems that the saying that things are divided into categories is true. Only handsome people will like this kind of book.

Later, after the grades were good, the author also seriously coded the words, but it was hard to say, some book friends said this was not good, and some book friends said it was not good, the author just read it, after all, I am not a master or a platinum writer, It is impossible to write a work that everyone is satisfied with.

Just like what Tang Jiasan said, each author can only attract 5% of readers, and it is impossible to attract all readers.

The author can only strive to make the 5% handsome readers like this book, as long as they are not handsome, they cannot be replaced, and I have no idea.

Now that the book is about to hit the shelves, let's seriously write some emotions.

I'm a jerk!

A super super super big hit the street!

Newcomers and new accounts, writing books in Qidian, a leading company, it is very difficult to stir up waves among millions of books.

I have been writing books for many years, and I often rush to the streets. Although I will never die of hunger or thirst, everyone wants to succeed.

Just like playing games, who doesn't want to be the number one in games? Who doesn't want to be the prettiest pup

I think!

I really want to!

I want to be enchanted!

In order to be able to write the results, I would rather reduce my face value by 90%, even if there are only 99999 points of face value left (10 for normal people), I am willing.

I really really want to be successful, and I think one day, I can become a great author! Become a famous author!

I think that one day, the works I wrote will be followed by many book lovers once they are released!

I think one day, I can become a famous writer!

There is nothing subtle and unreserved! I want to be successful!

But I know that relying on this book, it is very difficult to reach the sky in one step.

But I also know that a tall building starts on the ground, and only by laying a good foundation can we go up step by step.

So I will use 12% of my energy to write this book well.

Perhaps this book has many flaws!

Maybe this book has a lot of problems!

But there is a first time in life!

This book is not well written, please bear with me! A lot of advice! I will strive to write better in the future!

Now, coming soon!

Destiny is in the hands of the readers.

I know that there are many book clubs who will prostitute for nothing, but I really beg all readers to be great! As long as you have a little financial strength, can you recharge and subscribe!

According to the author's plan for four to five shifts per day in the future, the daily fee may be less than one yuan, and thirty yuan a month can be regarded as a membership.

I really beg all the readers who have read this book.

Because the results of this book are really important to me.

And I implore everyone to come to [Starting Reading] to support! Download the APP [Starting Reading].

Book friends who read on QQ, if you don’t find it troublesome, you can download [Starting Reading], subscribe to tomorrow’s first subscription, and then go to QQ to read and watch.

It's not that the author doesn't like book friends who read on QQ.

Instead, this book is first published on [Quanben Novel Network], and the editor only looks at the results of [Starting Reading], [QQ Reading] and [Starting Reading] are the same, but for this book, the results of [Starting Reading] are the most important. direct.

All the recommended arrangements in the future will be arranged based on the first order of [Starting Reading].

Of course, for monthly tickets, you can vote directly, no matter which platform you use.

And for any support, the author is grateful! No matter where your friends come from, after all, you are handsome regardless of your background.

Brothers and sisters!

Finally, I begged for a subscription.

Brothers of the whoring party! Please, add some money!

Use a classic sentence: "Brother, please sing a song, you will never sleep all night!"



Finally, we will announce a die-hard fan group!

131965944! (Brother Ordinary Big Brother's die-hard fan group)

Since this group is a hardcore fan group, we hope to be hardcore fans, and those with a fan value of more than 500 can join the group!

I made a few common groups before, and the result is that people post pictures every day! There are people making trouble every day, and finally disbanded because of upset.

This group hopes that readers who are really willing to support the author will join in. It is best to chat, chat, and discuss the plot.

Thank you so much readers!

Continue to code words, and the tenth update will explode on the same day!

The approximate process is that at noon on 2.11, chapter 5 will be updated first, and then chapter 5 will be updated! Ten chapters will be updated within 24 hours.

After that, 4~5 days a day will be more stable!

Thank you!

After being put on the shelves at the same time, beg for a monthly pass!

In the last new week, let’s ask for recommendation tickets and rewards again, so that the data before the listing will look better. For every 2,000 recommendation tickets, someone has agreed to reward the leader!

If you tip, everyone is welcome, just one dollar! The main thing is to keep the number of tippers from being too lonely!
