I’m the MC, Why Do I Suck at Cultivation

Chapter 46: A vision that has been brewing for a long time


"Brothers, if you have any doubts about cultivation, I will answer them one by one today. The brothers who teach the Tao are not talented enough, so I won't make fun of them."

Lu Changsheng opened his mouth, he prepared the class for a day, and originally planned to take out the Huang Ting Jing again, but after thinking about it, it's not interesting.

It’s not that the Huang Ting Jing is not good, but it’s just that preaching and teaching these disciples, some people understand and some don’t, then the meaning of preaching and teaching is gone.

It's better to let all the disciples ask their own questions and answer them one by one.

"Senior brother! This disciple has a doubt! I hope the senior brother can answer!"

Some disciples got up immediately.

Seizing the opportunity has attracted the envy of many disciples.


When Lu Changsheng spoke, he looked extremely extraordinary.

"Brother recently, when he was practicing the Great Flame Fire Dragon, he found that his power was not strong enough to give full play to 30% to 40% of its power. I hope you can give me some advice."

The other party said so.

Great Fire Dragon

What method

Why does it sound so sandy

Is adding a dragon strong enough

Lu Changsheng had no idea.

This touched the blind spot of his knowledge.

No, Lu Changsheng thought slightly in his heart. When he first came to Daluo Holy Land, he seemed to have seen an explanation about Taoism.

He forgot whether the jade book was called Dao Fa Up and Down Five Thousand Years, or the origin of Dao Fa.

But he almost understood a little bit, and now Lu Changsheng replied slowly.

"Everyone has their own method, the power is weak, maybe because of physical problems, some people are suitable for the fire-type Taoism, and some people are not suitable for the fire-type Taoism, you can try another kind of Taoism."

When the other party asked such a question, Lu Changsheng could only answer normally.

After the latter learned about it, he couldn't help but nodded and said: "Thank you for your guidance, brother, I understand."

Fortunately, the other party readily accepted this answer, so that they would not be entangled with one question all the time.

"The next question, don't ask about Taoism. There are 360,000 ancient books in Wanshu Pavilion. Read more and read more. The way to solve puzzles is inside."

Lu Changsheng looked at the other disciples who were about to make a move, and immediately opened his mouth to stop all kinds of questions from these people in advance.

If you just ask about the Fa, your head will explode.

"Brother, this disciple dares to ask, what is cultivation?"

Since they were not allowed to ask about the Fa, many disciples lost interest, but some disciples still got up and asked.

What is practice

Lu Changsheng thought for a while, then spoke.

"Cultivation is not about fighting and killing. Practice is about the world. When we practice, we should not be covered by the passing clouds in front of us. Whether it is fame and fortune, whether it is Dao and Dharma, we must take it lightly, let go of some attachments, and experience the world of mortals more. Only with all kinds of attitudes can you better stabilize your Dao heart."

"If a monk values fame and fortune, what kind of monk is he? It's nothing more than a stronger mortal."

Lu Changsheng replied.

"But the ancients said, we monks, when we are born, we should fight for a Misty Dao, and I ask senior brother to answer."

The disciple continued.

And Lu Changsheng said without hesitation.

"The ancient saying is not wrong, but you only see the surface, but not the inside."

"Compete with the sky, strive for a chance of survival! Compete with others, strive for self-confidence! Instead of fighting for strength and aggressiveness, if you want to fight, you must fight against yourself. If you regard others as your goal, is there an end?"

"The outer sect envied the inner sect, the inner sect envied the core, the core envied the true biography, the true biography envied the holy son, the holy son envied the holy master, and the holy master envied the stronger holy master. If this continues, it will be endless, do you understand?"

Lu Changsheng said this.

"The disciple understands."

All the disciples nodded one after another, some were thoughtful, some suddenly realized, and some were mesmerized.

In fact, Lu Changsheng himself didn't know what he was talking about. Anyway, these people like to hear the truth, so let's tell them.

But this time teaching and preaching, there was no vision.

This made Lu Changsheng a little curious.

Is it possible to say that you are immune

Or is it brewing

Take back your cranky thoughts.

Lu Changsheng continued to answer.

There are 100,000 disciples, and there are 100,000 questions. It is naturally impossible for Lu Changsheng to answer 100,000 questions.

Just pick some quite pleasing disciples to answer the questions.

Of course, this is quite pleasing to the eye because of its high appearance.

There is no way, after all, this is a realm of cultivating immortals with respect for appearance.

In fact, Lu Changsheng was once curious.

Why is the world of fairy tales I traveled through completely different from the novels I read

Isn't the strong respected

How did the style of painting become the value of appearance

Even Lu Changsheng once thought that if his story was written as a novel, the introduction should be like this.

This is a world where beauty is valued, there is no routine of withdrawing marriage and slapping face, there are only extremely derived beauty techniques.

Yan Zhe, Yan Master, Great Yan Master, Yan Ling, Yan Wang, Yan Huang, Yan Zong, Yan Zun, Yan Sheng, Yan Emperor.

And the young Lu Changsheng, who came through time travel, is the strongest Emperor Yan.

The story begins here.

Take back outlandish ideas.

Lu Changsheng began to answer the questions one by one.

It was almost dark.

Lu Changsheng spoke slowly.

"After an hour, the discussion will end."

From day to night, for eight full hours, Lu Changsheng didn't even drink a sip of water for eight hours.

Not that I'm tired, just a little tired.

Most of the questions asked by these disciples were how to practice, how to improve their strength, and how to become stronger.

Isn't there a question, how to improve the appearance

No wonder after so many years, he is still an outer disciple. Sure enough, there is a reason.

Just at this moment.

A disciple stood up, this is a true disciple, looking at Lu Changsheng.

This person is very extraordinary, surrounded by purple lightning, just standing there, he has a terrifying aura.

The only disadvantage is that it looks very ordinary. If it weren't for the special effect of purple lightning, it would be a common man among the crowd.

"Eldest brother, my junior brother has a question I want to ask."


"Senior brother, we monks have fought against the sky, the earth, and people. We have paid too much for the road to immortality, but from ancient times to modern times, only those few can become immortals. It took a hundred years for the younger brother to be incompetent." Time has only reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul, but after more than two hundred years of pause, it is still in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, so it seems brilliant, but it is difficult to become a fairy in one's life."

"Junior brother is not talented, and he has barely become a true disciple. He already knows that the road to immortality is broken. And where are the roads to immortality for these core juniors, inner disciples, outer disciples, and even those ordinary people?"

"The sage said, the great way is fifty, and one of them escapes. Please tell me, brother, where is this chance of survival!"

The disciple knelt on the ground and asked sincerely.

At this moment, all the disciples felt it. They all knelt down, kowtowed to Lu Changsheng, and asked this question.

The meaning of the other party is very simple.

I am a true disciple of Da Luo. I have only been practicing for a hundred years, and I am already in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

I am still a true disciple of Da Luo, so it is impossible to become a fairy.

What about these people

The fairy road is so difficult.

what should we do!

This question is very well asked.

Lu Changsheng didn't answer immediately, but thought about it carefully.

After a while.

Lu Changsheng spoke.

"Tian Xingjian... ."

Three words just appeared.

this moment.

The stars are shining!

It seems that a vision that has been brewing for a long time has appeared.